Aussie Nats Recruiting

Hello fellow goys. We are recruiting Aussies to join our ranks at Antipodean Resistance. Before being accepted into our elite youth organization, you will be vetted accordingly.

Check our website for more details.

>inb4 it's a honeypot bruu

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Where exactly are you located? Your site doesn't tell me anything.

Why do you keep focusing on the anti-gay stuff while neglecting actual Australian nationalism and its ideals?

I like the idea behind you guys, I like your posters, but the fact that you can't seem to do anything but go for anti-gay shock value kosher cuckservative stuff really puts me off. Actually start to read about Australian nationalism or even national socialism.

If you manage to read our site. There's ton of info on NatSoc

Yer and about all the Swastikas, it's great and all but you're going to look to extreme for the masses for a successful recruiting drive.

We refuse to cuck

You don't have to give up National socialism as an idea just change how you promote it.

I have read it. As I said, I really like your posters, whoever you have doing the graphics is a genius. I still have some of your funnier ones saved on another computer ('legalise the execution of Jews' comes to mind).

Just make sure you don't fall victim to importing stupid issues of the day from America nor getting overly involved in Cory Bernardi-tier shit like gay marriage.

Anyway, I wish you guys luck. Stay strong on the JQ and keep shocking normies.

Read what Hitler wrote about original ideas and appearing fresh. He wrote about it in my struggle and he was recorded in table talk.

No thanks ASIO

Right exactly, your main goal as a group should be to acquire influence so your groups ideas can actually be implemented into society one day.

If you're going to go full neo-nsdap to recover his image/move the overton window and not to achieve political support then using the symbols and language could be beneficial. If you're looking to create a revolutionary movement you need a revolutionary movement.

>Joining an ASIO honeypot
Uh, I'm right, thanks

>I'm a white nationalist, but what we need to focus on are our supposed stylistic differences with other white nationalists.

Putting up "stop the fags" posters does not help the cause you retard. You're just circle jerking about how much you oppose gays, what have you tangibly done except go on walkabout with some likeminded kids? Fuck outta here pretending like you do anything that has actual effect on legislation and the nation

Hmmm. Is there a taco night?

Can i join?

This type of shit works well in Norway. You might not hate the fags but millions of people in your country hate them. Many of the traitors and shabbos are faggots. Most of them are also pedos and drug addicts.

They contribute less than nothing to society on the whole and it's an easy case to make. Religious people also hate gays for the most part. Nordfront rather than "gas the fags" op has a "crush the pedo lobby" op during pride every year.

Looking at the their twitter feed, it seems to be all about putting stickers on lamp posts and on university grounds.

Also sometimes going out for hikes in the bush holding up a blue and white Nazi flag.

Honeypot circle jerk prankster larp edgelords

>table talks
>not a jewish forgery

>This type of shit works well in Norway. You might not hate the fags but millions of people in your country hate them

Don't presume I don't oppose gays vehemently dickhead, I am being pragmatic and honest. Going on hikes in the bushes and wildlife parks waving a swastika flag, then roleplaying as these ninja nazis putting up posters in the middle of the night is not actually helping because what might work with snowniggers in norway doesn't work here with how the political system is designed to destroy white nationalism

You can read the original translation in French. I've read both and I didn't notice a difference, apparently it exists.

I don't understand why anyone would forge it. It endeared me to him.

>the real holocaust was the friends we made along the way
too good for this world

I don't think you understand what it's going to take to win. Are you looking to win or are you looking to hold off the replacement for a decade or two?

Rehabilitating the image of Hitler, blowing apart the holohoax and all the lies the kikes tell about him and his movement, is absolutely necessary if we are going to succeed. If you disagree i'll make this point in more detail.

You seem to be the type of person to actually be successful at starting a nationalist group that isn't instantly hated by the masses.

You ever thought about making a group? Maybe even going political?

Christcucks are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

They should not be pandered to.

>Rehabilitating the image of Hitler, blowing apart the holohoax and all the lies the kikes tell about him and his movement,

Doing that here is going to get you arrested m8....

