Episode 8 is less than 15 yottsuns. Warau-user already delivers. Believe in meme magic.
I will kiss Narna's lips!
The yottsuns have gone by so quickly this week. We're drawing ever closer to the episode that made the cast trip out.
kiss these
Why is this thread super slow?
Get wild and lose your mind
Take this thing into over-time
We really need some wallpapers. Anybody have any ideas for characters or settings? Or what kind of wallpaper they would like.
Hoping she gets more screentime and lines.
We need all mayoigas in comfy winter clothes.
Her smiles are believed in.
Nothing happen in this episode.
I need a pidgeon sized Puuko for maximum cuddling.
This show is neither good enough or bad enough to enjoy.
I think its bad to the point its good. Has a very Another feeling to it.
My nigga
Nay, it is both
Wait for episode 9's preview
Unironic AOTS.
I'm ironically enjoying it.
But it's objectively shit.
This show is 10/10 shitpost material.
I enjoy this show because Sup Forums.
It's more like this episode just wasn't that quotable. There was WATER TORTURE but that's it.
people died and stuff happened in Another. Thank god for Sup Forums and shit posting
It's not impact as Boob Head.
I think you mean objectively fun.
Plenty happened in this episode, but it's been almost a week already and the meme train is slowing down. The threads peak just before, during, and just after airing time. Once episode 8 comes out it'll be fast again for a day or two.
I am in love with Sasaki-kun.
It's retarded enough to enjoy it ironically.
Guess the Mayoigas' nationality
>inb4 everyone is Japanese
Mitsumune : Antarctica
Speedwagon : Russia
Masaki : Ukraine
Lion : Korea
Maimai : France
Valkana : Germany
Koharun : Italy
Dahara : Sweden
Mikage : China
Lovepon : Venezuela
Nyanta : USA
Hellfire : Indonesia
Jack : Mexico
Jark : St. Kitts and Nevis
Yottsun : Portugal
Puuko : India
Naana : Brazil
Toriyasu : Israel
Nettaiya : Finland
Soy Latte : Cuba
Nanko : Norway
Toshiboy : Australia
Pink Goddess : Canada
Wanko : Phillipines
Yuuna : Andorra
Yuune : Liechtenstein
Yuuno : San Marino
Manbe : Austria
Piitan : Hungary
Dozaemon : American Samoa
Driver : Greece
user, I have some news for you
They're all japanese
Everyone is fucking Japanese. What is the point of this?
I'm pretty sure yottsun Is some kind of beaner.
Also a yottsun seems to be about two hours is there a reason for this or can anyone explain why
I hope this is ironic posting, if not then you're literally retarded.
Please no one spoonfeed this faggot.
Not only are they all full-blooded Japanese, including Yottsun, but the nationalities you listed them as make no sense whatsoever.
Think they will kill someone this week? I think Lovepon, trainfag, or team /k/ is gonna do some dumb shit and the witch burning and get put down
>fullblooded japanese
Yottsun's concert
Naana's concert too.
Lovepon "taking care" of the monk in a greasy apartment
Naana opening for Yottsun
Don't touch my precious /k/OTP.
Yottsun playing on Naana's opening
Wanko in a deep hole
You guys think yottsun got the tip in on the lil witch Bitch before she drowned him
Is this sexual?
Me deep in Wanko's hole.
Naana, please, force me to lick your feet.
I still need to write my Toshiboy/Wanko fapfic. Maybe I'll do that tonight.
Not while I'm licking them! Wait your turn you horny user.
Yottsun was trying to get Masaki into the river, to melt her, but it all went horribly wrong
Naana would look super cute with a hat like this!
If you do I promise you I will suck your 3D dick.
Alright, I'll be the voice of dissent on this. I think this is cute and it was fun to read you imagine.
Post some good transparent images so I can try.
>doubting Masaki
You_____ would look cuter.
What's Misaki objecting to?
The whole cast having fun in Yottsun's concert.
"But I'm not a ghost you psycho"
Wanko doesn't deserve such shitboy. Ship him with someone better.
I want fujos and fags to leave.
>Dahara : Sweden
This one is absolutely correct.
>Naana : Brazil
Fuck you, a miracle of the universe such as Na-na has to be a pure japanese girl.
After giving everyone beanies, shorts and now warau cruise faces, what should the new trend be?
I vote for swaping their faces.
This is my Maimai, there are many like HER but this one is mine!
>Lion : Korea
Bullshit. She don't rape girls. She don't eat own shit. She don't lie just for herself.
Such as?
Maimai posts make me feel like I'm on /jp/
Fucking adorable.
Give all of them dicks.
Japanophile. Naana can behave south brazilian,have big bunda while being of germanic race.
What are the Mayoigas secret obsessions?
Gender bender?
mai Maimai mai mime eye
Let it happen organically user.
Naana is secretly a wota
Not all the guys have shorts yet. Or beanies or the warau cruise faces. all those need to be finished as well so we don't have incomplete sets of OC
Worry not, all boys shall be beshortted in due time. I've been spread a little thin between different sets of OC as well as other obligations, but it will be done.
what about that quote did you find so interesting as to repeat?
Based OC user! Do tell, what all do you have on your plate right now? I'm curious.
I'd tutor her so she could get in the uni of her choice, if only so I could date and fuck her. Hard and lovingly.
When is the hoe going to be put to (important) use?
when he dies.
he's in the same shot with the 2 characters who have gotten fucked so far (3 if you count Jack)
Lovepon is pure! Pure!
I feel a little odd outing myself like this somehow, but I guess it's no harm.
Shorts, sprite edits, more dating sim stuff if anyone wants those, possible writings (no promises there), other ideas I've jotted down but haven't executed yet.
My main love is theorycrafting and organizing info, though. I'm almost worried that episode 8 will yield a lot of information, because if it does then I'll have to find some way to juggle all these things.
There should be some minimalistic ones as well
>処刑 (shokei) written with purple letters and a white background
Do we have a Mitsumune version of this?
>Naana : Brazil
missed a few kilometers
I want lovepon to die
How big would the resulting shitstorm be if Jack actually did end up killing her?
Oh wowow! I love the shorts and the sprites (if you did the previous ones) quite a lot. I make some OC from time to time but I try to save everything in every thread. I like collecting all the things. I don't have many beanie pictures tho. But all these OC sets are exciting, hoodies, beanies, shorts, cruise. Collages, writings, etc all of it.
I really am eager to see Dahara shorts
>turn on the first ep
>MC is a wimp beta
>turn off
>watching it for the MC
Fuck off.