
Ah, I just wanna fuck a Rider!

Me too!

>not posting superior Rider






I want Rider to milk me dry with every hole.

you had to post post this didn't you

Reminder that Shinji used his seal to fuck her

Post proof or it's bullshit

Those arms.

I can imagine Rider's.thoughts during that.

>I wonder what Sakura's doing
>Posisdons was bigger
>Is he done yet?

You forgot

>Is he inside ?
>That was quick.

Rider is love, Rider is life!

Goddamn, I have not wanted to fap this hard in a long time.

Ride her

Do it user.

Why all the Fate threads right now?

Same, I can always count on her to pull me out of any fetish fueled stupor I land in where I'm only jerking it to stuff like traps or futa. I swear no matter how badly my fetishes run wild nothing makes me harder than Rider just being her unbearably arousing 10/10 semen demon self. Even some of the most vanilla Rider stuff makes me want to blow a nut so hard my balls shoot right out of my dick. This bitch is weaponized sexy.

I have to. I swear I wasn't anywhere close to aroused a minute ago, and now it almost kind of hurts. Rider is lewd incarnate.

Posting superior fuckable Rider. Though Medusa is top-tier too.

Good taste

tumblr is that way user

I agree, Drake and Medusa are both top tier even if different.

Not even seeing how that post relates to tumblr. Fate/TM topics have been fairly quiet recently but now there are suddenly almost a dozen up in the span of a few hours.

>Use Sic Parvis Magna ring as catalyst to summon Sir Femcis Drake
>Get this guy instead

How fucked are you? Granted, he has EX+ luck stat.

A + +

High rise panties are the sexiest kind of underwear.

>There's finally a translation for the Tohsaka-ke Rider chapter
Holy fuck finally.

Shame about the typesetting.

Is it time to fap already? Haven't blown a load to Rider in awhile.

Is Medusa for taking on dates to coffee and bookshops, during the heavy autumn season or is she for long, hard passionate steamy nights of lewd?

saints aren't for sexualizing.

One followed by the other, provided you first hold hands.

>you'll never get to fuck Rider while she fucks Ayako

Hand holding is always acceptable, I hope there is gentle and tender cuddling

I wonder if Medusa would be open to the idea of being the main bread winner while you become the househusband? Seems like it would be fairly enjoyable, I'm pretty sure one of the games explored exactly that concept.

Ayako is probably the most underrated girl in F/SN and Type-Moon in general, really expected her to be Archer or Rider's master on my first playthrough

She's just a discount Shiki

stop being a fag, waver-kun


No those are basically granny panties for granny's that want to be a little saucier

Would you sacrifice a single command seal to make her do it with you?

All three of them.

Heaven's Feel will be worth it just for her alone. And the fights I guess. The fights should be pretty.

And Kirei. And Illya. Unfortunatly we will get more Sakura too.

Post some huge stonking Rider tits already

HOL UP, when did Sakura become a Servant and what is this Saint talk? Which saint?

Yeah. I hear there's some infamous Mapo Tofu scene with Kirei.

That reminds me, I should probably finish the VN. Still on the Fate route.

She is Saint Partha user, the one who tamed the dragon Tarasque. She is a Rider in F/GO.

>Saint Partha
Saint Martha*

She could probably tame some hard cocks too with that high skill in riding

She is a saint user, what are you thinking !

I'm thinking I want her to help me in various lewd ways

Martha isn't for lewd.

But user, all riders are for lewd. Especially with that body

Where did you get these lewd pics of my big sister? Answer me sick fucks

Fucking Yanagi man, FUCK.

What a time to be alive.

Is it wrong I want Medusa to be a surrogate onee-chan more than a lover but I'd happily accept both roles

Just fap already.

Yeah and that's hot as fuck.

She strikes me as the kind of girl that knows she's physically and sexually intimidating, but secretly has a dere streak and enjoys simple, affectionate gestures as well.

Of course she can make her man hard. But the pounding she really wants to feel is in her heart.

