Rin thighs
Rin thighs
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I like the round object it's attached to more.
They're how she MAKES MONEY
Her shoes?
Shoes are Ovals Shirou.
Ovals are round.
>masturbation and porn addiction
>2 days dry
>lewd rinposting thread
Stop doing this to me Sup Forums
Fapping once a day is fine dude.
Cumulating cum is bad, you will be obseded with sex everytime
Sup Forums is the lewdest blue board by far, you should know this by now
You're only doing this to yourself
Now, round is a circle. Ovals are circles where two perpendicular points are moved across from the the other Shirou
Prisma Rin is best Rin
Prisma has the best everything really.
What are the consequences of fapping too many times on a daily basis?
How much is too many ?
You could die
>Fapping once a day is fine dude.
>American good goy detected
That's too much. Without porn 99% of people would probably not be jacking off that much. I've been jacking off pretty much daily for 8 years. That's not natural, or healthy.
You should really shoot for once a week.
You could lost the ability to attain wizard powers at the age of 30.
Doing anything "too many times" is bad if it interferes with normalfag problems like education and work.
The only exception of course is watching anime or reading manga. Doing either of that every waking moment is perfectly healthy.
Puts strain on your kidneys, for one.
CCC was way too lewd
Is that a midget?
It's a bitch
No its a Rani.
I wonder what Saber and Rin's ass baby would look like.
For those who don't know, Ass babies are when women's ass get pregnant.
>shoot for once a week
holy shit dude
literally how? It will drive you crazy. Everytime you see a lewd pic or a qt girl you will want to beat the meat.
when a man cums, his spirit will be freed
I don't think it has any actual bad consequences, it's just time consuming, being horny is distracting and jerking off reduces your testosterone levels so you might feel a bit weaker. It also has some good effects like reducing the risk of prostate cancer. The best would be to masturbate every 2-3 days as that is usually the time sperm lives.
More Rin anus
If you browse Sup Forums it's impossible to not masturbate at least 2 times a day.
If I wasn't doing 9 hours of work per day I would fap 5 times minimum.
Too much lewds
>>masturbation and porn addiction
Sarah Diefendorf, a sociologist at the University of Washington, found that Evangelical men who took an abstinence pledge before marriage "still struggle with issues like excessive pornography viewing, masturbation" when married.[36][37] In one study, half of Chrisitan pastors said they used porn in the last year, and in another, roughly 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women self-report being addicted to porn.[38][39][40][41]
Are Americans really this retarded?
Do you believe breathing addiction exists as well? Drinking water addiction?
I'm actually laughing out here.
spread them cheekies gurl i'm going in dry
Maybe he actually spends 4+ hours every day watching porn and jerking off and these 2 days have been the longest time off in years, that would classify as an addiction. Your little excerpt is also pretty unrelated to this whole thing.
I'm just surprised anyone could believe you can have an addiction to a thing you're genetically programmed by nature to ... have an addiction to.
That's not abnormal behavior. Societies that think it's abnormal are abnormal.
In most normal cultures around the world you're fully expected to fuck your wife (which you would have at your age) for a good amount every day.
So if you eat chocolate all day and become a fat fuck and you will die because you are to fat and you can't stop eating because you have no self control, it's not an addiction because eating stuff with a lot of sugar is what your genes tell you to do?
>In most normal cultures around the world you're fully expected to fuck your wife (which you would have at your age) for a good amount every day.
Pretty sure that bullshit but that aside, of course you can be addicted to masturbation, just like you can be addicted to sex or are you trying to tell me that's also not possible? You can be addicted to almost everything, if you somehow releases endorphin and other stimuli while drinking water you can be addicted to that as well. Imagine if you had to drink 30 liters of water every day, that would be pretty shitty.
Is Rin's anybody's waifu? Or is she just like a shared sex toy for Saberfags with their waifus when they go to Gensyokyo/Avalon?
*your body somehow
Your definition of addiction is wrong.
