KyoAni has created 3 masterpieces in the past 5 years. How can any other studio even compete?
KyoAni has created 3 masterpieces in the past 5 years. How can any other studio even compete?
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>ib4 kyoanus defence force
To be fair their only really bad shows in the last few years were Kyoukai and Phantom World.
Hyouka? But it was merely an ani—.....ZZZZZzzZzZzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Not an argument
>forgetting Chuunibyou
>implying other studios don't also make a few great shows in a 5 year span
The only good thing to come from KyoAni is Nichijou.
Everything else is garbage.
KnK wasn't "really bad." It was still above average for anime. The movie could probably in fairness be called "bad." KnK was probably like 6-7/10 (even if only for the incredible direction) and PW was like 5/10.
No, KnK was bad.
It was ok
>How can any other studio even compete?
I will fight you.
Phantom World was better than KnK, much tighter package, straight forward directing from an experienced series director. No big drama that takes centuries to resolve and most importantly, it didn't take itself serious unlike KnK.
Ishidate is a great episode director, the episode he did for PW was better than all of KnK combined. Shit source and I guess a lack of experience when it comes to things other than animating and directing episodes resulted in KnK being shit.
Hibike was good, Hyouka was fine albeit a bit slow paced.
Everything else is varying degrees of bad from mediocre to hot trash.
Nice wrong opinion senpai.
lol moefags
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MALfag detected
It's "choose only one correct answer" game? I choose Nichijou.
Too bad it killed any possibility of Kyoani show with unique design/artstyle forever.
who dude, shitposting this much?
that's one the worst shows
But it has lesbians, of course it's a materpiece.
I really wish they'd make Koe no Katachi into a TV series and not a fucking movie.
There is no way they're gonna turn 7 volumes of manga into a movie and not fuck it up.
In Yamada, we trust.
eh, he is okay.
Oh, right, that one show that was so astronomically over-budget they tried to sell the Blu-Ray sets for $500, which caused sales to crash, leading to what I think is the only time an animation studio has every apologized to its shareholders for such a colossal fuckup.
Damn, you're right, how COULD any other studio compete with that?
I think that's almost as bad as GAINAX trying to evade income taxes after Eva started making money hand over fist!
KyoAni didn't apologize, it was Kadokawa. KyoAni had nothing to do with the BD pricing, their only responsibility was with the anime itself which was fucking great.
Someone out there might believe this.
The only way they can make it work is to base the movie on the oneshot(with added scenes) and then hope to attract enough money/attention to make a proper TV adaptation.
The PV shows stuff from Vol1 and a very short still of Vol2 so I'm hoping it won't adapt anything past vol2 or 3.
I read Koe no Katachi late and it felt like there was a lot of unnecessary padding to me. I'm pretty optimistic they'll find a way to cover the important plot. Maybe do away with glasses girl and cool guy's subplots, reduce the prominence of fat friend.
Ueno a best but there's probably a way to cut down on her screen time as well.
I think the side characters are as important as Shouya and Shouko so I hope not.
Those aren't masterpiece
especially the first one who is a masterslee..Zzzzzzz
>posting YZQ in an unironic Quality Thread
You have my Axe
>it has lesbians
No it doesn't.
for Reference, this is what actual lesbians look like.
Hibikek may be ever so close, but for now it's just words.
Still a fucking masterpiece when the last episode has me tear up in joy
There's a concerning lack of Haruhi coming from them.
I'm still waiting.
>I read Koe no Katachi late and it felt like there was a lot of unnecessary padding to me.
Well, for me most of the subplots and characters were part of the experience, and I don't want them cut. There are some exceptions though, like Shouko's grandmother.
You forgot Tamako Love Story. That was God tier.
Ironic shitposting is still shitpost-...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
prefer UTS
They're obviously gonna change and cut some stuff
Amagi and Phantom World were utter shit though.
>another kyoani thread
AmaBuri was a solid 7/10. Phantom World is a 6/10.
Are you me?
I think Amagi would be a solid 8 with a S2 though.
>yet another Sup Forums's official favotite studio thread
When will KyoAni get into the video game industry?
The only people who say this haven't watched them. I hated PW and Amagi until I actually watched them
I'm still waiting for the part with the jokes.
Stellar animation with nothing else going for it.
Jokes in Nichijou can be too complex for some people.
The jokes are at the end of the cliff you humorless toad.
But action-movie-tier animation always means masterpiece, user. Especially for SoLs like K-ON, Hibike or Koe no Katachi.
>Hibike or Koe no Katachi
Embarassing fanboyism. I'm glad it sold like shit.
Hibike Euphonium was a drama. Just because it's set at school doesn't mean it's a Slice of life.
>thinking all surrealist humor is lol so randumb shit
The joke's on you buddy.
Embarrassing ESL spic.
