>The meek shall inherit the Earth
You realise that betas, ugly feminazis, and ethnic minorities are the meek. Teaming up to destroy white Chads is the meek inheriting the Earth right?
If you claim to be Christians why don't you want the meek to inherit the Earth?
>You realise that betas, ugly feminazis, and ethnic minorities are the meek.
Actually, the strongest beings in this reality happened to be the meek, but thanks for the useless post. saged
You can try to hide this thread but you cent hide the truth
You're right. This isn't the truth. The truth is nowhere near societal norms. The passive Christian is a societal teaching.
The greek word for meek is πραεῖς or praus, and it carries the connotation of a horse that has been trained. A more accurate translation is "gentle".
Feminazis and most minorities would hardly be described using the same term that refers to a trained animal.
>going through this much mental gymnastics to justify a living hatefully towards those less fortunate
This was written by a truly deranged individual.
>Two people tell you that meek is a poor translation of a greek word, resulting in your misunderstanding.
>You insist they're in the wrong even though no Christian or Christian society in history has followed your interpretation.
The 10 commandments say not to envy your neighbors or covet their possessions. When a. "Illegal" Mexican has something you covet it and want to take it away from them.
You just want to twist it because you have a cognitive dissonance. You can't reconcile your faith with your hate and envy
God is not against the idea of countries. He founded His own, genociding an entire culture to do so.
If the Lord is a pacifist, He has a strange way of showing it. Illegal immigrants are trespassers, and we are under no obligation to indulge them.