Starting the dumping
Toriko 371
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>God's acting weird
>Waiting for Komatsu to deliver
My bet is, that he prepared god without killing him to let him take part in the dinner.
Why must they shit on the other kings like that.
I wonder...
So, he trully loved Froze and his students? He became a NEO's puppet after eat GOD.
>Angry Toriko
This chapter is fucking wierd.
>Their friend just got eaten by neo
>OMG is that acacia? Wow i learned about you in skewl
>god just standing there when he was eating everything and the moon a second ago
>Muh spores
What is this shit tier writing.
>Toriko acting so smug
NEO could literally devour all of them in less than a second.
have you not been paying attention the past couple years?
How the fuck are they still alive?
>Hope into despair
What is this Dangannronpa
Acacia released ATOM from Jirou's knocking, Pair didn't fight Jirou.
19 again
> Tokage
Isn't the around level 300 pet? What the fuck can it even do at this point?
Welp, get ready for Komatsu "lel I already cooked GOD" Cooking Jesus arrival with his demon being Frohze because COOKING JESUS BS.
The 3 are presented as tiny compared to Toriko and Starjun, and even worse the random cook is the same size as them.
Seriously, current kings other than special snowflake Toriko could fuck Starjun easily.
It is just Joa's transport.
Is the manga ending soon?
Looks like it's the last arc
>Joa's face
Based Toriko. Putting little shits in their place
Those faces looks like Hokuto No Ken
I forgive Komatsu everything at this point. He's basically gourmet god with his infinite gourmet luck.
Wait, Joie is really male or is the wikia just bullshitting?
This manga is ending without one millimeter of room left for filler.
How many chapters do you guys think are going to be left? I give it 8 tops.
Nobody knows. It's Frohze's body that Joa is occupying, but Joa could be a male or female demon or something. It's really unclear.
it looks like its spitting out the shadows of Uumen and that bad guy head chef who defected to NEO, if that dude is still alive. Uumen is alive though and I sure hope that's him.
>Doubting rage mode toriko
According to the earlier chapters and demon explanation, they do not have a gender.
So at best it's genderless demon, occupying female body while having another genderless demon inside. Or something like that.
>That complete no-sell about Joa's 'victory'
Sealing a nigga who killed your ass a million times over isn't a victory
The art was just fucking awful in sections, I mean its not consistently great but god damn this entire page sums it up
>Joa tries to brag about "winning"
at what point is toriko surpass zebra? whatever.
>Once every billion years the greatest of all ingredient is born from the "Gourmet Sun".
>To capture and cook "Chakravartin" you have too collect the 12 greatest gods of the "Gourmet Milkyway"
>With Neo defeated there seems nothing could stop Toriko and his friends but what is this??? Torikos father? And his Gourmet Demon "Satan"?
Toriko Z when? Toriko Super after it?
Toriko GT first.
Nah, Satan would be the utterly worst ingediant where even 1 particle of which can ruin an entire dish and render it utterly revolting no matter what your taste is.
Komatsu would find a way to cook it.
I just wait for the moment where the kings animals will get into the fight, remember, the wolf guiness called them !
I have no clue what the fuck is happening.
Weren't Toriko and the bunch all much weaker than the pres and Jirou and that dude that's in the can now?
So there's really no tension here. They'll all die. Right?
Nope, they actually ate all the ingredient's of acacia's menu except god so they can use their demons and i really think that when toriko will eat god he will wake up all his demons !
>Acacia ruined by his appetite
>All animals running towards God(death) because of them being ruled by their appetite
>At the same time God appeared something else also appeared only detectable to beings with minuscule appetite, moss.
Still stand by my theory.
Frog is fake God. New ingredient is true God that frees people of their appetite dependence and can defeat Neo's appetite.
what if joa and frohze is related like a brother and sister some sort?
Bara Demon will save the day.
Aren't we already at a once every billions of years chance? Next one should be once every trillion years, so basically once every universe.
really good theory, but i don't think ^^ but anything can happen ^^
Oh shit Star being a protective onii-chan?
