One day.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
>not posting Taylor Twins with their new Amazoness cards
Yugo is cute. Cute!
Gloria seems to be the Elegant twin while Grace seems too be the more wild twin going by the facial expression, hairstyle and Monster choice
>inb4 Gloria is the wild one but looks elegant while Grace is the elegant one but looks wild
Amazoness Empress and Liger both look pretty wild
Ruri is love.
Ruri is life.
Ruri is perfection.
Ruri is dead.
No she's not. We had lunch together yesterday.
What's the best way to turbo out 4 DRAGONS in one turn?
Every thread until he returns.
Sawatari actually isn't a coward. He is an idiot and a whiny bitch but he never actually ran away in fear.
Heck, few episodes ago, he challenged Kaito despite knowing Kaito is hardened veteran and willing to card people without mercy.
Sawatari was never a coward in-character. A whiny attention-whore, sure. Forced delusions of grandeur regarding his father, sure. Never a coward, though.
Wow, the reddit fag is literally going around telling people he did the subs.
You copy-pasted NAC scripts, you fucking hack.
What you gonna do about it nigga?
Call him out?
Pussy bitch
>redditfag being a fag
Why are you surprised
>no indication of surprise
>accusations of surprise
Why am I not surprised...
I'm just hype for new Amazoness support.
Then again, we still haven't gotten Ancient Gears, Earthbounds or Beastborgs printed, so who knows when we'll get them.
Yugo is dueling.
Who is he fighting?
Of course he would
Guess it's his turn to job.
They're still dueling Sora, if Yuri summoned Starve Venom he would have won
Who voices Gloria and Grace?
Is it normal to be having Bayonetta flashbacks now?
>inb4 a bike pops out of nowhere
It would be hilarious if he is the only one to win
Gloria: Yo Taichi
Grace: Mai Fuchigami
one of them voiced young TOPSIES REEEE
Wonder if they will go XYZ SCUM REEEE then.
>why does Yuri get to be professors fuccboi and not me
Wait, they STILL haven't beaten Sora?
I hope to christ they are ara aras and have somewhat mature voices.
Does this mean we'll get Performapal/Odd-Eyes tuners?
1 chapter for Yuya, 1 chapter for Yuri and exposing Sora, next chapter fusion
If you look at the bottom of the image, you can see it's the last panel. He duels in the next scale.
Pretty sure it will be Speedroids, when Yuto dueled he was using PK's, Yuri didn't play anything apart from that Pendulum Fusion spell card
Why Yugo tag in? Did Yuya get his ass kicked?
Yuri could have beaten him but didn't want to summon Starve Venom.
>when Yuto dueled he was using PK's
Those were trap monsters though
>4 chapters for 1 duel
>inb4 Sora wins
>It's a four chapter duel
If we go by OCG rules, Yuri couldn't actually summon Starve Venom since Yuya's rose monster is EARTH, not DARK.
But that's probably Konami idiotic oversight when releasing the OCG card or Starve Venom has different material in anime.
Yuya could have beaten him if he hadn't fallen for Sora's fake sob story and had activated the trap when he had the chance.
It's probably not the same Starve Venom. Just like Yuya has different Odd-Eyes. Besides, Starve Venom has different summoning conditions in the anime.
Manga Dark Rebellion is OCG Dark Rebellion though.
>Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon
>Odd Eyes Predator Dragon
>Odd Eyes Speedroid Dragon
Just had to ruin it, didn't you, banana?
Just play chaos dragon or something and pray that Future Fusion is unbanned
>Future Fusion is unbanned
Not without a errata
Hit Tierra and give Future Fusion back.
i'd be ok with that
Odd-Eyes Speed Dragon doesn't sound that bad.
Odd-Eyes Roid Dragon
Both names make it seem like Odd-Eyes is on drugs.
>Odd-Eyes Meth Dragon
Wait whaat? Need some evidence because I thought he said its from NAC and not his
Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon
As in a revolution around a race track.
Why is Yuri so useless? Now Yugo will have to clean this mess.
Why is it banned? Because it essentially summons for free? Because monsters can be dumped in the graveyard too easily through Chimeratech Dragon and whatnot? I just don't see how it could be abused
The one on the right is a woman
>Because monsters can be dumped in the graveyard too easily
pretty much, most top tier decks have effects that activate in the grave
Blame dragons.
the people that have G.O.D or combine version of the Ruri's Bracelet
It's Hitotsu Ni and Omni
They're able to exist with Yuya and Yuzu thanks to WEIRD TIME SHIT
It's a Foolish Burial on steroids. Too easy to set-up the graveyard. The Fusion monster is merely a bonus.
hmmm that makes sense
I doubt that. Yugioh manga have different villains from the anime. Not only has an omni-Yuzu never been hinted at but omni-Yuya hasn't even debuted yet.
