JFK Assassination

Redpill me on this.
Is it true that LBJ worked with the CIA to kill JFK with the promise to deploy troops to Vietnam, escalating the conflict there, which JFK did not want to do?

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Probably. LBJ was a shit

What country has both a JFK memorial and a 9/11 memorial.

They did it.

it was just a fucking commie
a compelling case can be made that he was hand-picked by the cia and hoover's fbi + lbj at the behest of the mossad
but it was a lowly commie who killed the president and he did the act alone

this does make the most sense

JFK may have wanted to take LBJ off the ticket in 64

He was killed by a commie and the commie was killer by a jewish coconspirator before he could talk. The CIA was at least looking the other way when it came to the communist threat, but I have no idea if it went further than that regarding JKF's assassination.

>LBJ was a shit
A lot worse than that. LBJ was an out of control, genocidal psychopath - i.e., a Zionist.

Fucker killed somewhere between 2 and 4 million Vietnamese, sold out the US to Israel, signed the Civil Rights Act to promote the destruction of white America on behalf of the Zionists, and didn't care at all.

LBJ was America's Stalin.

Bush Sr. Always had his hands in his pockets.
Just like he did in the crowd.
Look deeper.

Name a worse president for whites than LBJ, I'll wait.
>Inb4 Wilson
He was based
>Inb4 FDR
LBJ modelled his egotistical madness after FDR

Oswald was a CIA asset tasked with infiltrating the Soviet Union and possibly the KGB. He failed at this and was turned away from the USSR so they kept him inactive until they needed him. When JFK started insisting on investigations into Israeli nuclear power plants on suspicion of an illegal nuclear weapons program, and ordered executive order 111100 which would've in effect dissolved the federal reserve, orders were given and the CIA drafted him for the deed. That's my theory.


It was because he wanted to stop funding them and recover stolen information and weapons.

The same ppl who did 9/11 did JFK

Americucks still kiss their ass

The bullet that actually killed him could only have come from the back left seat of the car behind the presidents car. The person sitting in that seat was an officer in the CIA of course. Despite Texas law, no autopsy was allowed before them taking his body away. Oswald most likely a CIA asset, set up to take the fall.


The murder of JFK was like the murder of Caesar - lots of different groups worked together. This provided plausible deniability for all of them, and prevented any one of them from ever telling the truth, since their co-conspirators would then unite to denounce them as the single guilty party.

Little-known tidbit: the Watergate break-in, and the whole Watergate scandal, was fundamentally about the JFK assassination (which at that time was only 9 years earlier). The Repubs had been ratfucking the Dems in the 1972 campaign, but the Dems had the as-then-unreleased pictures of the Republican "tramps," led by E. Howard Hunt, in Dealey Plaza. The Dems were threatening to release the pictures unless the Republicans backed off on the ratfucking. So the break-in was to steal the Dealey Plaza pictures from the Dems. This is why Hunt led the break-in - it was his own ass he was working to save.

When the scandal escalated to the point that the truth was going to come out that *both* parties were complicit in executing Kennedy, the globalist bankers who own both parties stepped in and told them both to end it. This is why at the moment of their seemingly greatest victory the Dems simply allowed Nixon to resign and let the whole thing fade away.

uh ohhhhhhhhhh



We need these two verified btw, I'm not doing it right now

Read the book about it (The Man Who Killed Kennedy). Definitely LBJ.

Some highlights:
>one week before his assassination, the media was about to destroy LBJ and force him to resign by dumping stories of him being a corrupt womanizer
>the Warren Report were all political allies of LBJ
>Jack Ruby was a staffer for LBJ
>LBJ was a murderous psychopath

JFK was no hero either.


alright shill

obama, but yeah LBJ is top 5, maybe #2

>pictures of the Republican "tramps,"
haven't these been released? they're blurry as fuck honestly (i thought it was just 1 pic actually).


>haven't these been released?
They've been released *now*, but at the time they were highly secret and had never been seen by the public.

It's essential to remember Watergate happened less than a decade after JFK was assassinated - a murder that still affects the US even today. The US was still at war in Vietnam. Nixon - the candidate defeated by Kennedy in 1960 - was President. RFK had been assassinated just a few years earlier as part of the campaign to elect Nixon.

Had the pictures (and thus the truth) come out there was a very real risk the entire US government would have fallen. It's much like the way Trump and even the "Lock Her Up" push still managed to not release Hillary's 33K emails, because doing so would bring down *everything*.

He knew way too much and was going to blab so the Jewish elite murdered him. It happens pretty much every 20 years or so to someone uber powerful in America.

He was murdered because of this speech.


JFK made the mistake of pissing off a *lot* of very powerful people - all at the same time.

The bankers with his "End the Fed" moves
The CIA, which he threatened to end after Bay of Pigs
The oil barons, ending their gift of the oil depletion allowance (worth billions)
LBJ, just by JFK winning and LBJ having to take the VP slot
The war industry, by not escalating Vietnam
The Zionist cadre, by threatening to stop Israel's nuclear weapons program



There were multiple shooters, only Oswald got caught. This was not supposed to happen. Jack Ruby was the kike who organized the operation, so he was tasked with cleaning it up, hence the shooting at close range, minimal risk of failure. His people were fixing to get him off the hook, but he died in custody from supposed health complications. I'd post the infographic if I weren't phone posting from bed.


There was no assassin senpai

I'll give you some facts about LBJ. LBJ passed the civil rights act, the voting rights act, and medicare.

I won't claim to have all the answers, but I definitely believe with 100% conviction that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. Oswald moved to Russia, had a russian wife, then lived in Cuba. All this at the height of the fucking Cold War, AND the American Government knew this. How the fuck was he then allowed to move back into America, buy a gun, and kill the president? If something fishy wasn't going on his passport would have been revoked instantly and Oswald would have been banished.

JFK conspiracies are Soviet disinfo

That's the actual redpill