People were asking me lately and I didn't know how to answer. Why do I, grown up man, like mahou-shoujo shows for little girls?
People were asking me lately and I didn't know how to answer. Why do I, grown up man...
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You have good taste.
Because like all true Sup Forumsnons you wish to be the little girl.
>Why do I, grown up man, like mahou-shoujo shows for little girls?
Why the fuck not?
This is a really stupid question, and that's the reason you have no answer to it. Why is blue a boy's color and red a girl's color?
You stand far above the ignorant mortals
They're lighthearted and fun. They take you back to a simpler time when you didn't have to worry about bills and wages and consequences. It's something cute and sweet that you were and probably still are shamed for liking, so it's a forbidden fruit aspect.
It's just fun and that's pretty much it.
And people say Sup Forums used to be better
Its fucking boring and predictable
Pretty much fuckin nailed it
That was in 2003-2005. 2006 was still okay but it obvious that bad things were on their way. I blame Sup Forums.
Just tell them you're a pedophile and there's nothing wrong with that. It's 2016.
Easy to understand
>doesn't reek of pretension
>social stigma repels hipsters who only watch anime as a social branding tool (read: niwaka and 3x3 threads), so the communities are generally genuine and decent by comparison
>occasionally depicts consummated romance, which has basically become haram in late night shows
>drama is generally simple and poignant and doesn't descend into awful melodrama due to its young target audience
>good variety within the genre, some take on a more action focus like Precure, some romance, etc
>the best porn
I hope Gyu gets more subs soon.
>Why do I, grown up man, like mahou-shoujo shows for little girls?
Because ANYONE can like those shows.
Fun periods of escapism.
Be a man, like what you want to enjoy, and fuck the haters.
There's no shame in being happy.
Honobono did the pre-series special and Episode 1 so far. They're working on it.
Superior taste, user.
You're of the blessed few.
Enjoy your superior life.
All the fun of an action show (most of the time) but in a cuter package and often (little girl ones) with positive messages. Lots of internal variation within the genre as well.
Also I'm watching Heartcatch and holy fuck is Tsubomi ever a great character. A few episodes ago they went to a farm and she was getting all intense about taking pictures, shit cracked me up. Erika is good too. Now there's a boy Precure, how progressive.
I've only seen a couple magical girl shows so it's great to know I have so many classics still ahead of me.
I've been binging Futari Wa these past two days and it's great.
Last year's season was really good as well. There's a bit of a gap in quality after that, though. People still like the others, but it's really not the same consistency and construction.
Yeah, Futari and Gopri are the only two past ones besides Heartcatch I plan on watching. I'll keep up on whatever's airing though, I'm enjoying Maho since it's quite a bit different.
Because you are a fag.
Because it's great. Except Mepple, Mepple a shit.
Because you're an anime version of a brony.
Because little girls are awesome.
Two possibilities:
1. You wish to be the little girl.
2. You wish to bed the little girl.
the noun is pretense
>not Porun
I choose
>3.Both of the above
"Pretension" is a perfectly cromulent word, and for this meaning, both words are perfectly appropriate, as is "pretentiousness". It's annoying that they're not distinct in any way for that definition, but it's just kind of the way it is.
>a little girl bedding another little girl
Muh man.
Tell them that is not so different from the old powerpuff girls
Take that back, there are the best couple and partner you could have.
I'm a little girl.
Also for some reason i read breeding instead of bedding. I really should go and try sleep.
there are something like a dozen different things wrong with this question and even the basic prerequisate assumptions behind being able to ask it. Among most of those things, you're not outside the target audiences to begin with, and even if you were there are a variety of factors that could potentially make that just fine. It's not like just watching a magical girl show automatically pigeonholes you into a brony-tier degenerate or something.
This nigga knows what's up.
The best kids shows are written to appeal to adults with subject matter that isn't inappropriate for children.
It still blows my mind that Mepple is voiced by the same guy that gave us SHINING FINGER. He has some legit good voice range to be able to pull both of those off and still have functioning vocal chords.
Also, I'm gonna slap your shit.
cute shows just make me laugh like a retard. fuck anyone who hates them
There's an interesting parallel here with the popularity of shounen with adult women.
I suppose it sort of makes sense that "things I want to be when I grow up" and "things I want to cuddle as a grown up" might mirror each other.
Did that ever really happen? I can't find any moe shield designs on google images.
>i used to shit on people for liking magical girl anime
what the fuck was i thinking
Maybe because their are not shows for little girls? the target demographic(at least for precure) are not only girls aged 6 to12 but males aged 18 to 35.
>the popularity of shounen with adult women.
Shipping faggotry?
Because all men want to be magical girls at one point.
I dream about it every day.
The question you should be asking is why do people know that you watch mahou shoujo?
When tipfags where good.
How do I make my 66 year old mother watch Precure with me?
No you don't. Gyu is bad.
Just pretend only the first season exists.
I don't believe in "for kids", "for girls", "for boys", "for ladies", "for men", etc. You either write a good story or you don't.
I mostly see those labels attached to shitty stories as an excuse for them being shitty. "Well, it's for girls. See?" Fuck you. Fuck you for belittling your audience. That's why you can't write.
That's because you are a little girl, on the inside :3
I will always be very critical of series. I will call into question why some of the threads on Sup Forums are posted over and over again even though some of the series haven't gotten updates in ages, but I would never criticize you for watching any given series. A man should be allowed to watch what ever he chooses regardless of content. I love the ever loving shit out of shounen series. Its my ultimate guiltiest pleasure. I am a grown ass man and I'm not even ashamed of the discussion about last week's filler episode I had with my friend in a diner earlier in the the week. Anime should be treated like any other medium and if you enjoy it for what ever reason even if you don't like talking about it with friends or family then thats fine too.
It's usually applied to the audience where it's targeted to and not the content itself. Up may be enjoyable for an adult to watch, but it goes without saying that a Pixar movie is primarily going to advertise and write the movie with children in mind.
It doesn't fit the narrative for men, who are charged with upholding society, to be incapacitated by shiny and cute things. It's easier to call them pedophiles than it is to acknowledge that they are only human. How could a drone who was born only to be covered in filth and grease be capable of feeling emotions? It truly is the question of our time.
user, why don't you Netflix and chill with us, bruh? We'll watch Daredevil and more.
Did you know they renamed Heartcatch Pretty Cure to **Glitter Force**?
I would really like a source on that Henry V factoid.
And this is when I insist on watching WWII documentaries for the next four hours until they fuck off. I learn a little bit more about the Battle of the Bulge, and anyone who tries to be my friend is now sufficiently alienated by the experience
Some of the porn is great. I think that's this anime. There are a lot of these anime.
it's a cartoon and it's cute, what other excuse do you need?
you're worried that you'll seem feminine? there's all sorts of sides to a persons personality, being manly or "normal" is just 1 side of it.