Australian gay marriage vote

I would like to share a lefty cuck pro yes vote post. It makes me sick.

As you should know, the postal vote ballots on marriage equality will be sent out tomorrow. That means it's time for Angry Lesbian Emily to post a long rant on Facebook! It’s gonna be really long but everything is very important so please bear with me (there is a tl;dr below).
DISCLAIMER : If you feel attacked by anything I say, that’s because it is about YOU, so listen up.
• The number of people I've seen who say things like 'I'm not homophobic, like I don't hate gay people, but I don't believe in same sex marriage' is fucking appalling. Despite what you may think, THIS IS HOMOPHOBIA. Marriage is literally a human right as stated by the United Nations. Not supporting marriage equality is denying our human rights and this is the very basis of discrimination. You are literally breaching our fucking human rights. THIS IS DISCRIMINATION. YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC. IT IS NOT OKAY. It is NOT okay to vote no.
• Homophobia is not the actual fear of gay people (although I sure wish it was because it would be great if people cleared a path for me at Central Station). It is the discrimination of LGBT+ people. Don’t @ me with a definition from Google, because those definitions do not include many intricate social nuances. If you are not LGBT+, don’t even fucking try to tell me what is and what isn’t homophobic. I am a lesbian (surprise!). I experience homophobic discrimination, not you. I tell you what’s right and what’s wrong on this topic, not you. Don’t try to tone police me and don’t invite me for a chat to pretend that you are so much better for being ‘civil’ in this debate. I have the right to be angry. Sit down and listen.

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]/mf/3310.0


I managed to convince one of my pro-gay friends that voting no was valid by stating it like this:

Everyone frames the argument as one of personal rights. "It's their human right to get married, by denying them that right you're denying them basic human rights!" is the argument I hear. But I think the issue is NOT one of personal human rights, it's an issue of what society you want to live in. Right now there's far too many people taking a laissaiz faire "Well if it doesn't hurt anyone else who cares" attitude. Do gays getting married hurt me? No they don't, but at the same time I don't think it's a positive thing for our society either. Marriage serves the purpose of a man and a woman making the commitment to stay monogamous and raise a family together. What purpose does gays getting married serve? They get tax benefits. The insitution of marriage is already degenerated by the attitude that it's some thing you do if you like a person and if it doesn't work out you can already "opt out" with divorce. There are multiple studies showing empirically that children in single parent families are worse off in every regard than ones brought up by two loving parents. My argument boils down to this, is the path we want to tread? Where marriage means nothing, scores of children grow up in dysfunctional families and the whole institute is degenerated to the point it means literally nothing but tax breaks? I'm tired of giving ground to people who think our society is nothing more than a vehicle to satisfy every one of their hedonistic desires. I want a society that has values, morals and VALUES marriage as a sacred bond between man and woman. If that means I deny gays their "human right" so be it, my interest is in whats best for ALL of us for the future, not what's convenient RIGHT NOW for a minority who are throwing a tantrum.


>caring what retards say on social media
>being a retard with social media

i dont think anyone should be able to marry. i think its a pointless scam

When is the resul cuntst?

200,000 Asians flood Australia every year, in an unrelenting tsunami that will inevitably engulf our very culture and extinguish the national soul tens of thousands of our forefathers have died for.

But for cuckservatives, the biggest problem is gay people getting married. For the kosher patriots, the bourgeoisie American-style fucktards like Cory Bernardi, whether gay people can marry is more important than the literal survival of our nation.

Australia gay marriage:

One legal system for all parties involved so the children of gay couples are treated equally to those of straight couples.

Estimated 10k gay couples with children in Australia right now.

Civil unions have different requirements per state. I can enter into de facto relationships but those appear to REQUIRE children and the rules vary by state. If I move, my de facto partnership is dissolved, whereas a marriage is federal law and accepted in all Australian states.

De facto partnerships are not recognized abroad, and if I am gay and my partner or child dies abroad, not being married will complicate matters.

Essentially there is no good argument for having two separate legal systems, one with widely variable rules in each separate state, one with consistent federal rules for gays vs straight couples with children, unless you are arguing the children of gays are less deservingly of being held to the same legalities as that of straight couples.

Separate but equal is inherently unequal.


Australia already includes sexuality in its anti-discrimination laws:

HIV is declining for the majority of White Australian gay men:[email protected]/mf/3310.0

Adoption of kids by gays is already allowed in most of Australia:

Giving up an inch means they'll take a mile. Do you really think that after gay marriage is passed the left will shut up? They're going to keep pushing for more things, Tranny rights is next, just like what happened in the US. You're the one cucking because you want to give up and cede to the left in the hopes they'll give you a head pat for being a good goy and give you something back in return.

