This so brilliant, on a purely technical level.
The shot composition, how most shots linger for just a moment too long, especially the PoV ones.
It's so wonderful and dreamy.
Damn shame about those shitty action sequences, really.
This so brilliant, on a purely technical level.
The shot composition, how most shots linger for just a moment too long, especially the PoV ones.
It's so wonderful and dreamy.
Damn shame about those shitty action sequences, really.
Can Hosoda give us a furry mahou shoujo movie already?
Kind of enjoyable but the ending retroactively shits on a lot of the plot:
Why did the villain specifically use the protag's avatar if he had hacked a fuckton of these? Shitty coincidence.
Also, the fact that the protag failed the first puzzle by a character and is thus cleared of all responsibilities in the events is a fucking cop-out.
Poor man's Our War Game.
who cares for the plot?
What kind of peasant are you?
>who cares for the plot?
>calling others 'peasant'
Your no different than the neckbeards who try to justify watching MLP.
Film is a visual medium, what matters most in a visual medium, if not what you see?
I really disliked this movie.
RIP in peace greatest grandma in japan
The worst closing scene in anime history.
This is the worst feature length animated film I've seen in my life.
Why would it be the worst?
It's more of what made the film so great in the first place.
this is the only anime movie I have rated at 1/10. it's so fucking stupid.
Dammit user I guess good prose is all that matters in books because that's their way of conveying a story.
Yes, you understand perfectly.
Skilled use of language is by far the most important thing in literature.
Hey wow it's a thread about something I'm watching.
The family and characters were fucking great. The premise with the virtual world was fucking retarded.
classic anime watchers
only caring for plot all the time
look past that and pay attention to the images you are seeing
I really wish Hosoda wasn't allowed to write his own shit
There are so many great shots in TGWLTT/SW/Wolf Children that it actually pains me to see them in such mediocre films
The less said about Beast and Boy the better
Yeah, story doesn't matter in literally any story, it's all about the medium, formalism all the way!
I was also a pretentious seventeen year old once, I hope you grow out of it.
Why do feel the need to change what I said to fit your insult?
Can't you come up with something relating to what I said?
There's a plot because people care about it, nigger. There's a reason we have narrative art and all of anime isn't just splotches of colors and amorphous shapes moving freeform.
Would have been better if you said that the font art is all that matters in books.
I mean, this hard formalist logic you're using can be applied to all media and get you the exact results I described, so please tell me how I changed what you said.
The story is always secondary in all mediums. Yes, even books, the use of language, imagery and metaphor is considerably more important than any plot twists or what have you.
That's why the best stories have lasted so long. Everyone knows the plot of Great Gatsby, but knowing what's going to happen doesn't impact enjoyment because plot literally doesn't matter.
Unless it's a fucking garbage plot in which case yeah it's shit.
You are exaggerating my statements.
That analogy would've been very wrong.
The plot and art direction are top notch, and most of the "In Oz" stuff just seems like nothing more than a visual metaphore.
That said, Our War Game still kicks the shit out of Summer Wars.
I can't understand how anybody could actually like summer wars.
The plot is absolute fucking garbage.
What? It was cute as fuck.