Have you crunched the numbers mate? We don't have a choice.

words won't change anything
sneaky or not.

Well then you're fucked in that regard which really throws a wrench in the gears. Do they ban his speeches too?

You're both children, criminalistic and morons.
National Socialism isn't about the hatred for others.
Its about the love of ones own.

Just checked out your pics. You literally look as white trash as the aryan brotherhood.
I'd be surprised if you're not government funded, as on appearance, your sole objective seems to be giving NS a bad image and making the job harder for us.
We all know the current face of this war is a propaganda war.
You look as far from the WWII German propaganda posters as it gets (Ie, the ideal we wish to portray)
You look like someone snuck a camera into a pray the gay away camp.

If you're serious, stop this shit now you bunch of pricks.

Ho-mo sexuality in full effect fellas, maoris are the only thing preventing you from becoming european tier cucks

In Australia it's pretty hard to promote these ideas, you can get locked for someone reporting you for hate speech even on facebook.

They banned protesting in Melbourne as well.

There's a healthy of amount of hatred built into National Socialism. Pic related. It's not wrong to hate your enemies, to hate the people destroying your people.

See people bad mouth Australia... but its good too see we have some truely world case fuckatards here as well!

What are your top 5 main focuses?

What are your opinions on Islam and cultural marxism?

So they've made peaceful revolution impossible. That's going to bite real bad for one or the other.

Brendan O'Connell went to gaol in Australia for 3 years for 'anti-semetism'.

Lovely to see retarded kids undoing his work so far, by larping.

Define larping.

Hatred is the tool, not the foundation.
Anything built on hate, has to find new enemies once the real one are gone.

Wouldn't expect you to understand, you dumb fuck.

Then don't be a cuck and find your own symbol, this isn't 1920s Germany

Nordfront has their own imagery, flags and stuff. These retards are using swastikas and think it will appeal to Aussies. People will be apprehensive of joining a group that outright flies nazi flags even if they agree with them. If they weren't a bunch of larping teenagers they'd realise the importance of creating a nationalist AUSTRALIAN movement with a proper natsoc foundation that is specific to australia.

Hatred is the fuel of revolutions.

>find your own symbol

That's why the only option left is a political revolution and for that to happen it must not have Swastikas or outright say it's national socialist.

Honestly most of the ideas Sup Forums wants to implement don't even have to be related to national socialism.

>Less immigration is a politically acceptable stance
>Opposing gay marriage is politically acceptable
>More gun rights can be a politically acceptable stance

These are just some examples but you get the idea.

Your pic, organised and structured. Good image of a positive society.

My pic, retarded fucking larpers.

Nordfront has their own symbol and aesthetic

fuck you autistic fags, you're helping antiwhites

the swastika doesn't make you look tough, it just makes you look like weird scary freaks, is that what you want?

you disgrace the swastika you faggots

Nordfront looks good.

Australia is almost as bastardised as america now.
The genes speak for themselves.

Any natsoc program is going to look like the 25 point program. Any counter-semitism is going to be called nazism. What do you when you are pushed across this bridge? Do you denounce Hitler and censor anyone that speaks the truth? That's a recipe for disaster and you'll still be called nazis.

Rehabilitating the image of Hitler, showing people the truth, is wholly necessary. This is why they've spent so much time and effort dehumanizing and demonizing his movement. Thankfully it doesn't take much to show people the light.

I'd join, but I'm gay.

Oh well.

looking tough makes you look tough. If you're jacked nobody gonna say shit about your 'swatstika'

Wonder if I have to bring me own bloody snacks when we go walkabout like Abo cunts?

Don't worry, I'm sure every single one of them are too.

You didn't answer the question. Define larping. I'm not being a smartass I just see this charge thrown about all the time.

literally "DON'T TRY TO USE YOUR WITS TO WIN, JUST BE A NAZI EXTREMIST" the shitty argument

GLR was a good man but he fucked up a lot, also everything he said isn't true. He's your God, isn't he? pathetic!

it doesn't matter if they call us fucking Nazis, we need our people to see that the accusation is stupid, that we aren't crazy or weirdos

this is also bullshit, you can be a roided up superman and just look like a freak, anyway, if you're not careful

They probably don't want namby pamby faggots that cry at the sight of a swastika.

a freak nobody is going to say anything to, because the people judging 'SwoleSwatstika' as a 'freak' are cowards on the inside

Hey PRkike, you mad?