Wake up. The left aren't going to give you shit. Giving them gay marriage isn't going to make them concede immigration policy to the right. They're going to try and import thousands of asians and mudslimes AND move on to the next degenerate social policy. Fight, stop cucking out.

>Estimated 10k gay couples with children in Australia right now.
This is disgusting

> There are multiple studies showing empirically that children in single parent families are worse off in every regard than ones brought up by two loving parents
If you've spent any time in /auspol/ there's absolutely no chance you haven't seen the studies which find children often have better outcomes if raised by same-sex parents

>Tranny rights is next
We already have trans rights because it'd freak little girls out if pic related walked into the bathroom with them

Gender identity discrimination is already enshrined in Australian federal law since 2013.

Well not allowing it but proscribing it obviously.

>mfw just voted no

Haha, nice try. For every FTM tranny there are 10 MTF trannies that look disgusting. That piece of shit shouldn't be allowed to use a public toilet period. Scum don't get rights once they've decided to mutilate themselves.

show your flag, kraut

november i think

Good. Gay rights is just the first step on the slippery slope down to Swedenstan. The best option is to stop the degeneracy right here. If we can keep the left occupied with gay marriage it means they'll never get to push for the next step of their plan to ruin western society.

what does one prefer - a man in the women's room who doesn't like women or a man in the men's room who loves men?

we do now, faggot!

Why is gay marriage of all things the issue that you cuckservatives have chosen to take a stand on?

It is the most non-issue of all the non-issues. If you want traditional marriage then campaign to repeal no-fault divorce. This absolutely infuriating American import of arguing over the most inane and irrelevant social trends of the day serves to obscure the real issues.

Stop talking about gay marriage. Let it pass. Vote yes. Use your energy to talk about mass immigration. Every ounce of energy you expend on talking about gay marriage is one ounce less you have available to talk about mass immigration.

>just like what happened in the US

The US right and left have battled over social issue after social issue for hundreds of years, meanwhile capitalists have accumulated more power, inequality has risen exponentially, and the country is now effectively beyond repair.

Dick Smith is running a major campaign right now aiming to lower immigration substantially but all the Aussies on this board can talk about is this stupid gay marriage fad.

Seems pretty LARPY

Do you find males or females discriminate against you more or is it about equal?

Marriage is by God not the state. Should be voting on making civil unions from government only. Fuck off with this heresy.

I was gonna vote yes but i saw that the gays got a Dads4Kids ad banned so I'm voting no out of spite now.

You are missing what I am saying. Discriminating against gay people or transgender people is already illegal in Australia and has been since 2013.

Are you serious? Why that long?

Send me a photo of a MTF who couldn't possibly be mistaken for a masculine woman

Depends what they look like if we're speaking to the current system

Ideally toilets would be unisex

An alarming amount of gay people were sexually abused as children, there is no doubt in my mind that the majority of those children will grow up to be mentally fucked up damaged goods.

That wasn't very convincing...

> experienced better health than their peers in some areas.
> They also scored as well as others

What are those areas and who are those others?

>Why is gay marriage of all things the issue that you cuckservatives have chosen to take a stand on?
Because like I said, they're not going to stop with gay marriage. Look at the bigger picture you dumb fuckwit. Keeping the left occupied with pushing for gay marriage means they don't get the chance to move on to other cancerous social justice issues. How much ground are you going to cede to them you cuck?

>Stop talking about gay marriage. Let it pass. Vote yes. Use your energy to talk about mass immigration.
Terrible strategy. The left will never, ever cede any ground to the right on mass immigration. Their goal is to destroy white identity with the brown tide. All you've done here is given them what they want on a platter while you will get NOTHING in return. Holy shit you're a cuck.

The country's already banned guns. Nothing but cucks just like Canada. Nobody cares what those cucks do. They're irrelevant and their socialist commie bullcrap will crash their economy in a couple years.

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.

3/4 victims of molestation are female:

Yeah i refuse to go down this rabbit hole of leftists forcing their shit

>Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
The answer is objectively yes. Another reason to stop this shit in it's tracks.

Ok well too bad you're wrong

This is probably better summary of the evidence

postal vote + general government incompetence

you're a fulltime shill arentcha?

In this study, so called the Australian Study of Child Health in Same Sex Families (ACHESS), researchers surveyed 315 same-sex parents across Australia and questioned them about family cohesion, social adjustment, mental health, and general physical health of their 500 children. They then compared the results to those representative of the entire population of Australia. Interestingly, the researchers found that children raised by same-sex parents scored about 6% higher than those raised by opposite-sex parents, even when sociodemographic factors such as parent education and household income were kept constant.

because the longer this idiotic, meaningless and pointless survey distracts public attention, the more easily the corrupt and incompetent politicians can continue to rort, undermine and destroy this country.

