What happened to (((Disney)))


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There is a solution to all of this. First, you must understand what's really going on.

Well, you see, the truth is that a lot of black men are disgusted by brown colored women and love the pure color of the white woman. Therefore, to solve the issue we have to make white women unappealing to black men. The best way to do this is to introduce the color brown to all white women.

How do we accomplish that, you might ask? It's fairly simple. Women must not be potty trained. Women must be forced to wear diapers. Women must make big poopies in their diapers.

Then, when the black man gets ready to have secks with the white woman, the diaper is revealed and the brown color of the poop will frighten him so terribly and he will go away or have a heart attack.


we have a lot of islanders living here in nz and they're some of the most disgusting creatures you ever laid eyes on

ever seen a good looking polinesian? in their attemp to virtue signaling they are portraying every race avialable, some of them are not good looking to western standards, there's your anwer

disney is also trying to avoid the issues barbie had, portraying unreachable standards of beauty is oppressing and makes girls feels unadequate. considering that arguibly the majority of disney's fanbase is millenials, they are appealing hard to them.

I see you're a fellow /SHITTED/ poster, a man of taste

Pacific Islanders are all ugly
Especially Maori


thats actually attractive for a islander