Tohsaka women have the most inconsistent chest sizes
>Sometimes Rin is small, sometime's she's average, few times she could pass as a D
>Sometimes Sakura is small/clothes make her look flat, sometimes she's a cow
Why is Len there?
why did her thigh become this thick?
They had to make her appealing somehow
You will die either way.
You could die happy eating your chocolate or you could die miserable thinking there's something wrong with you.
Again it's perceptions imposed by an invalid culture, not anything that has to do with reality.
>Pretty sure that bullshit but that aside
Are you mayhaps a German, or a Swede, or some other ethnicity going extinct faster than the pandas? No. It's not bullshit. You're fully expected to fuck your wife in most parts of the world and no one would bat an eye if you tell them you fucked her for a good 3-4 hours. They would congratulate you on your virility if anything.
"Addiction is a medical condition that is characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences."
He is right though.
>t. retard
Rin pleases old men for shekels
>despite adverse consequences."
What's the adverse consequence of having sex?
We were talking about masturbation and eating chocolate.
And by that, valid, definition you can become addicted to almost anything, anime, gaming, shopping and masturbating.
I want to throw Rin into the fires of Mt. Doom.
Those don't have significant adverse consequences either. Unless you're eating shit chocolate and tons of it.
I'm a biogerontologist and I can assure you, not eating carbs will not affect your lifespan significantly. 2-3 years. You're better off eating the chocolate.
I just bought the complete series of Fate/Stay Night. What can I expect?
You could've just torrented it.
> Unless you're eating tons of it.
That what addiction means, stupid.
The complete series on DVD for $5? I couldn't say no.
A godawful adaptation and a waste of $5.
the best ride of your life.
Should've just torrented it.
>Those don't have significant adverse consequences either.
That's quite subjective though.
Maybe you jerk off several times a day and you don't get a lot of sleep or don't do other stuff you are supposed to do. Maybe people avoid you because you always reek of semen. Maybe you start jerking off at work and your boss finds out.
You'd have to be pretty rich. Chocolate isn't cheap even if it's shit.
And if you're rich you typically go for the more common drug addictions. It's just not a good analogy.
If you listen to some of my colleagues they'd tell you that indeed most Westerners have a sugar addiction, but reality of the matter is, since we lead the world by life expectancy it's obviously not that detrimental.
My point was - if it doesn't kill you outright stop calling it an addiction.
>You'd have to be pretty rich. Chocolate isn't cheap even if it's shit.
Yeah and then you resort to shit chocolate and then maybe even worse. That's why alcohol addicts in Russia sometimes start drinking spiritus. You also don't "go for" an addiction, you just get one due to mainly too much consumption. Addiction is not mainly defined by negative consequences, that's just the usual result.
>My point was - if it doesn't kill you outright stop calling it an addiction.
But then you are using the term wrong.
Well most people do indeed.
As I already said, most Westeners eat lots of cheap shitty sugary shit.
It's not significantly detrimental.
How many people do you know that do not drink Cola?
No. I am using it right.
Psychiatrists trying to invent conditions and make a buck are using it wrong.
If the treatment is worse for your health than the "addiction" you're better off sticking with your "addiction".
Are you 14 years old? Seriously, you can't actually be this retarded.
>I'm not wrong you are!
>I am right even though I'm making this shit up as I go along!
When the definition was posted you should have just said that we are right but that you think it's dumb how easily people label stuff as addictions.
No. As I said I'm a medical professional and I'm actually worried that the user might fuck up his health because he thinks he has an addiction to a thing he can't possibly have an addiction to ... and be fully functional.
A person who would display a legitimate compulsory behavior to sex wouldn't be stable in any way. The idea he can somehow realize he's doing something wrong and try to fix himself is hilarious.
The dude probably jacks off 3-4 times a day and decided he's addicted. He's better off doing that than whatever else he's doing now.
She's my favorite character from the Nasuverse. Maybe once I read Mahoyo that might change.
My waifu is from Gensokyo though.