Why is Toriko a special snowflake with 3 demons?
Also he's never used any and suddenly he jumps to last demon, that's sort of lame.
This chapter felt chill and badass as hell. The clusterfuck finally slowed down
because he is mc
so 2 demons weren't enough?
He needed to be extra special?
i mean would you rather have a cheap 2k pc or a beast 3k pc
I hope at some point Toriko just ditches all of his moves and just chomps down on his enemies until they're gone. Just like Ichiryu, Midora and Jirou.
>I dont want to see spoon armor or kugi kick ever again
Whats wrong with you
god damn its fucking toriko. The frog just ate the moon, just enjoy the ride with all its bullshit.
Nothing I just want to see cosmic horrors devour eachother what's wrong with you
How is the crazy dude going to get out of the Can?
Who is the real final boss? We all know it's not Acacia and not the nitros and not Forze.
A mircale the planet still had a moon if you ask me.
NEO unless Toriko&co decide to go intergalactic or some other stupid shit like the core of the planet or something.
Of course! The planet itself was the greatest ingredient
Well, we cannot take the physics in toriko serious. The frog pulled the moon down, this should have propelled the earth into the direction of the moon as well.
Not even about that. We have a snake that eats passing space food or something and a gigantic dragon. It's a miracle that anything is in one piece there.
>two big ones, three little ones
I know the manga is called Toriko, but this "DURR TORIKO IS DA BESTEST" shit annoys me every time.
at the point where we know he has 3 demons inside him
and i just wanted to see the ape vs acacia
well he had the 2nd demon helped him fighting Heracles and he still can't beat him.
Acacia is not threatening at all, the guys aren't taking him seriously. Bring back creepy Neo
I know he's not the strongest being on Earth (though he probably will be when all three demons are active), it's just that he keeps shitting on his allies. Right from the beginning of the manga we have Toriko learing Coco's hiding technique after seeing it once, then later he copies Sonny's intuition after seeing it once then he had a more powerful demon than the rest then he had more demons than the rest and now Acacia is ranking him as so much more powerful. It's just annoying.
Ensemble casts are fun. It's enjoyable to read about a group of people with diverse skills who can compliment each other in diverse ways, but Toriko keeps insisting that Toriko has to be so much more special than everyone around him. The best Toriko arcs are the ones where other people get some time to shine (Ice Hell, Regal Mammoth, etc)
Rumor is that toriko will be moved to a new magazine in summer and have 4 monthly chapters then 1 chapter every 2 months.
If it somehow regains some popularity after that maybe moved to a different magazine again if the author still wants to continue it.
Fuck no I can't enjoy 1 chapter per 2 months
Is it weird that I want to fuck Bambina?
>Reading Toriko for any of the characters and rivals
None of them have actual personalities to begin with.
you must be new
Next chapter prediction.
God has already been cooked from the inside out by komatsu, he calls them over "god is ready to eat!" the gourmet demons go orgasm mode and take over the 4hk's bodies then shove acacia out of the way as they rush towards the food salivating, chapter ends with 8 kings arriving.
Bretty good, hopefully they will went adventure to some other crazy galaxy and shit for more ingredients after this.
>tfw reading cooking fest for the first time
>tfw zebra shows up and slaugthers count less beasts and destroyed 5 nitro at once
How can one man be so based.
Komatsu and area 6 killed toriko.
Such a waste of a series.
Toriko is best when he's angry
>This is my "Mercy"
When the hell is the mugen gonna come back.
Probably soon to try and keep Acacia busy.
Fucking Toriko delivering these lines gets me so pumped.
>You must have realised my vict
>You didn't win
Fucking annhialated.
>Lists a bunch of bland characters
To put it in other words, every single one of them act the way you would expect them to every time. Zebra is a problem child? Only difference between him and the rest is that he says cocky whenever he opens his mouth.
All you really need to know is whether a character is whether they are on Toriko's side, or against him.