More. Seeing his art always makes me happy

One doesn't exclude the other. It's even make it better.

>count on her to pull me out of any fetish fueled stupor I land in where I'm only jerking it to stuff like traps or futa
Even literal faggots cannot resist Rider, that's true perfection right there.


Thank you based user

>All these riders

You want more Rider ?

I mean, I wouldn't fuck him but god damn I would drink beer and conquer shit with this motherfucker so hard. What a fucking bro this guy is.

Which servant would you mana transfer ritual with?


>I mean, I wouldn't fuck him

source onegai

I guess you could say you want to rider

Just for the record I personally am not a literal faggot, I just can't help but fap to futas and traps sometimes. Nothing sexier to me than a perfect 10/10 mature female body though, and Rider hits all of the buttons just right.
>long gorgeous hair the perfect shade of purple
>huge but not too huge sweater puppies
>big round ass and long luxurious legs
>beautiful respectable woman in her casual clothes, pure cock-obliterating semen demon in her servant clothes
>perfect height
>boneriffic voice
>every bit as hot and sexual as she is cute and adorable
>square pupils for some reason really get me going
>I want to fuck her so fucking badly

>I personally am not a literal faggot, I just can't help but fap to futas and traps sometimes.
Does not compute.


Where is that from?

She also has a great personality, I mean, who wouldn't want to get drunk with her and discuss some good ol Greek philosophy and plays along with other books she might like.

Post more lewd

Well I'm sure it's different for everyone, but for me it's all in their femininity despite having a penis rather than the fact that they have a penis in of itself. Like I would love to fuck one, but I'd never want to be fucked by one. I really don't care what that's supposed to make me, but the fact remains that there is absolutely nothing more attractive to me than a pure 100% female with the perfect body, nothing else can hope to compare. And Rider fits that bill to a T no matter who you're asking.

Was it ever mentioned what Rider's taste in /lit/ is?

Sorry but I honestly couldn't tell you. Probably a doujin I'd guess.
Exactly, not only is she ridiculously hot but also perfect wife material. The kind of woman you'd marry and stay with faithfully forever raising all the children you keep having because you literally cannot stop impregnating her.

She's the most beautiful and perfect girl in the history of the franchise.

Why else do you think she's been my waifu for the past decade?

Didn't nasu say she was his favorite also?

>Shirou never got to fuck her
fucking wormslut

I wonder how one would win Rider's heart if you weren't Sakura or Shirou.

>femininity despite having a penis
Sure, whatever you say.

I'm just messing with you mate, it's not like it matters what you spank yourself to in this taiwanese cartoon forum anyway, all that matters here is our love and devotion for our literal goddess Rider.
Unless you're one of those idiots who thinks that tomboys are gay while traps are sraight, in this case I'll have no doubt you're indeed a literal faggot.

I happen to find both perfectly straight, assuming they're at least somewhat feminine. I can't fap to a chick that looks exactly like a dude with a vagina, and I do happen to like musclegirls so she would have to be extremely overly masculine for that to happen.
Then again that's all more or less just my personal preferences, unlike Rider being perfect which is a universal fact.

> Heaven's Feel will be worth it just for her alone.
You forget:
> Mapo Tofu
> Tohsaka's Anus
> Uncensored Movies
> Soundtrack by Yuki Kajiura

Someone's never read HA.

dreams don't count

That was Avenger

Eclipse =/= Ataraxia
Unless you're talking about the bath scene and the such

how can worst girl in the series have the best girl as her servant?

so you had a reason to read her route

I just want to win the Holy Grail War with Rider.

Would I have to do that dumb phone game?

Or emulate that PS2 fighter?

I really wanted to do it in the format of Extra.

But shinji is a boy and he's the best.

Only Extra has that format. The fighting game I guess you can play. It's pretty fun.

Don't bother with Grand Order unless you legit have a Fate waifu like me, or you enjoy rolling for bad rates. Medusa's not that great in that either.