What's Sup Forums opinioni on this?
What's Sup Forums opinioni on this?
my opinioni is fuck Amazong
I'm still mad the MC made the yandere cry
Cowtits is best girl.
mc is inconsistent as fuck
i enjoy it
I'm with you. She's great, I wish that outburst never happened.
I'm more than 50% sure that she was acting.
But OP uses...mangafox
And he's phonefag. Do phonefags really don't have better alternatives?
he could just go with kissmanga
What's wrong with mangafox?
They have shit I can't find anywhere else.
I use mangarock on my phone. It has the all the mainstream websites' manga on it.
Fatso tells them to do /u/ stuff then rapes black hair, then he gets killed and black hair gets her head cut into two.
>mc is inconsistent as fuck
Huh? He has been the same ever since he got a boner from watching someone getting killed, unless you mean "inconsistent" as in he is in self-denial, trying to pretend he is not a pyschopath.
so any spoilers on who rascal is.
Haven't bothered picking the RAWs but the scans are many chapters behind.
>What's Sup Forums opinioni on this?
I'm pretty excited for No Man's Sky, actually. I know some people have gotten down on it since they feel it's overhyped, but all I'm really looking for is a spiritual successor to Noctis, since V is essentially vaporware at this point. NMS looks like it will fill that void nicely.
He is inconsistent, first he is like omg im so scared, next chapter nice continue while i film and the next time he is scared again
Is this ded tube?
It is
I'm using mangarock which takes shit from there occasionaly
It's part of his character, are you that dumb?
Machiya has been that way since day one, his words don't match his actions.
- I'm scared > keeps going.
- Why are you killing them > gets and erection.
- Mai is a monster, I don't have anything to do with her > his comeback plans always involve her.
So far not impressed with the island, I liked it when it was dead tubin around
Mangafox heavily compress the image to save bandwidth.
Just look at OP pic for fuck sake.
It isn't really that good.
Disliked the teacher arc (somehow he manage to get a hold of teacher past) and dropped it after the suicide arc because of how weak it is.
Relied too much on tweest and shock factor, which I am not really fond of.
Really disappointed that the artist isn't out drawing top tier snuff doujins. Or any doujins. Please prove me wrong
This still is STILL going on?
Kitakawa wasn't a prolific Hentai artist, she didn't make many works nor she got very popular as one, as soon as chance to go mainstream popped, she jumped onto it.
I forgot most of the details, because I read it since the release, but if he was like that then I don't complain
I dont really get the compressione thingie Fox does but what's a good one then?
I didnt like the teacher arc for the same reason, still had fun Reading it tho
The time between releases is too much
The melon breasts or the creepy stereotypical faceless men behavior? Both are disgusting.
>(somehow he manage to get a hold of teacher past)
Do you seriously think is even remotely possible to completely bury the fact a Teacher and a Student fucked, then a whole of Students fucked her? That shit would be spread as a hot topic of gossip even if Dead Tube brought all its media manipulation powers to prevent leaks.
Nigga those incident were completely buried, its not just a gangrape, its a fucking mas murder.
None of the participant is aware of Eri past or else those kids wouldn't dare to rape her knowing that she killed all her rapist in the past.
MC whole plane relied heavily on that one info that he somehow got a hold of, in exact details, without proper explanation.
I came for gore and tits and stayed for gore, tits and a psycho.
>Nigga those incident were completely buried
It wasn't if Machiya and Mai got a word of it, Mai is a regular and already knew of DT's dealings.
The other students not knowing it is due them being fucking idiots who didn't know a thing about Dead Tube, it was their first time playing.
Also you better not be hang up on waiting for "proper explanations" in this work, it's a dystopia, Dead Tube wouldn't even work is realistic grounds, the author literally drove himself into a corner in a previous work of his because he couldn't think of a way to reveal the muderer for his story then it got cancelled, from there on he never bothered getting into much details about his settings because he just can't do it.
>It wasn't if Machiya and Mai got a word of it, Mai is a regular and already knew of DT's dealings.
