ITT: canon smokers
ITT: canon smokers
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the shotacon chick from flcl
I imagine a good 40% of Sup Forums smokes.
You guys are actually really cool and I wish I was brave enough to smoke.
I want degenerates to die
I do smoke, but it hasn't been cool for 20 years, really. The hip thing to do is to be ecofriendly and shit.
The cool thing to do is smoke but realize it's not cool to smoke anymore while knowing what the next cool thing to do should be but you refuse to change for the sake of being current cool.
Only if you take pictures of you doing it and post them on social media, otherwise it's the same as not doing it at all.
The cool thing now seems like it's smoking those hydrogen pipes.
That's a different level of cool. It's cooler to make it known that you smoke but never talk about it yourself. Thus you become the coolest.
Fuck off and die.
I smoke from a bong :^)
>people are going to post ITT saying wah smoking is bad for your lungs and gives u the cancers
i already have cancer reading the things people like you write, just fuck off
How often does Sup Forums smoke?
Don't worry, they most likely will.
40-60cigs every weekend
I will die soon i guess
Every couple of hours.
I go through a 30 pack in 2-3 days.
Where should I start if I want to get into smoking as a hobby?
When I was younger I wanted to challenge myself more when I would run. So I started smoking to make it harder to breathe. What a fucking wild ride that was.
How long did it take for you to feel the effects?
everyday :^)
A few days I guess, I did it non stop though.
>smoking as a hobby
I guess start by being apart of the #vapenation and move towards either Cigarettes or Marijuana Cigarettes after that.
50ish a day i guess
>current year
Just use startpage
how much better is it? I'm seriously starting to get frustrated at the low number of search results with duckduckgo.
It's literally (literally) google searches without the google
If you're here, you're pretty much a degenerate already.
Don't worry, my mom used to smoke two packs a day, and she's fine. But ever since she started rolling her own cigarettes she not only smokes less but spends less too.
It sucks, it's absolute trash you smell like burnt garbage, you can't taste food you cough and hack you're clothes get a horrific lingering scent on them and it costs a shit load of money
I wish I could quit so badly.
would ryuko move to america to smoke the dankest bud
So, is this pose a reference to some other work?
>inb4 lurk more
>degenerate smoker
She's an illegal alien's daughter user. Anchor babies have to go.
>Fee from Planetes
>Revy from Black Lagoon
>Mario from Rainbow
>Spike from Cowboy Bebop
I feel bad for the poor 18,19, and 20 year old fags in Cali who're gonna be cut loose once this shitty law takes effect in June.
>Revy from Black Lagoon
Everybody from Black Lagoon.
tip top kek
Smoking has become extremely lame in recent years and vaping is also lame.
It's looked upon as degenerate, like being an alcoholic.
There is nothing braver than being a smoker.
Anyone who is willing to hurt themselves to be cool are cool.
What law?
They are hurting others more with second hand smoking than they are hurting themselves though. Hurting other is bullying and bullying is not cool or nice.
It's actually even cooler
lmao nice prediction tard
but the whole point is i wanna die faster user
I think society at large is seeing it as just something hipsters do these days. It was cool 40 years ago, now its just something idiots get fooled into doing.
Bought some fine ass rolling tobacco. Really it's the patrician's choice. I've rolled around 60 and I'm only halfway through it. All for the low price of 9,20€ /blog
>smoking a cigarette
>not a Cigar
Surrounded by plebeians
What can I add to my joints to make them smoke more evenly/slowly? Right now I have to really rush them to stop them just burning all the way through of their own accord.
It's seriously is cool to smoke.
Everyone should smoke.
I'm a dude who doesn't smoke, yet smokers ask me for a cig/light, and I also get the attention of specific donut eaters. I'm just a little girl that likes chinese cartoons and wants to be left alone you fuckers.
A cigar is nice once in awhile but fuck me if I could go through one of those daily, let alone buy them.
you are a fucking idiot
I got it down to like 4 per day but now I'm back up at 6-7 per day, could be worse though.
I wanted to start rolling my own too but I have zero dexterity and basically suck really hard at it.
You're both uncool.
That guy is from Teddyloid - Me! Me! Me! music video and OP's pic is just edited.
Have you tried the patch?
I'm actually doing quite well lately. I'm down to about 20 a day. Can make 50 grams of tobacco last me a week.
Jesus christ dude it's not THAT bad, do you smoke like two packs per day by any chance?
Coming to Sup Forums to complain about degeneracy is like going to DeviantArt to complain about autism, or Leddit to complain about cuckolding.
You're out of your element, you're not gonna change anything, and few people actually care; why are you here?
I hear vapes can enable quitting.
Nah, not everyone
isn't sakamoto supposed to be cool, cooler, coolest?
does he smoke?
Never. I even got my mom to stop smoking.
>Using a lighter when you can conjure fire with your fingers
Why does she bother?
Because she's a dirty red
Kudos to you.
>smoking disgusting tobacco
Even weed is better for less reprecussions
It's not the 80s anymore, smoking isn't cool
fuck off faggot.
It is.
Why do people keep saying it isn't cool when it very clearly is?
Why do people keep saying it's cool when it very clearly isn't?
It's cool you fucking loser.
Stop being lame and start smoking.
to the gulags with you
It's not cool you fucking loser.
Stop being lame and stop smoking.
80% ganja/20%tobacco
Someone needs to keep her away from those lolis
Maybe not cigarettes, but certainly did smoke.
I'm quite sure that emo's been dead for last couple of years.
>how to be cool by Sup Forums
You're welcome for the tips
smelly dumb bolshevik scum
I used to smoke, I started when I was 13, kept going until I was 17, started back up when I was 20, then I quit again at 22. I'm currently 23 and haven't even thought about smoking since.
You should start again
Ryuko is 200% American.
>I wish I was brave enough to smoke
Sounds like you're also a coward.