Does yuri fanservice generally improve an anime?
Does yuri fanservice generally improve an anime?
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No. being gay is wrong.
Ask Madoka and Love Live
Yes, but fit can be frustrating if they never follow through on it.
No, it's shit.
Only if it's not actually gay. Klk is a good example and it's also funny. Nozomi from love live is another good example.
Actually yuri is a fucking gross.
>yuri is fucking gross
How gay do you have to be to actually think this
They should stop slapping that otaku pandering garbage to every anime they can get their grubby hands on.
The day when yuri becomes non existent in anime is the day anime starts being good again.
Homosexuality and/or sexual confusion can be used as a quality plot device. It's not just pandering.
My fucking nigga.
I'm tired of having to drop otherwise great shows because of the forced yuri trash.
Oh yeah? And in how many anime is it used as anything besides pandering?
And by the way that image you use is especially ironic considering that anime has 0 homosexuality in it regardless of what you s/u/bhumans want to think.
Yuri is a disgusting fetish and it perpetuates the worst qualities of shit anime that should not be allowed to carry on in the genre for any longer.
When is it EVER used as a plot device and not just shameless pandering. And Hibike Euphonium did not have yuri as a plot device, so take your yuri goggles off.
Yuri fanservice is only good if they're gay.
Why are you guys upset over adolescence being portrayed so well?
Yuri and yuri related imagery is part of a Jewish scheme to destroy the strength of the male race. I have started exclusively watching kodomo anime so as to avoid this filth.
I only fap to traps on a rare occasion so only marginally gay. Reason why I hate yuri is because it completely kills any sense of self insertion.
>unable to self-insert as a girl
How do you even enjoy anime?
Any kind of fanservice improves an anime.
I don't, I'm just here to discuss BL doujinshi
not being animated by Trigger improves an anime
Only if the characters in question have a meaningful relationship. Teasing for the sake of fanservice is just shitty.
Though Kill La Kill is an odd example because blatant fanservice is so much a part of the series that it's barely even titillating.
Because I'm not a little bitch like you
KlK is problematic because the ending make people argue if Mako ended with Ryuko or not.
>needs to self-insert
>can't because most cast are girls
>how do you even enjoy anime like? because I'm not a little bitch like you
Reminder that Sup Forums is an English language image board
>>unable to self-insert as a girl
>Because I'm not a little bitch like you
>girls are all little bitches
Go back to Sup Forums or /r9k/ or whatever shit board you crawled your way over from
In what way? Is it the part where it's explicitly shown it was a joke? Or the part where word of God outright says nope?
Little girls are wonderful it's the man children that want to be little girls who should be shamed.
Why'd you post that abomination then? I don't see anything wonderful there.
>not gay
The part where Ryuuko and Mako were in love with each other and went on a date at the end.
Yuri bait for sure but is there anything canon mentioning she is gay?
She confesses her love in the drama CDs. Also, Garden of Glass.
Yuri fanservice is bad because it never goes anywhere.
At least with heterosexual fanservice they may marry or at least date (see Love Hina).
Yuri is the most wonderful thing in the world, and any anime is enriched proportional to the amount of yuri or yuri-friendly content that it has. The only people who dislike it are soulless assholes who have ideological axes to grind with gays or women or both.
I'm a soulless asshole but I don't have an axe to grind with gays or women.
If yuri is the most wonderful thing in the world then why does Japan hate it?
This is a silly statement to make considering the very prevalence of yuri content in anime and manga, which is remarked upon in this thread even by people who dislike it. Japan loves yuri. They just keep it unresolved so that desperate waifufags can still have their fantasies.
I have an axe to grind with 3d dykes for being pig disgusting, but 2d dykes are pure. 3d pigwomen could learn a thing or two from 2d.
It's 2016 how do you not have a waifu yet. Or are you a normalfag, or just new?
As should be obvious, I am a yuri fan - and have been one since before the turn of the century - so neither. Women belong with women.
That's debateable.
>Fapping to traps is only marginally gay
>Yuri is gross
I have some news for you, user...
>in how many anime is it used as anything besides pandering?
Shin Sekai Yori comes to my mind, also Ikuhara's series (Utena, Penguindrum and YKA)
Translate it weeb.
So you're into ntr? Because that's what's happening here.
Girl x girl is true romance
That would imply I was needy and insecure enough to feel jealousy and self-entitlement. Instead, I have empathy, which allows me to enjoy the idea of other people being fulfilled and happy.
>two girls
>being happy
You have literally never watched (or read) yuri.
You're gonna have to explain this to me, as far as I've gleaned from osmosis, that image contains the canon pairing
Been doing both for about 20 years now, actually. You must be talking about yourself.
only h-yuri
>Yuri is the most wonderful thing in the world
>my tastes > your tastes
And yurifags wonder why they're disliked.
>yuri sucks
>my tastes > your tastes
And anti-yuri fags wonder why they're disliked.
Yuri sucks for the very salient reason that you can't self-insert.
The PURPOSE of the romance genre is to self-insert and "experience" the romance first hand, for yourself.
But since you can't self-insert as a girl, yuri always falls flat.
