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i must have missed the origin of this kuso maymay.
what's the deal with this garbage
Is he teleporting behind that guy?
Waa! Sugoi ne!
mirin dolphin form
>only fat bitch pays attention to him
He's fast!
please stop
these images are so stupid I cant handle it
Bad man: B-Bakana!
something i made earlier today
Good luck, you will end up in jail.
my personal favourite
Uso da! Sonna! Bakana!!
what shithole do you live in? where i live if you attack/kill someone in self defense, especially your own home, your almost certain to get paid leave and only be held in the nicest of waiting cells before you testify in court and go on you r way. t. did jury duty for a similar case
>don't hesitate because he has a GUN and you don't
way to get people fucking killed.
As if the retard had ever a chance to kill the shooter, especially with his way to hold his scissors.
On second thought, if you're following a wiki how on how to deal with dangerous situations you probably don't deserve to survive them.
Do you seriously read that and thought to yourself it was serious? How autistic can you be?
Do you honestly think people out there in the world WON'T take it seriously? Kill yourself.
Who gives a flying fuck? By that logic, maybe you shouldn't tell people to kill themselves because they might take it seriously. Fuck off, nigger. If you're too retarded to identify irony, satire or basic trolling then maybe it's you who has to take care of yourself, not the rest of the world for you.
Oh, I do hope you take it seriously. Way to read too much into what i said and project your own insecurities.
>implying the projection of your killing intent won't make him drop the gun
More satirical wikitips?
Brazil maybe?
Actually people underestimate the usefulness of guns in close quarters. There are police training videos showing that you basically need about 30 or so feet to actually draw and shoot on a attacker, and that doesn't account for misses or the attacker just not stopping after a shot which is a good chance in a situation that tense.
Of course there are plenty of situations where some idiot charges a gunman and just gets killed with the gunman backing off but its not as simple as it seems. Krav maga also has a few techniques that disarm guns effectiveness at close range rather quickly, so saying its not even worth considering is silly.
Cops have to go through training on how to disarm as well, I don't think a how to is actually going to save your life but in an emergency people usually just turn to quivering masses of goo so any type of plan could easily save their lives.
This also doesn't account for the realities that anyone with a gun robbing a place is usually high or an idiot as well. They aren't expecting resistance most of the time.
>disarming guns properly when you have prior training
>stabbing the shooter with scissors because wikihow said to do it
Very, very different things going on here user.
Is this supposed to be some sort of gay indoctrination?
Philippines is the only country retarded enough to do that
this is straight up propaganda
Megane a shit.
>how to get over anime addiction
What am I reading and looking at?
happens in south america, you get sued/killed by robbers family
Everyone needs a little help.
Burglars are no match for me when I unleash the power in my left eye. Sure, I lose a bit of my vision each time I use it, but it cannot be helped
thank you based wiki how
>Determine your emotional attachment to Anime. Does your entire life revolve around Anime? If you really cannot tell, you may have to take a step back and try to see things from an outside point of view. Ask yourself these questions to determine just how emotionally attached you are to Anime:
>Do you feel more attached/attracted to Anime characters than real people?
>Have you ever gotten into a serious fight over an Anime? It is perfectly fine to disagree with someone or to discuss theories, so long as it is done in a mature fashion.
Is Sup Forums addicted to anime?
what the fuck is that thing on the bottom left? it looks like a gay man
>choosing to go back to 3DPD
for what purpose other than torture
It was a wikihow on confronting an armed robber or something. I think it started on Sup Forums
>7: Be able to tell reality from fantasy. It's perfectly normal to have strong feelings about the characters on your favorite show; it's and not something you need to feel embarrassed about.
Is what is happening in that picture.
These have to be satirical. Nobody could have honestly thought these were good images.
anime is a straight up propaganda to lower birthrates
The world is over populated anyway
I can even hear it in my head.
This shit has some good points though..
When people act like weaboo faggots in the real word it's the cringiest shit ever.
Delete this
sono masaka
Method 3, step 4
People actually act like a weeb in public?
I don't mean wearing a cute anime girl shirt or talking about anime with a friend, but speak japanese and WEEBRP.
Does anybody know who that silver haired girl is supposed to be?
I think it's from AnoHana, forget her name, been ages since I watched it.
It's the main reason why I don't go to anime conventions (anymore) and why I didn't even consider something as gay as joining an anime club.
I only limit anime speak to close friends and with all you faggots.
kimi to natsu no owari, shourai no yume, ookina kibou ou wasurenai...
>going back
I never went there in the first place and I don't regret it
You wouldn't believe the magnitude of weebishness at cons (inb4 >going to cons). I saw a group of overweight cosplayers doing the hare hare yukai dance at the last con I went to.
Also saw another cosplayer literally glomp a guy saying "senpai squee!" (she actually said squee). And finally some guy came up to me and said "my girlfriend here really likes Asian people, would it be okay if she hugged you?" weirdly enough, the boyfriend was white.
>security guards' faces when seeing the hare hare yukai
>speak japanese
Well, I mean people do speak Japanese in public. How would Japan operate if they didn't speak their language?
>tfw expected this reply
neither did i, but i didn't really realize that i had come to accept 2D > 3D until midway through high school
Its not addiction if its a life choice the trannys said so
Jesus fuck reading this physically hurt me
this dance?
Those weebs should speak English, God's language. The Bible was written in English after all!
They have guides for everything.
>anime discussions on Sup Forums
Are you saying that you don't give AISATSU to your NINJA enemies when you're about to begin the IKUSA?
Trying to talk hayai with sukoshii nihongo is kinshi and should be against the raw.
I've spent hours on that site, you get to see some hilarious shit
>kid gets shot acting like luffy
Yes. Now imagine a group of fat people doing it out of sync.
Who's writing and drawing all these things.
I dunno, but so far i've learnt how to become a homewrecker, an anime character, fake my death and go off the grid completely. You can even create your own waifu to trick your family into thinking you're a functioning member of society!
Holy shit m8 that bodyfat%. He's gotta be at like fucking 2%. The fuck does he eat? Nothing but rice and celery?
gonna use this one
It's all yours friend.
Are you part of a certain web culture user?
You may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but i've got nerves of steel
Could be Australia. Still mad
Now you can be as cool as Itachi Uchiha too.
holy shit, i'm struggling to breathe here