Which studio is Sup Forums's official favorite studio and why it's KyoAni?
Which studio is Sup Forums's official favorite studio and why it's KyoAni?
Because it's Sunrise
>why it's
dumb eslposter
That's MALs favorite studio.
moe fanatics like kyoani and normal people like shaft
Nah, that's ufotable.
Its not. Shit studio with boring adaptations.
It's madhouse
SHAFT and KyoAni are both overrated shit.
SHAFT especially.
Sup Forums's favorite studio is definitely KyoAni though.
I would go with Disney.
how many animes has disney produced?
I read OP, and it didn't say anime.
who's is that?
Kyoto Animation.
Their SoL is great but whenever they try something different it just fails miserably. They're hilariously one-dimensional studio.
That's a kumiko, an endangered species.
Yet their best works aren't SOL.
>kyoani is my favourite studio
I must've missed the memo.
Which ones you are you refering to?
Kyoani gave us Kumiko. That certainly pushed them up a few ranks.
ESL detected
Tomato farming is not anime related.
You mean Tumblr's favourite studio? Fuck outta here.