>The PURPOSE of the romance genre is to self-insert
No, it's great for the very salient reason that humans can be happy for other people without endless deference to their own egos.
The PURPOSE of the romance genre is to create appealing characters and watch them find happiness together.
If you can't do that, that's personal lack of empathy and preoccupation with yourself.
You're projecting m8, I have no problem with tasteful little injections of homo in my anime. Utena is a great example.
Of course, reasoning that the world might not actually be out to get them is a bit too strenuous for most fags, who sport insane victim complexes, and this phenomenon extends far into yuri/yaoi fandom as far as I can see.
>But since you can't self-insert as a girl
Girls should fuck girls and guys, and guys should fuck guys and girls.
>The PURPOSE of the romance genre is to self-insert and "experience" the romance first hand, for yourself.
Stupid internet. I asked for NEW memes.
>The PURPOSE of the romance genre is to self-insert
>you can't self-insert as a girl
>self-inserting in any way
No, that's bad writting, you can simpatize with a character but your are not supposed to insert yourself in the story, a character that allows that is a bad written character and probably you like to watch garbage.
>replying to pasta
Jesus fucking Christ.
Using a pasta isn't a free pass to spout stupidity.
Being a newfaggot isn't a free pass to fall for obvious bait.
Don't really care if it was bait or not, friendo. Actually I'm even more glad I did since it's triggering your autism so much.
It depends. I'm a yuri fan, so the more the better for me. However, I'm getting tired of all the bait that eventually leads to nowhere, so if the yuri is shoehorned into a series where it's clear there will never be any development, it just becomes pointless blueballing.
>muh self-insertion
>muh """""NTR"""""
Oh wow, kill yourselves
Everything will become a pasta nowdays. This is a new pasta.
Sir, I believe you are mistaken. First of all, you could make a case for Mako having a girl crush, but she also says herself that it's just the Ryuko in her imagination, and she's just as often flirting with a 10+ ft tall black man, the esteemed Gamagoori. Ryuko on the other hand is all about Senketsu, all the way till the very final scene of the show. Mako herself describes Ryuko and Senketsu as soulmates, a descriptor I would think most yurifriends would not treat lightly.
Furthermore, the date, again in Mako's words, was a girl's day out to shop for clothes. And also part of the "date" was Ryuko's sister, as well as guest appearances of Mako's would-be 10+ ft tall black boyfriend, and the aforementioned Ryuko pining after a ghost (?).
Mako never flirted with Gamagoori and hardly showed any interest in him. She's clearly in love with Ryuuko throughout the whole series, and Ryuuko says she loves Mako as much as Senketsu and cares about them more than anyone else
With Senketsu dead, and Gamagoori getting cucked, the true ship of KLK is clear
Full sail ahead, captain
Only if it goes all the way.
Knight girl yuri is glorious.
So can girls love girls?
I'm talking full on blast-up-your-ass-so-fast-you-can't-even-breathe yuri pandemonium. You think you're safe? Good. Ignorance is bliss until you realize that two young girls mashing muffs at lightspeed is the most arousing sexfest sensation you've ever laid sense upon, censored or otherwise. This menu's got one dish, bitch. Mooseknuckle tug o'war surprise with a side of sticky lips, rocking hips and potato chips mother fucker. You can't run. Shit's too stronk. Like a gravity well of nuka-nico-duga-sugoku-kawaii-moe-desu~ radiation cramming sweet vanilla shoujo-ai down your throat until you vomit fuckin' pink rainbows. THAT'S A RAINBOW TURNED PINK SON!! You just reversed the god damn color spectrum. It's all fun and games until a glass of sassafrass sunshine flavored gumdrop bullshit gets pussy pummeled into your chest with the force of one hundred thousand million UGUU~'s at 900,000 NPS (Nipaa's Per Second) before you realize that you've already died and gone to little girl vagoo heaven, knockin' at the gates the moment you hit play. Traps? Sissies? Trans? Nah punk this is the absolute opposite direction. You've just backpedaled so hard into a state of heterosexuality that you've gone and come out gay on the other end. GAY GIRLS THAT I! Feeling queasy? Consult DEMO Deesy for a swift kick in the dick. That'll get your blood boiling. Hot and passionate, like Mai and Reo's first night tongue-boxing each other's candy holes.
No, it's a phase.
It's hot as fuck though.
why am i seeing ryuko's nipples for the first time years after this aired
why wasnt i informed of this earlier
it helps when you enjoy pussy
>it's a phase
I think nips unironically believe this
Because it's true.
Homosexuality is just a fetish, not an orientation.
>"gay is gross"
>dislikes yuri
Maybe 30 years ago, but Japan is perfectly aware of the reality of homosexuality these days. Unlike this idiot
My penis says yes
>but Japan is perfectly aware of the reality of homosexuality these days
With those birth rates, the day they fully accept homosexuality is the end for Japan.
America will have to move more black soldiers into their Japanese bases so they breed.
Homosexuals aren't the problem, it's the straights over there that don't want to breed.
>The mind of an asian
>The body of a negro
Think about how many bikes would be stolen