Fucking 3dpd normies
Fucking 3dpd normies
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Kill yourself frogposter
I can't tell if that's actually Teddyloid or not.
fucking disgusting.
this is a level of weeb I can't get behind.
what the fuck
That made me physically ill.
Fuck off.
Fucking degenerates
fucking disgusting
this is why we cant have nice things
Christ, they're not even attractive.
Remember to sage and report.
Not that it does anything this time of the morning.
Why are they all fat?
Why are normies so gross? Weebs like to pretend they're better than non-weebs but they're literally the same kind of people perverting everything and being degenerate and doing the same kind of activities.
May Japan never cater to these fuckers
bless japan for the anti fat law
fat white chicks that don't know how to shake booty, flaunt hips, or even drop into a squat.
this is bad even by 3DPD standards
Even a poor nigger company can train girls more competent for a fucking show.
Skirts that shot and the only glimpse of pantsu is when the camera goes under and behind them? Ridiculous!
Why is this still popular?
Why is it popular with normies now?
I thought it completely died after part 2?
I wonder how many of those normalfags post on Sup Forums.
Jesus Christ
Hey ozfags do Bogan weebs exist?
Men are more handsome than women in the land down under
daily reminder that cosplay is degenerate
What the FUCK, is this shit?
Do people seriously go to these cringey type of events and have fun? That's horrific.
Why are they all fat?
Fuck off frogposter and yeah this is disgusting.
Girl at 1.15 was a hottie, would bang.
I can't complain, the guy wrote the music right? Let him do what he wants.
Is it weird if I don't particularly care about phoneposting filenames that much, but just seeing phoneposting links like m.youtube.com or m.wikipedia.org annoys me, even if I don't even open them?
>complaining about cancer while literally tripfagging and even getting dubs at the same time
>another tripfag shitting up Sup Forums
Also fuck off OP and don't show me this retarded shit ever again Fucking frogshitters
i dont like this
>tripfag just got dubs
>attention whoring
I want to kill myself
Is it weird if I think you're a gigantic faggot?
What am I supposed to be mad about? I've seen much worse shit.
you wouldn't have known if you were using 4chanx you fucking faget
filenames are resolution are everything
Fuck off newcancer
why are the girls on the dance floor more attractive then the ones on stage? what the fuck is this shit.
who should I kill??
3D trash
Fuck off both of you
Worst thread.
As exexpected from straya senpai.
>Why are they all fat?
Because Australian women can get away with being fat slags because the men are thirsty as fuck.
Yeah, I apologies for my country. We are huge weebs here and have literal anime themed bars/clubs, people driving around in itashas and have a huge Asian population in general.
Ausfag here. Literally where?
Holy shit.
>mfw I actually have an huge power level but nobody would know that I'm a weab irl.
those fucking 3dpd are retarded and shameless
They are shitposting irl.
that cr shill sailorbee is one of the worst
Well at least I got something handy the next time Sup Forums visits. This will keep their Aussie and shitposting ways far from here.
Fuck off.
bumping this so newfags can see what a good thread looks like
reeeeeee how did i sleep on this, i hope he comes to australia again soon, i'll cop some molly & 2-ci and dance the night away, those fat hoes are gross tho so i'll probably just be dancing like a madman by myself
There is something supremely ironic about a bunch of otaku jamming out to a song and reenactment of the PV which is pretty much an indictment of otaku culture.
This is a dub threas
3D pig delicious mane.
Every time I see 3d mememe slut I feel bad for daoko.
Melbourne Central
>This thread is still going on
While what you posted is disgusting you're cancer as well and should leave Sup Forums and never return.
I think one of them may have been a tranny on stage. All the girls in the audience actually looked way better then the one's on stage.
Fat straya cunts always take shitposting too far.
The dance is pretty hot, but too bad the people they hired aren't that attractive.
It would be fine if it was actual women dancing , instead we got a bunch of cows, whales, and sea cows.
How can non Australian women even compete?
Kill yourself.
>dumb frogposter
>3dpd trash
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Friendly reminder to sage and report garbage threads.
>""People" paid for this
How isnt Austrailia being flooded with qt asians, aka women who would have to make an effort to get fat.
And yet these are the ones who bitch and get offended by our taste in anime.
Pic related?
Becuase thats not attractive either.
WHy arent all the men dating NZ girls? Or are they just as bad?
>In b4 joke about how NZ girls are sheep
check these
Check these
I did this!
I'd fuck.
Frog threads best threads
>how bad cou-
as much as i hate to say it, pepe is the chemo that's saving Sup Forums
Wasn't the whole point of the video to show the superiority of 2d above 3dpd? Why are they even doing this??
Holy shit that's disgusting
To prove that 2D is literally much more better than 3DPD.
Is that supposed to be hot?
This sickens me.
aliens are real?? hory shet
>any 3DPD at all, ever
>frogposting and cancerposting
I think this happens when you demand dancers with big tits but don't have much budget
Sup Forums is dead
3D once again ruining 2D.
*clears throat*