Because you can dump lots of cards for free.
The only two cards that matter are FGD and Tierra, all the other "throw your deck into the grave" cards are just shit.
Tell that to Brilliant Fusion and Shaddolls
Shaddoll have Shaddoll Fusion, which does the same thing and gives you the Fusion right away.
Brilliant is good, partially because it gives you an additional normal summon and a level 5 right away.
Future Fusion is slow.
I addressed both of these in an autistically long post last night.
There is no reason Future Fusion couldn't come back IF you banned Tierra.
Mill 5
Win game
Chaos Dragons are too shit to actually win in this day and age, look:
>Future Fusion
>Reveal FGD
>dump 3 Dark 2 Eclipse Wyvern
>banish DAD and REDMD
>Banish Eclipse for that level 4 Dark >Dragon that only needs 1 Light. >Search DAD
>Banish second Eclipse for something.
>Search REDMD
>Banish that dark thing for REDMD
>SS remaining Dark Dragon from Grave
Your board is now DAD, REDMD, some Chaos thing and some Dark Dragon.
You need 3 specific cards to make this, while seven specific cards are your deck, which means you can't just mill or spam draw cards for this to work.
Dragon dumping is not the problem.
You aren't taking into consideration newer cards since Chaos Dragons were good. All the Rank 4 plays they can make now, all the Synchro plays they can make now. They wouldn't be amazing but they would be playable.
I think Blue-Eyes would do it better.
There's four cards which have super generic unlimited fusion materials.
FGD, which is just described.
Worm Zero, which is Worm Zero.
Chimeratech Overdragon, which really isn't that good.
Tierra, which is really, really good.
No, at best you dump one stone and one Arkbrave and get 2 level 8s on your opponent's standby.
You get that done easily without Future Fusion, since Dragons can run 6 Foolish.
Overdragon can be good if you set Trap Stun in advance and cockblock your opponent's negation, but otherwise it's pretty shit.
Good for getting free DP in Tag Force SP, though.
You forgot the Fluffals
It's too slow for the Fluffals.
But I just checked, there is another card with super generic fusion materials, Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon, which supports zombies, but zombies are shit, so who gives a damn
I dunno. You can trigger stuff like Cat and Rabbit straight from your Deck while setting up the Edge-Imps in the Grave. Also, makes that Bear/Toy Vendor live for the Wings play.
They should just nerf Future Fusion by errataing so that it can only send a maximum of 3 materials
Fuck that.
Just make a new card, don't butcher the old cards.
Exactly. These erratas are retarded and even have people talking about Stratos getting one. Erratas that change the card were a terrible idea.
Average first turn field with FuFu in Synchron Spam
What the fuck
Stratos is perfectly fine.
I don't want to know how many times you had to try.
Not according to a ton of English players. They say it should be nerfed to only getting effect on Normal Summon or to opt. Who the fuck summons Stratos more than once a turn anyway? That's a pointless nerf.
You can't get Stratos multiple times, except for using AHL and Birdman, but who does that?
And the only thing you search for with Stratos is Bubble anyway
Pretty much the first time I opened FuFu. It's like the resonator spam build, but instead of the abyss combo I can add the ABC drakes and banish my own shit to dump things like GUB. You can discard then chain Omega to dodge the effect but still dump the GuB/ABC/whatever. Considering that I run a small speedroid engine, 3 Tuning, 3 Level Eater, 2 Junk Synchron and a ROTA, I can do some crazy shit if I manage to get one of my normal summons + FuFu.
Dumping your entire deck into the grave is really quite strong.
>Shadow mist
>Blaze man
>Diamond Dude
You are underestimating an Omni archetype searcher with no restrictions can do
>You will never make Double Void Ogre Dark Law and Raff boards again
You do realize that you only have one normal, right?
And you are gonna use that on the Stratos.
Stratos hasn't come to 1 in TCG because TCG is quick to butthurt and slow to cure it. It took them 5-7 years to unlimit Goyo and it's been over a decade and Granmole is STILL at 1.
TCGfags can't get over shit, or at least Konami seems to think they can't.
When will we get leaks of the actual duel? New monsters and stuff
Don't forget about Gladiator Beast Bestiari. How long was it limited?
Since late GX era, if I recall. About as long as Granmole.