That series you re-watch again and again

>That series you re-watch again and again

Which is it?

I've watched Deathnote >5 times.

It's a killer combo of everything that makes both shoujo-ai and sports anime great.

Every year or so I'm ready to rewatch Detective Conan from the beginning.

I've done 3 full rewatches already.

>actually worth re-watching
>somehow never fails to get better every time

I re-watch Saki for last 3 years, and still don't understand how to play mahjong.
It still exciting.

My gateway show, and still compelling. Nice recommendation thread


That shit never fails to make me laugh.

Spice & Wolf.
Sometimes S1 only.
Sometimes S2 only.
Sometimes both

>still don't understand how to play mahjong.
dw, I'm the same, even though I've seen it 4 times now.
>mfw there are so many different hands to remember

Why does she look at me so smugly?

I watched Madoka Magica about 4 times including the recap films.

I still like the show, but it became evident upon rewatches that Homura is a shitty, 1-dimensional character whose entire personality and backstory can be summed up by "I like Madoka".

All you need to remember of the hands is one pair and four sets of three/four. Keep it simple and see you in the ivory graveyard!

I don't repeatedly rewatch things.
Occasionally I watch Gurren Lagann and Hyouka again though.

Single-minded is not the same as one-dimensional.

>All you need to remember of the hands is one pair and four sets of three/four.
Except for the hands which are 7 pairs. Oh, and the special hand of only 1s, 9s, and dragons/winds. Oh, and that every hand needs to also have at least one yaku by meeting one of many special conditions or it doesn't count.

>I don't repeatedly rewatch things
>these are some thing I repeatedly rewatch

bad taste.
How can you enjoy watching this classical SoL?

Gurren Lagann, akagi, kaiji or nichibros, but you reminded me that there are others that I should rewatch

As for movies, I rewatch a lot dead leaves

I've watched Ping Pong around 10 times

Code Geass never gets old

Great relationship building and extraordinary attention to detail.

Evangelion, except I can never find subs that aren't complete fucking garbage.

Which arc do you re-watch the most?
For me it's e-card or dice

You made it sound like you just sit there and rewatch the same things multiple times in succession.
I only rewatch these two shows once a year at most.

Mostly because it's hilarious and only 12 episodes so it's easy to binge watch while people are hanging out.

Arakawa under the bridge, for some reason.

>You made it sound like you just sit there and rewatch the same things multiple times in succession.
Oh, heck no. The only thing I ever re-watched immediately after finishing was the ending of The Tatami Galaxy.
>I only rewatch these two shows once a year at most.
That's about on par with everyone else.

Well, okay then.

Only the second season.

Good taste. I usually do a Christmas uninterrupted watch.

Once a year, every year without fail.


every couple months I re-watch Acchi Kocchi.

>Thinly veiled rec thread

Kuuchuu Buranko
Darker than Black
Silver Spoon
Aiura (Thighura)
Sora no Woto
G Gundam
Patlabor franchise in general
Zoids New Century dub included

The only things worth rewatching in Aldnoah.Zero are the fight scenes. But even then, I don't feel that would be worth slogging through all the horrible characterization.

even then, only good ones are post-eye hax

Aria for night time relaxan.
Also Honey and Clover because nothing else good is ever set in college.

Code Geass

i've seen hajime no ippo 4 times entirely and seen probably 60 of the episodes at least 8 times

I've seen Majikoi and Tonari no Seki-kun several times over.

No game no life

I've watched School Rumble and Azumanga Daioh at least 10 times each. Nichibros is headed in the same direction.

Samflam. Already lost count of the number of rewatches. You find out new things every time.

Oh damn. Been ages seen I saw Needless. It's due for a re-watch, thanks user.

First YuGi Oh, not YugiOh 0, like 8 times.
Bleach 3 times
Kill La Kill probably 10 times.
Haruhi 3 times.

Shigurui and K-On!!.

Why are you so infatuated with KlK? Isn't it kinda low on comedy compared to other shows? The story was rather poor too begin with and there is no suspense anymore? I guess you could enjoy it for the fan-service and some of the fights - but I can't see why you'd be so hooked on it.


Until I reach 15000 loop.

Code Geass. Even though some parts are shit, I still get excited as hell when Lelouch starts the rebellion or when the declares checkmate over the whole world

The world building is what does it, pic related.
Uno was the name of the guy who gave renton a board in episode 1 and told him he was moving to the big city.

Nichijou and Yuru Yuri. They're the right amounts of comfy with good comedy.

I've watched it around 10 times.

I've watched Samura Shampoo a million times.