Who are you quoting?
Yes, ok. Of course drama deserves overanimated and overdirected scenes much more. Get it.
Your subconsciousness.
What do you want the director to do, sit around and say that's good enough?
it should be a powerpoint presentation like shaft's godly works
Your entire life is a meme
>watches a youtube video that is grasping at straws to make a point.
>takes whatever was said in the video as undeniable proof that all kyoani shows are masterpieces.
>not realising that whatever was said in the video doesn't make the mediocre writing in kyoani shows any less mediocre.
Who are you quoting?
I fucking love KyoAni, but if you think all of the fanboyism on this board comes from a youtube video that you happen to have seen, you need to lurk more.
Hyouka was good, Nichijou started out good but become stale halfway through, Hibike was unremarkable and not comfy.
Prove me wrong.
Nice meme bruh.
Before I came to this thread I thought I was born to shitpost, but ever since then you've shatpost circles around me... Nande are you so good? Why was I born with so little talent!? Take it, go on, be the shitposter you were destined to you *rips off shitposting badge and throws it to you*
You've earned it...
Hyouka was great, Nichijou's funniest episodes start at the 3/4 mark with the airship episode and Hibike was a good drama that didn't need to be "comfy."
yeah sure
i guess they shouldve just let the scenes and characters play out naturally right
Hyouka was bad, Nichijou was funny but Nichibros was better, Hibike was uninteresting and shit.
Prove me wrong.
Not that hard to be honest. I would prefer several studios over KyoAni. Madhouse and Shaft, the first that come to mind.
>Inb4 chuuni damage control
Don't worry, no one knows your youtube account. Nor do they know about your confessions in various comment sections, relating to KyoAni cancer works.
I will give you Nichijou but Hibike is above average. Hyouka is dogshit, even Glasship is better than it
OP's justification for loving kyoani comes form the youtube video. Someone confirmed his bias with a slightly higher level of articulation than he is capable of, so now he fells confident about spreading his ignorance.
What's yer favorite episodes lad?
>OP's justification for loving kyoani comes form the youtube video.
What youtube video? Did you forget to take your meds again?
Maybe not complex but some jokes and even simple dialogue do require cultural knowledge on Asian topics, like this clip for example:
>There are sometimes when I'm a bear, but some others I'm a be-ar.
Unless you understand Malay you'd have no way of getting the joke.
>That is my Noguchi
You have to be familiar with Japanese currency to even get the line.
>Corkscrew blow
May or may not be a reference to Hajime no Ippo, since her sister wears a luchador mask referencing Mexico (Ricardo Martinez), and Mio performs the famous Corkscrew technique by Date Eiji.
The show is literally filled with shit like this, and while most of them end the typical slapstick way they have more depth that could make anyone who understand it enjoy it even more.
>no Free!
Boys can't love boys!
Not him but
Amagi: 6, 8, 13, OVA
Phantom World: 7, 9, 12, 13
he's a mind reader
I literally just googled Kyoani and saved that picture. If there's a video related to it I have not seen it.
>Nichijou was funny but Nichibros was better
Those are shows with totally different style. If you want to compare Nichibros to something, I would compare it to Gintama.
While Nichijou felt like a more abstract version of Azumanga to me.
>pic with a title on it.
How does the "Don't mind me, I'm just retarded" excuse work for you irl?
meant for
I don't feel like giving this guy views if I don't have to, what's his point?
>kyoanus lickers
I honestly don't know what to think about kyoanus lickers, I mean, seriously there are people with shit taste, but kyoanus lickers take it to a whole new level.
>comparing kyoani to pixar and ghilbi
Well, there went the last grain of respect I held for this faggot.
Slow enough to make me fall asleep.
And that only proves that Sup Forums has shit taste and only watch shitty shows.
Literally all I did, I didn't pay attention to the site it came from. I don't even know why I should explain my choice of OP image to you, who cares if it came from a video?
What is this? Molotov cocktail.
Jokes are meant to be easy to get so people can get a laugh, not something that you have to brainstorm first and then go HAHAHAHA, thats just plain retarded.
>I really wish they'd make Koe no Katachi into a TV series and not a fucking movie.
>There is no way they're gonna turn 7 volumes of manga into a movie and not fuck it up.
Movies get better penetration especially among animation buffs where they don't need to watch an entire TV series just to see what they're capable of
Also if KyoAni and the production committee plays their cards right, they can get into a lot of animation film festivals like Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Now go back to building the wall.
Looks like Sup Forums doesn't have shit taste after all.
>Oh, right, that one show that was so astronomically over-budget they tried to sell the Blu-Ray sets for $500, which caused sales to crash, leading to what I think is the only time an animation studio has every apologized to its shareholders for such a colossal fuckup.
How can one user be so wrong in a single sentence?
A single sentence.