
Overlord thread

Release date for Vol. 10 is May 30th so stop asking.

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Best girl.





If she's so good then why is she least popular in the polls? ;^)))

Arche did nothing wrong

I see your sadist and raise you a sadist.

>no drama CD
>probably no S2 announcement
>no dwarfs
>more Jircniv

Yeah but Ainz's new outfit is totally bitchin

Almost done with Volume 4. Wasn't really as bad as some of you said it was going to be. I enjoyed the slow buildup.

Are all of the Vol. gonna be from Ainz perspective? It would be nice if there´s one where Ainz gets abducted or something and the Guardians have to rescue him..

Huh? It's not like they're all from his perspective as it is. Aside from Vol 1-3 it's a constant flux of perspectives.
If Vol. 11 is anything like Vol. 4 we will probably have a lot of pages dedicated to a perspective from a Dwarf.

Wonder what he's fighting that warranted the outfit change

Volume 4 is from the lizards perspective.
Volume 5 is from Climb perspective.
Volume 7 is from the workers perspective.
Half of volume 8 is from Carne Village perspective.
Half of Volume 9 is from Jircniv perspective.

But he always has his own POV in one of the chapters, I mean like a full Vol. (preferably two) without any POV from Ainz.

More Jircniv means that by extension we get more of Ainz shitting on him, though. So it's all good to me.
Wonder what his reaction is going to be when he hears that almost all 250k of the Kingdom's soldiers were killed

>Ainz gets abducted or something
Literally how?

Choose your pet

Well, he is the MC, so it's normal that he appears in all volumes, even if just a little. Volume 5 is the one with least Ainz, but most readers consider it to be the most boring volume due to Climb.

I want a bug as a pet.

Mm. Yeah. Sebas and Solution saved Volume 5, basically.

>I mean like a full Vol. (preferably two) without any POV from Ainz.
>a whole volume without the MC

In the raid boos battle when they raided nazarick they used a spell to cancel magic or something.
If used against a spell caster it would make him useless.

Because Ainz is a walking Deus ex machina, whenever there is problem inside or outside of Nazarick, the answer is go to Ainz, this applies to both NPC´s or NWorlders, he basically somehow manages to solve every problem for everyone, and gives the impression that its somehow is part of his plan, I want to see what will happen if he somehow wasnt there for everyone and they had to solve the problem by themselves.

Fighting guys his same level maybe, these guys wouldn't have the power to cancel out magic at Ainz's level and even if they did he is strong enough to take out teams of adventurers just by smacking them.

>Ainz decides to go on a vacation
>forgets to tell the NPCs
>Returns in a week and see that Nazarick is a mess and the NPCs are running wildly

Now that Ainz has his own country I guess hell start minting coins, What will they engrave on the coins? Ainz face? YFW Albedo hoards all the coins thus leading to hyper inflation.

That's not really what a deus ex machina is. We've known how ridiculously strong Ainz is since Vol. 1. None of what he has shown us in regards to power levels or his gambits has been outside of the bounds of what we were aware of in the initial exposition.

>and gives the impression that its somehow is part of his plan
No, he gives his comrades that impression (begrudgingly) He himself admits that most of the time he is just making up stuff as he goes along. It's just a part of Ainz's character to be crazy prepared when it comes to battle situations. Most of the world conquering scheming is being done by Demiurge, although he attributes it to Ainz because he has a huge boner for him. Ainz is just kind of going along with it because he doesn't want to disappoint his comrades. Which isn't to say that Ainz is stupid, it's mostly that he's just insecure and is lacking in confidence. Though as the story has moved along this has become less and less an issue since he's slowly becoming the mask.

>I want to see what will happen if he somehow wasnt there for everyone and they had to solve the problem by themselves.
Well it isn't like they would all fall apart without him. Most of the NPCs do the managing by themselves. Ainz even says that his initial workload was extremely small in comparison to the NPCs.

Demiurge would probably figure out some scheme that would save Ainz (which would then be a just-as-planned-moment or something) and since all of the other NPCs are power houses in their own right (with Shalltear, Rubedo, and possibly Lastborn being the strongest) it might not even be that interesting of a conflict.

