

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Ecchan Ohta's canon ship?
How bad does Shiriashi want the listless D?
Is Myano too perfect to be shipped?

is absolutely adorable

I can't stand seeing this bitches face in the catalogue. Op, please be a doll and delete your thread.

I love this character dearly.


>childhood friend
ya if that ship is the titanic

Shiraishi is best gril

Kinda looks like him.

I heard that in the manga this scene happened before Myano came out to her and therefore it doesn't interfere with my ships. Whether it's true or not, I feel like I should tell you all that it's what I believe.

Treat me more like a wife!



How did the yurifags react to this episode? I missed it

I attempted suicide.


At least there was an attempt

I didn't mind it but if they totally drop the cute friendship, or whatever you want to call that, between Echizen and Myano then I'm going to be mad. There's no reason there can't be both because it's all just for fun anyways, who cares about ships in a show like this.

This is a japanese delinquent.

It's shoujo. What did you fags expect? If you can't enjoy a comfy show because of your dumb ships it's your problem.

>It's shoujo

Stop the retard.

I like everyone in this show except Ohta, and I'm not sure why.

I love the OP song.

I like how it starts every ep.

I love ED much more. I don't understand why it doesn't get even nearly as much love as OP.

Boy, those OPs that don't even come on every episode? They're the worst.

I mean how it transitions into the OP you funny person, you.




She's probably the smartest character in the show.


>draw a boy
>call it a girl
AND dropped.



Man, tomboy delinquents feeling safe in the arms of a powerful man is my fetish. Why is het the best bros?

you broke her


Not watching this show, but it seems like something anti /u/ happened

Tell me what, i might pick it up

Wasn't she broken to begin with?


miracle of the Universe passing thru

You'll love next episode, I guarantee it.

Imagine if she actually won the Tanaka. What a cute couple.

Fucking hyped.

She should drop the twintails and embrace the braids.

No more, Miyano.