>no drugs
>australian youth
Good luck with that

just checked out the twitter, hilarious stuff boys. Keep it up

This will go the same way as N.A. in the UK.

Youll LARP around and fettishize the Nazis, pushing away the average person who could get into nationalism because you want to be edgy and provocative. The movement will be doomed to be an underground scene that only attracts sociopaths that talk about gassing people ironically all day instead of regular people that could've been turned if you actually tried something new and relative to the time instead of waving swastikas.

Eventually you'll all get arrested for terrorism and ruin your lives for the sake of lamp post stickers, edgy demos and circle jerk meetings where nothing happens

You're not going to "wake people up" about Hitler. Focussing on that is what is holding back European nationalism.

"you can't fight for your racial identity in America, Australia or Canada without reference to Hitler and calling yourself a national socialist"

Stormnigger this is the dumbest fucking shit ever, and it's exactly what antiwhites want, they want to be able to make you look like a "Nazi" as much as possible!

Just them calling you a "Nazi" is pointless and means nothing (everyone knows basic Republicans get called Nazi), what matters is if the accusation looks authentic or not. Dumbass!

White people who were defending their race in 1850 were all supercucks because they didn't heil Hitler.... wait no, that's retarded! Natsoc and Hitler AREN'T THE GODS OF THE FUCKING WHITE RACE.

Stormcucks BTFO
Stop 88cucking so hard

It depends on the goal. Anglin can afford to be over the top because he's not trying to be the ends. His goal, a goal shared by many on this board, is not to lead people to the promised land but to push them down the path of asking the right questions, questioning the narrative, and noticing the big noses.

Might join in a couple of days. I'm just capitalist in general but meeting you fags might be interesting. And if I can't get a free market I might as well have some fun.

That's JIDF shit. America is toast anyways you're well past the point of no return.

Yet you have Jew colours on your flag and the symbol that represents a junkie who my ancestors died fighting.

Fuck you OP, hope I see you in the street one day

So you genuinely despise the common Australian white man?

This is just talk. Random dudes in the woods with swastikas on and no real world power are nothing. You are such a fucking idiot.

Anti-PR is codeword for anti-white. Hitler won through very good PR. You are just a dumbass.

I don't do drugs aye brah. I only smoke the 420 and dump the odd pingabut no drugs aye.

stormnignogging is antiwhite kike bullshit, go fuck yourself

Dropped one millions tons of bombs on his women and children at night while we funded, fed and armed the Soviets.



You're conveniently dismissing the objective truth that people that cast judgment like yourself are cowards. You would never voice your opinion or lack thereof to somebody who was bold enough to wear a swatstika in front of you.

People are going to assume you're JIDF. Convince me that this is okay. Convince me that Hitler was wrong. Try it. Go ahead.

Would love to join user. Have a good job I don't wanna lose. Have a good girlfriend I don't wanna lose.
I applaud you fellas, but don't you worry about being exposed?

who the fuck cares cuntralia will be a chink colony in 5-10 years anyway. stop wasting your time and try to have fun while you still can


What are you talking about?

What's wrong with capitalism, and what alternative do you suggest?

When is thedonald PRcucks gonna stop raiding ? It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't insufferable pieces of shit unwilling to drop their conservative mindset and adopt a revolutionary one.

Mark my words to any genuine Sup Forumslock, these PRcucks will immediately sell out the moment any pressure is put on them. They want safety not struggle. They hate the swastika, national socialism and all that because they're cowards that hate pain

They recognize the invasion and who is doing it but are wholly unwilling to suffer to fulfill their duty as white men. They're not who you want to pander to in order to join your group.

Good luck Australia.