If you want to have screentime for the other characters I think there are probably more plausible ways to go about it. We don't even have a properly strong opposition to Nazarick set-up yet. Outside of possibly ZZ and PDL.

Some people don't like lizards, but they end up worshiping him and he can have his servants gain experience by training them. What's not to like?

Actually I'd say it's pretty probable for there be a volume dedicated to a vacation with how they've set it up in both the LN and the Drama CDs.

Probably another SOL Volume like the latter half of V8 was. bikini fanservice pls

Bikini fanservice for _Ainz_?

lizards is fine now but waiting weeks for updates and only getting lizards and climb is why people hated it



>tfw Vols 10, 11, AND 12 are going to be Climb-free

Well, Vol. 10 might have a little bit of Kingdom thrown in, so there's a chance of Climb.
It is supposed to be Empire focused though, iirc.

Lupu a best.

Second best maid and best maid.

Maybe he´ll ask the land below the Katze Plains as a tribute for helping the Dragonic Kingdom(the one with coastline), everyone in the NW, "the sorcerer king plans to create a navy to expand misery to other continents, just how evil can he be?" Ainz: Mmm I should invite the NPC´s to a day in the beach, I dont think they have ever seen the ocean. And thats the story of how bikinis where introduced in the NW.

All you plebs step aside, my waifu is here

If you ripped out that orb, would he die?

Yes. Make it fucking happen.

It would be extremely painful


there is something in this women that makes my dick go crazy

I like Albedo in just about everything that isn't the anime art.

Could you stick it in something else?

Yumi Hara is a god-tier VA, so that definitely helps.

I never heard of her before Overlord, but her voice feels like unzipping my dick every time.

She voices Takane in im@s which is how I know her.

I like the blend of maiden and mature woman she brings to the table in Albedo's role.

Where's my screentime?

Are heroic tier people like Gazef/Clementine/Six Hands also a rarity in D&D or is that just how this world works?

>can't wait for volume 10
>want to read it with Sup Forums
>few assholes who can read nip spam spoilers

I want to read with you guys but I don't want everything spoiled

Well then you might not want to be here when vol.10 comes out.

How are spoilers even real hahah nigga just close your eyes

Yes they would be rare in the fact that they would be about level 5-7 in D&D. For perspective Ainz would be level 25+

Yeah, they are supposed to be pretty rare. Keep in mind that in one of the Drama CDs the guild master was trying to get 'Momon' to impregnate one or more of the prostitues he was arranging for him, if only so they could get a child which may receive even a little bit of his talent.

That would be good for a drama cd.
Overlord's world is based on the real world, that coastline would be the Persian Gulf.

Also there was a lich with a pirate ship in wn right? ainz will just mass produce that ship I guess.

depends on the setting in dnd
level ~10 characters arent uncommon in really big cities in most settings though, which would be quite a bit more powerful than the new world

>Overlord's world is based on the real world, that coastline would be the Persian Gulf.
So if we go by the map where would Nazarick be in the real world?

If she really loved her sisters she would have begged Ainz to let her serve him and therefore, live. She was dumb and deserved to die.

There is no reason to make a thread until it releases

See ya then

Level 10 characters in D&D are around level 50 or so in NW.

probably more like level 40, so 20s are 80, and theres room for epic abilities in the last 20 levels

so are the level 100 in D&D are like planet destroyers or something?

you get epic skills in NW at level 70 though, so shouldn't it be pretty much level 21 is the equivalent of 70?

Pretty much, yeah. The weakest level 9 spell in D&D still lets you hit someone for more d6 of damage than they do HD.

Sounds pretty reasonable. The benchmark for heroism in the NW seems to be level 30ish so... D&D level 10? Even a fighter can be plenty strong at that level.

thats actually better, since it puts a level 100 at an even 30 dnd wise

Entoma's pre-Arche voice is super cute
Hopefully it isn't ruined in future drama CDs

Well Larloch-tier wizards can disintegrate islands with ease and he's something like 46+ I think. Never heard of one actually destroying a planet though.

Just guide a bigass asteroid into the planet. Or spam locate city nukes.