The people who built this nation, who literally forged Australian nationalism, were called left-wing at the time by conservatives who wished to entrench their privilege at the expense of the people.

Left/right is not a good way to think about politics.

> Keeping the left occupied with pushing for gay marriage means they don't get the chance to move on to other cancerous social justice issues. How much ground are you going to cede to them you cuck?

I don't think we should be aiming to keep our enemies occupied by a pointless issue. That will only backfire spectacularly. Instead we must forge our own positive direction. This can be accomplished. Put them on the backfoot instead.

> The left will never, ever cede any ground to the right on mass immigration.

The people who invented mass Asian immigration to Australia were capitalist right-wing Liberals like Malcom Fraser and John Howard.

The problem is more tough than just left vs right.


>Stop talking about gay marriage. Let it pass. Vote yes. Use your energy to talk about mass immigration.

you don't gain ground by ceding it in some areas while continuing to hold in others.

>6/10 of suspected child molesters are heterosexual

yeah, but gays make up less than 1% of the population.

Sociology is a scam "science" that is currently facing a reproducability crisis with regards to research because less than 50% of follow up studies reach the same conclusion, if follow up studies are conducted at all. I would be highly dubious of any study conducted, especially when it's blatently obvious where the researchers own opinions lie

The way there is a bunch of sentence structure errors in that lets me know it isn't accurate.

Molestation is one of the few crime that whites commit proportionally the same as other races.
I don't understand it was just a survey?

Where did you get that 6/10 suspected child molesters are heterosexual from?

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Straight males carry gay genes:

Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:

Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:

Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28

Why were the majority of children abused by Catholic priests male? It's almost as if homosexual tendencies go hand in hand with pedophilic tendencies...

Yes it was self reported data I believe.

7% of millennials are gay:

Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

If we do not change course on the Asian invasion in 10 to 15 years, our nation is over. For good. It's dead, forever. The greatest nation to have ever existed will die with a whimper.

It is a war for the life and death of our nation. Comparing it to gay marriage, a trendy social issue that occupies the thoughts of only the stupidest kosher cuckservatives like Cory Bernardi and John Howard, is insulting.

Those two sentences don't really relate to each other. Are you retarded?

are you even reading the sources they're paying you to post?

fuck sake, champ. shill better.

Funny that all your energy in this thread is expended on trying to argue against why homosexuality is degenerate and you havn't made a single cogent argument for why our society would be better off if fags could get married.

>in b4 "muh human rights"

How does a survey prove that gays are good parents lmao. They have to give actual evidence not, "well they said in this study they feed them good and read to them.

>The people who invented mass Asian immigration to Australia were capitalist right-wing Liberals like Malcom Fraser and John Howard.
This. Give up ethnonationalists.

No matter who you vote for (in Australia at least) at best you'll get lip service to your retarded anti-immigrant attitudes. Literally anyone with any understanding of economics knows that immigration is invaluable to a nations economy, and smart people will always be in charge.

I warn you — beware of the pseudo-human! Watch out for the anti-body... the vile creature who appears normal but is secretly... a deviant!

>being disgusted by what they do

is this discrimination?

>redefining the foundational institution that civilised society is built upon is a trendy social issue
though i'd accept marriage is already dead in the western world, (irreligiousity, divorce, gays raising children) nothing over marriage is insignificant. every attack on the family is an attack on the foundational building blocks our society and culture are built upon.

>Literally anyone with any understanding of economics knows that immigration is invaluable to a nations economy
So we're facing an automation crisis where many jobs will be replaced by automation and many people will be unemployed, but also we need more immigration? Is that about right?

Fuck off and die kike.

>are gays more likley to be pedos?


Gay priests were proven no more likely to molest children than heterosexual ones.

How many Australians are gay?

7 in 10 Australians support gay marriage:

The other (and most likely) option, of course, is that the downward trend across age groups includes a decline in candour. One can intuitively understand why the rate rises from 14-19 to 20s, as more young people ‘come out’. But the subsequently decreasing prevalence suggests some older respondents are less candid.

Whether this is due to their being ‘in the closet’, more concerned with privacy, or even perhaps less agreeable to the black-and-white nature of the question, we might nevertheless take the 20s rate (6.5% today, but potentially still not done rising) as the most accurate and forthright overall figure.

Across all age groups, men are more likely than women to agree they consider themselves homosexual. Overall, 4.1% of men and 2.8% of women agree, with those in their 20s the most likely among both genders: 7.6% and 5.5% respectively.