You could probably be even more natsoc if you adopt a different symbol. Just pick some random rune like the american Nazi party did recently. Or hell just default to generation identity if you're feeling very lazy.

These people will flee at the first sign of strife. As for the numbers i'm always reminded that kikes built an ethnostate from land that was 5% Jewish a century ago.

Fucking morons, the Muslims are going to eat you alive. They will use you to smash you forever. Did you clowns not see what happened to germany? You morons are the architects of white genocide. Nazis are the useful idiots of islam

History has one constant, and one constant only -
Nobody fucks with the Jews. Nobody.

Because the only people willing to rally behind a swastika are pieces of shit whose lives are so pathetic they have nothing to lose. Some of us can't afford to have pics of us behind a fucking nazi flag if we want to keep our jobs.

>ASIO rapes you
Yeah nah... I ain't joining either m8

The alternative is (national) socialism, or more specifically the Australian school of economics.

Capitalism in limited quantities but with the state retaining key controls to prevent exploitation.

I don't care if Hitler was wrong or Napoleon was wrong, dude. Being skeptical as fuck of Jews was normal everywhere pre WW2. The idea that I must be a natsoc Hitler worshiper to be aware of the Kike Problem is ludicrous Jewish bullshit. Jews LOVE that antisemitism=Nazi in 2017. You're helping them like an idiot.

You're just an edgy fuck.

"muh infallible George Lincoln Rockwell quotes"
so gay!

Why do they promote drugs?

M.S. should be executed.

You rats have been removed 359 times throughout history. The white man spends trillions and sacrifices the health of his societies to keep you from going extinct. Kikes killed tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. You really thought you wouldn't answer for this eventually?

you're trolling to make it look like opposing these dumb larpers=pro kike

fuck off

Didn't you know Martin Luther and Wagner were neo-nazis before it was cool?

On cue the namefag coward comes to spread his poison and recruit for his discord shilling campaign. He's a typical kike that no matter how many times you beat them logically they're like jellyfish, as Hitler said.

True propaganda has always been strength, not cowardly sneaking like this faggot proposes

I'll repeat what I wrote again burg man. I don't even know why you're wasting your time your country is already toast.

"Any natsoc program is going to look like the 25 point program. Any counter-semitism is going to be called nazism. What do you when you are pushed across this bridge? Do you denounce Hitler and censor anyone that speaks the truth? That's a recipe for disaster and you'll still be called nazis. Rehabilitating the image of Hitler, showing people the truth, is wholly necessary. This is why they've spent so much time and effort dehumanizing and demonizing his movement. Thankfully it doesn't take much to show people the light. "
>^ banned in all of Europe and hidden from search results worldwide.

You dont have to be pro kike.

But if you go anti kike, you and yours are for the dustbin of history

Fine, join the muslims in their eternal orgy of paranoia and violence. Its natural selection in action I guess, you rohinga tier retard

Dumb as fuck bogans and autists actually think waving the swastika in 2017 wont delegitimize their cause, how pathetic. Dog cunts are going to further smear right wing politics. You need to play their game, not your own. Dumb cunts

>tfw no natsoc camping buddies
fucc at least thers the book club

We need to use them, but NEVER let them take the wheel again like they did in the early 2000s. Those dumb cunts got so comprehensively BTFO they discredited the right as a whole at the time when we needed them the most.

The degeneracy singularity we are experiencing now is a direct result of the christcucks crashing right wing credibility with no survivors 15 years ago.

Are you guys British/Irish Ethnonationalists or C I V I C cucks?

>Capitalism in limited quantities but with the state retaining key controls to prevent exploitation.

The state can be used to protect exploitation as much as it can be used to prevent it. You could say that it wouldn't be a problem if the right people are in charge of the state, but the exact same argument applies to the market.

And we know that, any ideology aside, the market is just a more effective way of organising resources in society.

What's more important is to make sure the right people have political and/or economic power. The problem is being controlled by jews and traitors, not whether you are controlled through corporations or the state.

Good. You go sit safely in your white neighborhoods while you still can. Comfortable bourgeois faggot

Go back2redit already shillkike