What would happen if Ainz continues to get stronger in the NW just like in DnD?, Would that make all the NPCs unnecesary? Albedo: let me protect you from this attack Ainz-sama!, Ainz: dont worry I can summon this Level 240 Hullathoin its def and res are off the charts. Shalltear: let me kill those vermin for you Ainz-sama. Ainz: oh. I already sent a level 400 Zombie Tarrasque. *Albedo and Shalltear depressed. Ainz: I wonder why they are like that *summons Atropal* hey Albedo! Shalltear!.

He doesn't even need protection the way he is now. In fact, he is annoyed that he always need to have someone with him.

If he can still get levels it will probably take fucking forever to happen.
At most exp will probably be used at a correlation between souls and exp. Judging by the web novel, anyway.

I imagine he'd be twice as cautious compared to earlier in the ln since he knows other players who have been there much longer have probably been leveling up the entire time. He'd also still need the npc's to help carry out Nazarick operations since they would still be smarter than him. Also, he'd still have to be very wary of WCI's since their power seems to supersede everything else.

Maybe theres a WCI that boosts undead summons or enables the user to summon an epic level Undead?.

Shizu a cute

I think one already lets you rewrite the laws of reality, that seems pretty plausible and tame in comparison.

I want to make pups with her although she'd probably kill me before that.

What are we going to do on the bed, Ainz-sama?

>since they would still be smarter than him
In terms of just raw smarts only Albedo, Demiurge, and Solution are particularly notable though. From what we've seen so far anyway.
Ainz is getting better, however. I don't think he's nearly as lacking as he thinks he is.

He'd probably be more paranoid if he can keep leveling up as it means others can as well.

That's partly Japanese culture as well. It's ingrained to self deprecate and be overly modest. He's actually pretty competent when it comes to battle strategy.

HE was already pondering that problem in v2 since the Six Gods might have been powerlevelling people for centuries.

You forgot Pandora's Actor. I don't think that Solution should be there. She is competent and all and she was right to report to Ainz about Sebas's behavior, but she didn't show anything notable about being smart.

He is definitely above Jircniv levels who is noted to be at least above average. The problem with Jircniv is that he's extremely arrogant and fancies himself a genius. Which Demiurge says makes him easier to predict than a moron.

Aren't they probably dead?

she also voiced Ghost Yomi (Yuuko) from Tasogare Otome X Amnesia

Yes, but he didn't know that then.

However, there seems to be some sort of hereditary component to levels since the "godkin" are a thing. Maybe high level people produce high level offspring.

The main evidence for this is because the ST keeps meticulous records of lineages and strongly encourages its godkin to breed.

I only saw the doujins for Tasogare, is she typecast as a sultry semen demon?

>tfw best girl is nothing but a cocksleeve for the Edgelord main character

Anime secondary detected.
The only thing edgy about Ainz is his design.

Too bad for Albedo she's been permanently best friend's daughter zoned. Neuronist probably has a better chance of winning than her now.

Wouldn't the true edgelord be someone like the BS' 9th seat with chains and belts and zippers everywhere?

Maybe a spiky black keyblade or something.

>best girl
Shit taste.

Yup, doubly so in his case since he's frequently overwhelmed at the overbearing loyalty of the NPCs. If it weren't for his emotion suppression, he probably would have gone crazy by now.

Battle strategy is definitely where his biggest talents are--he has even betrayed the expectations of Demiurge in that regard. He's good at other stuff too though. Most of what holds him back I think is his lack of confidence.

Yeah, you're probably right. I suppose I got carried away because she's a stark contrast to some of her more stupid sisters.

I honestly keep forgetting about Pandora's existence since the LN hasn't made THAT much use of him. He is supposed to be a top-tier character in terms of intelligence though. On Albedo and Demiurge levels. Which is probably even more proof of Ainz being more smart than he lets on, as Pandora's Actor is in part of a projection of himself whilst he was in his chunni phase.

What cock? Also Ainz isn't really that edgy. He doesn't masturbate over killing people or doing evil things like someone like Clementine does.

2nd seat is a true *teleports behind you* edgelord motherfucker. Look at this smug cunt

Who else think tha the guildmaster of E-Rantel is a spy from the Theocracy? I bet that herb he ask for was to heal Kaire.

Except for the fact that....

I heard Ainz joins some magic school in the Empire. What's the point?

I haven't heard anything about that.