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What is her breast size?
>Mako: The Anime
Mako was never concerned about being normal or in love.
This is a good thing
now have her looking at porn of luluco
..or Midori!
or this
She is smarter and cuter Mako
also has a steady job unlike that literal ghetto baby mako
>i'll never be able to photoshop this well
feels bad
Oooh, a Mako hate thread?
>the fucking life fibers last episode
Looking forward to conspicuous man in red shouting and punching people in stills.
green nonon > pink nonon
More Nonon is always welcome, regardless of colour.
stop posting lewds you monkey
Nonon isn't ashamed of her body. She was a member of NB after all.
she was always clothed in her mind
clothed in Satsuki's love
Yes, "love".
Dunno, but give me a few minutes and I can probably find out for you.
I don't watch Reddit advocated anime.
fuck off back to your bait thread and die there.
Hold on, I have to get Fiji working on this machine.
any nonon > not nonon
An image analysis program. Originally made by the NIH for processing medical images. It allows you to determine the size of an object given something to scale it with.
OK, we'll start with this image here as reference.
A door in Japanese architecture is traditionally 183cm high. In recent years, as the population has grown taller, that's come up to about 190cm. Assuming SPL is in the future, and the trend continues, we'll round that up to an even 2m.
Anyone know what was said over the opening of last week's episode?
This gives her a height of approximately 1.53m
How will they top this?
Of this, her head is 482cm tall and her torso is 450cm tall. Yes, you read that right, her head is larger than her torso. But this is anime, so we work with it.
LWA planet
You're reminding me of pic related and I love you.
When will manlets ever learn?
>Zooms out to profile shot of Bullet ship flying through space in 2D.
>Get pulled over by space patrol bike.
>Overjustice opens window to talk to officer.
>It turns into Inferno Cop, Overjustice is under arrest for killing an entire planet's population.
>Apologizes and says he did an unlawful act to stop an unlawful act.
>"You're free to go."
>golden smurf
Brassiere measurements involve two measurements: the circumference of the bust, and the circumference of the underbust. Since this is a 2D image, we can't get those, but we can get her diameters at those points: 232cm and 167cm respectively.
Clever. In brains vs. brawn, it was definitely brains that won that day.
Never user. They have small minds to match their small bodies.
*232cm and 168cm respectively
Forgot to round properly.
Wait, what's the second smaller hole in the helmet for?
I would assume her air supply.
It's a bowling ball for crab aliens.
Lalaco is sex.
Brassiere sizes in Japan are fixed by the industrial standard JIS L4006, which also regulates clothing sizes. Cups start with A, which represents a difference in circumferences of 10cm. Each letter up is an additional 2.5cm.
Yes, they use Latin letters for clothing sizes. Please don't ask me why.
Penis hole.
That's where you connect the justice regulator.
If we assume that Luluco is roughly cylindrical in shape, then the circumference difference is 64π, or approximately 201cm.
But why Luluco is so sexual?
>If we assume that Luluco is roughly cylindrical in shape
It's called a simplifying assumption. We go with the data we got, not the data we wish we had.
And on that note, I would remark that a circumference difference of 200cm would put her outside the Latin alphabet and into the Unicode control characters.
Which means either I fucked up somewhere, or, and I suspect this is the case, that Trigger has no idea what a consistent scale even means.
Trigger/Imaishi's next show that will be announced at the end of Luluco was basically made to be popular and sell a lot of merch. It's an action-packed mecha show with a lot of cute and sexy girls wearing stylish and skimpy clothing.
Ah, the old "assume 2 perfectly spherical cows" scenario?
It actually works more often than you might expect.
But all 3 helmets have it.
That's why I said air supply.
I know you did. I was just correcting the other guy,
What is this Nickelodeon shit?
Nick is so fucking cringey these days.
I am so glad I stopped watching that channel, and with it left behind all my emotional attachments, when I was 8.
Maybe not necessarily related, but where can I find good subs for Inferno Cop?
The only subs I've been able to find are Commie subs, and I'm wondering if I'm not sure if there's anything better or what :DD
>not imposing Filthy Frank on top of a still frame, showing him with a green screen instead
How do you fuck that up?
Just watched the last episode, can't get over all the klk stuff.
Oh my fuck please let that actually be true.
Remember to report all derp posts for ban evading.
If there is any drawfag, /r/equesting a crossover between Nonon Jakuzure and Midori.
For Nonon I want to see her in gun morphing form and Midori's school uniform clothes.
For Midori I want to see her in Nonon's band uniform and nudisto beach clothes,
Feel free to make them in any pose and having any facial expression you want them, but if they are togheter that would be nice.
A bonus If there is one with them lewd and one funny/acting like they are.
Thanks in advance user.
>For Nonon I want to see her in gun morphing form and Midori's school uniform clothes.
Shit I forget this one, also in space patrol suit.
Big hole for siren
smaller hole for: Pigtail, eyestalk, and Novas ahegao
Thread Luluco
References are the lowest form of humor. I hope we get back to the crazy Luluco-original action this episode.
I'm rewatching Kill la Kill, picking up P&S, and possibly going to watch Eva again because of this show
>I hope we get back to the crazy Luluco-original action this episode.
This, honestly. I liked this last episode because it was actually pretty funny but I would have preferred it if they hadn't made the references so obvious.
Season 1 is still so far the best part of this show
The Life Fiber guy took the form of whatever the person most desired, right? That's why Luluco saw him as Nova.
But at the end, Nova referred to him as "he" and "himself" when he was talking about how lonely the Life Fiber must have been. Therefore, the person Nova desires most must be a man.
Will Luluco get a bad end? Is Nova gay? Am I reading too much into this?
>Am I reading too much into this?
>episodes are 7 minutes
>can watch all of them in an hour
I am now Lulucrazy.
Yes, Japanese doesn't really do he/she quite the same way English does, but its really awkward to avoid it in english, so the translations are imperfect in this regard due to a sort of unavoidable clash between the two languages. Most of the time when a gender ambiguous character is being refereed to in anime and the subs say he/she this is the case.
Who else here /DontKnowWhichGirlIsBestGirl/
It's like the waifuwars all over again.
Luluco is pure
Nani sore has hot fucking thighs and that green
Moma pirate is full fucking thick sex goddess MILF of pants Resurrection
Secretary is secretly best girl
Would you a Nova?
Ah, I was thinking it might have been a gender neutral pronoun in this case, but I didn't know enough about Japanese to tell for sure. Thanks for the heads up.
Reminder of how stupid this idiot is.
He clearly saw himself.
This show has the best ED of the season.
Fuck everything else.
>we are anonymous
At least he isn't An lelouch
>Season 5 never
I love Space Nonon.
>that shading
Holy fuck 3D is amazing.