I really really hate this argument. Why is economic growth so important, at a certain point it's just diminishing returns for everyone but people at the top. Why can' we prioritize stability over growth?

>marriage is a human right
LMAO, americoons and all the other britbong retards literally and unironically belive THIS

Gays will be happier and healthier if allowed to marry as will their kids.

A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:

>7% of millennials are gay
And yet 90% of them are faggots, weird.

>Gays will be happier and healthier if allowed to marry
That is not a benefit. Who cares about the gays? They should be executed.

unfortunately, Labor and Greens make up enough of the lower and upper house to force this issue, and Labor is still running with bringing in SSM regardless of the postal vote result so they forced this outcome, and then tried to block it.

Why does the data of Regnerus and Sullins, which are survey-based too, prove that gays are bad parents?

It doesn't it simply gives us a glimpse into the welfare of children raised by gay people. It was a convenience sample, and we won't have good data on comparing the kids raised by planned gay families vs planned straight families for another 10-15 years.

Where exactly is that source from? Also more recent data indicates gays are about 7% of the population.

The state benefits from having a healthy and happy population.


7 in 10 SAY they support gay marriage because they dont want to be screeched at by an autistic faggot about how their opinion is denying them their human rights

The final argument would be that if gay marriage is settled more gays end up entrenched conservatives. It's the only rainbow from this shit pie. I'm actually kind of pissed the pollinate are passing the buck, and while I don't hate gays, I don't want to enable their bullshit either.


Sullins surveyed 20 families, 17 or which were lesbians. You really think that is enough to generalize from?

Half the time I am told social science has no predictive value or is inaccurate and surveys tell us nothing when I show data indicating the most recent research says that gays are equal or better at raising kids.


You have the right to marry a member of the opposite gender, gay or not.

I don't understand why faggots whine about not having the same rights as straight people, when this is not the case at all.

I'm going off the fact of gays having higher partner counts, increased alcohol and drug use that they wouldn't be that great of parents. Then with lesbians the domestic abuse and obesity problems

This puts heavy doubts in my mind. If there is high risk in one place more likely they're messed up somewhere else too.

The truth sounds like hate to those afraid of the truth.

i dunno i just hate faggots and have been posting these around uni
people have been giving me the thumbs up when im stinking them up

what up cunt?
truth hurts doesn't it

Partners National Survey of Lesbian & Gay Couples 1988:
The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchers Blake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay men ages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86 percent). In addition, 90 percent of the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”

Where does it say 78% of gay men have an STD on the CDC website?

Businesses cannot be coerced into producing anti-gay messages:

Churches in Europe blessing same sex celebrants:

1988 the only data you have?
There nothing since then?
I would be highly surprised if this wasnt totally reversed with the rise of apps such as grindr.

>since when did faggots suddenly become commitment junkies?

Church attendance is declining:

I posted a more recent study as well from 2016.

whats this got to do with owt?
Scripture is scripture

both our local newspapers are disgustingly propagandising this, purple haired fat old dykes on the front page of both. Opinions included are hopelessly ideologically contrived, constant moralizing on "human rights", denomination and shit stirring by contriving "fear of bigots", not even violence but fear of OPINIONS. The only anti-fag opinion allowed in them was a baptist declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman after much disavowing of "discrimination" and religious support of gays. They even had the balls to include an anti-hatespeech section, declaring that legal action will be made against wrong speak, and a section on the falsity of statistics on fags. It makes me sick. chan sites are the only place I can say "poofters get fucked" and not get fined

And Australia is not a Christian theocracy. I am just posting interesting recent data on Americans and religion.

> seeking a monogamous relationship
lol ok but they're still sucking dicks in a bathroom stall till they find the one

you cant let them take control.
It starts with an issue like this, something nobody really cares about either way.
Its then used as a president for minorities to highjack the political system. Dont do it fellow user.

Why do you split it on race?

Yes has been winning the polls steadily and ever since they started asking. Having referendums on minority rights is fucked. But you come across as a gas light

Their control was cemented by WWII, this was always inevitable. The only thing a real man can do is ride it out. Our time will come with the ultimate suicide of these modernists

>Marriage is literally a human right as stated by the United Nations

I had to stop reading.

If the 'Yes' camp could be less whiny or emotionally driven, or even not just call everyone names, then I'd probably change my mind.

But everything is support X or be called a bigot.

So I will still be voting No.

Fuck off randy. The bible is not anti gay. Gnite

>The state benefits from having a healthy and happy population.
Correction, the state benefits from having a healthy and happy straight population. Gays add literally nothing to society. They only accelerate us down the slippery slope of accepting degeneracy as normal. There is no benefit to giving them any rights, they're fucking scum.