Jojo´s Bizarre Adventure

Fate/stay night from 2006.
I know its a shit adaptation,but its my favourite shit adaptation.

samurai champloo

>Isn't it kinda low on comedy compared to other shows?

yes, you are right, the comedy in KLK is mediocre at its best moments, it has probably 2-3 good jokes in the whole show, all of them happen in the first 6 episodes.

>The story was rather poor too begin with and there is no suspense anymore?

You are right in this one too, the story is just very simple with ver few and predictable twists, and actually Naruto and Bleach have way better developed plots, and the suspens is completelly removed in the last 5 episodes, funny because in the creators words, is when the show goes to "the adult world" and the stakes get higher, but then we have Ryuuko becoming an indestructible Life Fiber Hybrid so you have to no longer worried about her anymore, in fact i dare to say that the show had greater stakes in it first half that in the second, the whole show goes to shit in the last 6 episodes.

But i still like the characters, for the most part, also the VAs are great, the show still hase some really good action sequences, scenes and chracter interactions, and i really like how much TRigger did with so little animation.

i rewatch KLK not because i enjoy it, i still like it, but the most part is because to rewatch those few great moments in the show and to see how many times they actually dropped the ball.

Its perfect

Also Gintama

school days

bartender. Every winter I make sure to get a few days off and raid the stores for enough liquor to feed a family. Then I wrap myself up and watch the show while drinking along with the drinks

code geass
though every time i rewatch it gives off the feeling of "not the same" because no Sup Forums threads

This is disturbing.

I've watched LOGH three times. From beginning to end, plus side stories. Golden Wings not included.

Others, I just rewatch specific scenes or episodes.

I love this show and I don't even drink. But it sure as hell made me want to.

Lucky Star. I've watched it like 10 times.

Kek same. K-on as well for me.
>inb4 shittaste - I know, you don't need to tell me

The next time will be my seventh time watching neon genesis evangelion. It just gets better with every rewatch.

I droped it after half an episode. Alcohol just makes me feel sick. What did I miss?

Gurren Lagann 6~ times. Plus the movies and certain scenes once in a while.
Madoka 3 times.
I rewatch monogatari every damn time there's a new arc or season.

I barely ever rewatch shows; got a large enough backlog as it is.

Bible Black and Boku no Pico

5 times now.


What's wrong?

N-nothing, man

I'm on my 3rd or 4th rewatch of K-ON!

How many times have you seen the movie, user? 5 times here, and that's not counting the dub.

3rd rewatch, still haven't watched the graduation episodes. hurts too much

Only once. I didn't like it very much.

same for me and k-on just can't watch graduation episodes

Fair enough. It's not amazing but I mostly watch it because it's set in my capital and that's a comfy as fuck feeling.


I was actually on my 3rd rewatch of K-on but I regret fapping to mio doujins. Made the series not comfy anymore.

I'm hoping you are talking only about S1.

I've watched Steins;gate 10+ times now since it came out, most were when I introduced it to both anime and non-anime friends who ended up binge watching it in it's entirety with me. I love the layers of the show you discover after seeing it once through and all the neat things you pick up on that blow your mind about the story that were impossible to pick up on the first viewing.

Hey, S3 and S4 were alright too. Just don't talk about the atrocity that was S2.

I can imagine it would be nice to see a more idyllic view of London with how things are going.

I did like the songs in the movie very much especially the ending.

Just stay away from the scat ones and you'll be fine.

Yeah believe me, it's lovely but it's anything but realistic. It's more akin to my childhood memories of London, not so much my experiences of it now.

>the neat things you pick up on that blow your mind about the story that were impossible to pick up on the first viewing
Can you give some examples? I'm curious.


Be amazed at my taste everyone. For I have watched Hyouka 13 times 11 this year.

I usually watched Evangelion with an episode a day to countdown to the start of summer, but this was my first year out of school so I forgot to do it this year.

In episode 2, after the scene where Rukako is introduced, Okabe offers to hold the bag of corn for Mayuri and when she hands it to him the scenery quickly changes for 2 seconds to the wasteland that Okabe has a vision of way later in episode 12.

Kek why? Hyouka was good and all but not THAT good. Unless Chitanda is your waifu or something.

I've watched Arpeggio of Blue Steel and Nozaki around 6 times each.

On pic: Best Girl. Best Ship. Flagship of My Heart

>Unless Chitanda is your waifu or something.
and my waifu in K-on is forehead They have teh same VA

I rewatch Wagnaria, Nyaruko and Sora no Otoshimono every now and then.

i watched Zetsuen no Tempest over 6 times

Hmm, fair enough. Satomi Sato is a top-tier qt.

Mine is autist girl