>I'm a medical professional
Being locked in a mental institute doesn't make you a "medical professional".
There's something wrong with her arms and shoulders.
Damnit, you made me realize that too. I'll just try and pretend that never happened.
The things that I would do to Rin's ass...
Just delete the image, you will never forget.
He's better off fapping 3-4 times a day than doing something different?
There is barely anything less productive than jerking off.
He could be reading a book, work out, meet his friends or even watch anime. All of that is more productive and will help him more in life than sitting in a dark room all day masturbating.
Of course there's nothing wrong with masturbation, but if you do it all the time, you have difficulties stopping and it has negative effects on your lifestyle, it's a goddamn addiction.
I don't care how you define an addiction this one is the correct one:
"Addiction is a medical condition that is characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences."
I took this shit from wikipedia and the next fucking line is:
"It can be thought of as a disease or biological process leading to such behaviors."
>hur dur it's not an addiction because it's natural
wut, I can't see anything wrong.
Are you a psychoquack?
Are you worried I'm voicing the same dissent a large group of the medical community is starting to feel towards your pseudoscience?
The reality is if he's not jacking off he'll be on the internet shit posting. Does that mean he has an internet addiction? So he should stop that. Then he'll start watching TV. Oh now he has a TV addiction. Next is an alcohol addiction. Food addiction.
>There is barely anything less productive than jerking off.
Who says he needs to be productive 24 hours every day? He's not a machine.
>watching anime
And as for the gym.
Everything is an addiction if you're forced to perceive it as an addiction by society.
Actually it's her ass that's wrong, the arms are as long and as thick as they should be.
Haha, cute.
I'm not sure about the ass. I wouldn't consider myself an ass expert. But where her arms are connected to her shoulder, around the armpit, that's definitely wrong.
Her tit doesn't go over to her shoulder. That's wrong too. But at least the arm is around where it should be.
"Addiction is a medical condition that is characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences."
He masturbates several hours a day therefore he doesn't get enough sleep, doesn't pay enough attention to the stuff he eats, is late for work, isn't productive at work and doesn't meet his friends anymore.
>But it's not an addiction because it's society that tells him it's an addiction.
>Who cares if your lifestyle is shit, you don't have to be productive 24 hours a day.
Yeah nice arguments.
Anime is more productive in the sense that it's art, he can learn stuff and it's something he can talk about with his friends.
>Everything is an addiction if you're forced to perceive it as an addiction by society.
So what, you are just using the term wrong.
I don't care if you are a medical professional, use the term like a normal person would.
Her right arm is always too small. Yes the angle makes it look smaller but that that much smaller.
>>He masturbates several hours a day therefore he doesn't get enough sleep, doesn't pay enough attention to the stuff he eats, is late for work, isn't productive at work and doesn't meet his friends anymore.
You're working on the assumption it's the jerking off that caused those problems.
What if he doesn't pay attention at work because he doesn't like his job - but can't get a better one, he doesn't eat well because he gets paid shit, and his friends are shit so he's better off not seeing them?
If your addiction is a coping mechanism it's not the coping mechanism that you should be fixing but the things forcing you to cope.
Treating the symptom doesn't treat the condition.
That's why I said "therefore" retard. Of course it's not an addiction if the the other stuff was there before he started jerking a lot.
But if he gets into this situation because he starts jerking off way to much, it's a fucking addiction.
Listen, sure there are retarded people who will call everything they don't like an addiction but that doesn't mean you can't be addicted to stuff like masturbation.
How would Rin react if you asked her to do a sexy dance? Assuming she agreed to it.
If the scenerio is that Rin is also attracted to me (for some reason) then she would probably panic and get shy and yell "WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME TO DO THAT, B-B-BAKA!!!".
Then after a while should would do it shy and awkwardly.
Is that underwear designed to attract old men?
thanks for clearing that up
You're welcome
How come i never see Rins panties.
What's to love?
I don't have a waifu, but if I did, it would be Rin.