Anne Happy

Anne thread.

Er, I mean, Anne Happy thread. Ep 07 has been out for a few hours. If you still hesitate picking it (back) up, know that it's been getting better and better.

We Anne-fags sure are obnoxious.

Other urls found in this thread:

Best girl.

Is it finally happening as of this episode?

Which Anne would be best for bearing children? Not Botan of course, she is barren and as Aristotle would say, failed as a living creature.


I feel this constantly. I almost feel like tearing up sometimes, seeing her just makes me that happy.

She's the anime equivalent of gondola




If Anne's mom can be a good mother, then Anne herself probably can, too.

Also reposting with new smiles.

That's oddly fitting.
Anyway, looks like we've finally found out why Anne can't eat some decent fried shrimps at home. It's because her misfortune is genetic.

This show makes me happy.

Sensei is a nice lady

Anne of course.
Just buy a lot of cushions.


not to mention the godly body proportions

>There was a period of my life where Anne didn't exist.

Don't let her sweet appearance fool you, she's trained in gorilla warfare and she's the top sniper in the entire Tennomifune armed forces.

And those eyes... Thank god she has them closed most of the time otherwise she'd make me lose my focus on the girls. Maybe she closes them to keep her sex appeal contained.






Lads, why is this animu so good?


Has science gone too far?

Ren is a wifebeater.

Aristotle was a faggot.


Fuck off Plato


I want give Anne-chan a big chuu on her right cheek~

Thankfully she uses those talents to aid and protect the less fortunate.

She probably is pretty hairy looking from those eyebrows


Only I have that honor!


Thank Anne I've completely repressed those horrible memories.

Wait a minute. Is she really unlucky, or just incredibly clumsy? Cause it seems like it's a case of her actually being incredibly lucky so that she can survive her near-suicidal clumsiness.

What's wrong with taching a gorilla warfare?

Anne constantly gets attacked by animals too in addition to her clumsiness. Anne's mom might just be very clumsy which she passed on to Anne because she doesn't seem to be as unlucky as Anne.

Fuck that, Hane is happy all the time because she is a retard.

Maybe she is not happy, maybe she just hides her feelings and puts a facade of being happy believing that if she lies to herself long enough maybe someday she will believe it and ease her suffering.

Of course animals would attack her. She's clumsy and would most likely harm them once her clumsiness acted up. Animals know what's up when it comes to these things. They avoid danger, and if they can't avoid it, they attack it. Their lives depend on it after all.


Go away grimderp-fags. Anne is happy because she just is. Isn't there a re: zero thread you can go circle jerk suffering in?

Sharing is caring, user. Don't be a fucking jew.

I hope there's a comfy beach episode with Anne's mom tagging along. It's summer in the show now apparently so there has to be one coming up.

>I swear she´s the retarded one

You could have waited the part where I write how her friendship with the other girls makes her genuinely happy in the end quickshooter user

Wet genki!

Is it okay to hate Hibiki but like Ren at the same time? Because that scene gave me pure joy.

Don't prostitute and make a mockery of love.

But love is a mockery in itself

Your mom only lies to you.

Sorry your life has failed you in that respect.

What mama has to do with it?


I failed it, it's my own fault

Are they copulating?

>thinken about pussy


She nerver loved you so she fed you lies

But my Mama...

It would be a disservice to all the GUERILLAS that came before her.


I'm daydreaming lately about making a game design document for a Unhappy game. I don't enjoy video games much anymore but the idea entertains me thinking of how to translate the characters to a game setting. I was thinking maybe a MOBA type jrpg, where instead of just controlling one 'hero' you get all the unhappys and they go fight bears or some shit. Timothy and Sensei are union summons that you have to chain abilities together to use.
Anne-Something about self damage from misfortune that also affects the enemy. She'll double as a tank with dps and utility elements with her smile boosting the groups morale.
Hibari-She summons the sign and gains increased stats with it around and can clone herself like in the OP. Straight heal type with her cooking, high defense stats with a shame shield
Botan-She loses HP and gains debuffs for no reason but she has strong self healing from her first aid kit. She can demoralize the enemy with her gloomy statements but it also effects Hibari.
Ren-Summoner with heavy physical dps
NotSankuranko-She wanders into enemy attacks. Pure tank type.


I'd rather just a vn.


In which you're an allegory of luck and try to get a date with every girl, from the easiest (Ren I guess) to the hardest (Anne).

I liked the extra pillows in the corner by the door.

And you have to keep the date from going horribly awry.



Hibiki would kill you.

Good luck finding me.

I want to tickle Ren.


The quiet flute version of the OP around 17 minutes was really great.

Hanako is best best.

>Want to suck on Botan's breasts
>Nipple tears right off.

That's why you just lick.



But then I'd lick the color off her areolas.

Stop thinking with your penis and start thinking with your heart you perverts!

How could they do this to a pure maiden like her? Wet shirt and a panty shot?


regular unis > summer unis

Unparalleled smugness.

What about the heart in my penis!

She should keep her hair like this more, it's cute.

I want to punch her in the face.