Nice headcannon.
user, it doesn't matter what kind of shit you pulled out of your ass to excuse this huge overlook by the author, it won't change shit.
Its a shame really, it could've been a great arc if not for this one ass pull.
I'm sure the narrator means cheeckers.
>Nice headcannon.
At least learn to spell "Headcanon" properly.
It's Dead Tube, their participants are on video, Mai and Machiya could've get a hold of Eri without any ass pull.
The whole backstory of the teacher was useless anyway. It didn't change anything except that they killed the teacher too. If you remove the backstory of the teacher/the teacher being sex crazy then it would've gone the same way except Mai would've interrupted and the teacher wouldn't have been killed. The whole thing was dumb as hell.
Spaghettifag pls
The series run on characters being sexualy depraved killers, by the time Eri was seen talking about Dead Tube as if she knew something about it, her fate was sealed.
Well, at least he got to fuck one of them
She dies too
Machiya's bitches remain untouched, well cow tits is used goods already, wait blondie was slut before too, then Mai is all he has then.
Jesus fucking christ are you ignoring the huge as fuck ad in the bottom?
Get the premium apk or install adaway you fucking nigger.
How is Mai better than blondie, both of them have been with one guy
I'm neither paying money nor voiding my phone's warranty by rooting, so no.
>one guy
She got forced when she was younger, but when we see her begging Machiya for help she quickly offers her body, back then when she thought nothing of him, introduced as a typical popular bitch, who knows if she hasn't fucked other guys to get money to her expensive stuff since then?
Mai didn't get penetrated.
>not using kissmanga
Literally retarded.
wat is that face trying to convey.
Every single arc has people getting killed mid coitus.
They have to drive the point home that is a Slash Movie inspired work.
Thinking of your dead Hamster during sex.
And took her virginity so I guess it wasn't all that bad.
I want to do things to those women.
They probably baited his cock with their sexual bodies and asked for it.
He will never live it down, he will always be known as the guy the missed a Shotgun shot in narrow corridor, 3 metters away from the target.
Mai is crazy and you don't put your dick into crazy.
Picked up.
>only appears for 2 pages
Damn this looks interesting
Most girls have almost same faces, just latch your lust into some other girl.
You put your dick into crazy when you are also crazy.
What anime is this?
Manga Fox: The Game.
such a qt
Picked up again.
Why does Japan always have this setting where 1 guy gets bullied for the rest of his life or some shit?
Its the most unrealistic shit Ive seen
Bullying in Japan is serious business, go read some documentary.
sauce of this jpg?
Enjoy your months apart releases and worry that it might be dropped at any time.
18 Chapters scanlated and it was already passed around between three different groups.
That's not how it works user.
It's exactly how it works.
- Bonnie and Clyde.
- Hitler and Eva
- Nicolae and Elena
and other thousands of insane couples out there.
I bet it was just a ruse. MC and Mashiro probably planned all of this beforehand. It's all just a show out on for Dead Tube. The other girl is most likely not in on it.
>opinion on this?
>Gimmick: The Manga
>How much can we beat a dead(?) horse until people get tired of the premise?
Can't see how it would be any different, the previous games played out the same way.
>worry that it might be dropped at any time
Few follow it anyway.
>Another nigh invincible MC who can do no wrong (by making others look pathetic, crazy or evil)
>Loony crazy girl who beats up people
None of these people get their comeuppance
and they get away with it every time.
>until people get tired of the premise?
- Murder
- Sex
- Suff
- Tits & Ass.
user, you might as well ask when people will get tired of breatjing.
This is no literature masterpiece, but it packs base ingredients to keep some people hooked on it.
I miss Revenge Classroom. Updates are too slow.
The group in charge of it takes forever to release stuff due having so many projects at the same time, however they don't drop stuff easily.
I'm drinking your tears.
It depends on the series. Some series like Song of the Long March and Shihou Sekai no Ou get updated fairly frequently, as does their novel translations and the Korean stuff they're working on, but a lot of the stuff can easily go for a month or two without anything new happening. I can't complain much since I'm not paying them for their work, but you know how it's frustrating to get invested in a series that gets new translations so infrequently.