What are they waiting for? Nuke that shit out of the sky.
The ruskies nuked one mech and shit still working afterwards. Doubt the alien fortress has a weaker defense.
Subs when?
Dubs & Trips confirm alien fortress has stronk defense.
Also this fucking subs.
Well let's see episode 8 preview first.
Why is the thread so ded?
It's the time? Subs in 1 or 2 hours right?
Never rushed based Jaka.
Because it's not hyped show since beginning, plus not CR or funi, need to wait fan subs.
It's a shame but well at least you did get some nice 84 dubs,
Going to sleep, don't let this thread die, that would be even more sad.
Can't promise that, but will try.
Don't die thread, for this faggot.
Waiting warmly for subs.
Here's a link to the OP song for anyone who hasn't already grabbed it.
Firing a nuke in the atmosphere would be like setting off an emp.
Because the show is fan subbed instead of a rip, A lot of modern Sup Forums doesn't watch shows not ripped shows like faggots. This is good, however, as these threads are pretty fun as they lack the retarded generalfags and other shit.
I actually like the plant posting
>its real
Time for some kenny getting a pool episode.
Fucking ice cold.
they have AT fields, you need NANOMACHINE VIRUS to defeat it.
Huh, people die when they suicide.Woah.
They also die when they are too close to explosions as well. This episode was kind of crazy on death since Ken said he would go and commit sudoku when he slays all the demons.
He's their probe testing slave now.
>its yukina get in the fucking robot episode
So much for burgers' brrttt.
I want to cum inside Mika.
Dammit gg.
Fucking weeb.
that is one thin dam.
Sensei gonna help with that for sure.
Dams get wider as they near the base. Your dam doesn't need to be especially thick at the top due to the lesser volume of water pressing against it.
>Area 51
>it's a the bad guys sit in a circle and talk about puny humans episode
Webmd when?
Why the fuck do nips like yahoo so much
>the good guys are honorable Japanese samurai
>the bad guys are European-looking knights
Sasuga Nippon
unf unf.
Are they dead?
>they're "missing"
They're fine.
They'd be missing if they were incinerated in an explosion. That alien was quite thorough with not leaving anything behind.
Chilling around so that they are not punished for streaming the fight.
from the perspective it's thin all the way down.
I didn't know filming aliens was against the law.
>Mika will never slide her hand down your hot bod
Why even samurai?
Maybe not the filming itself, but probably for disobeying authorities in an emergency, they can then tack other shit they want later just to say fuck you.
I want to fuck her.
Why is the teacher allowed to wear something so revealing in front of her students?
But they ask UN give them robot back, kindly.
China girl isn't too bad either.
Cowtits dont work with him, I dont see him blushing at all with the sensei or maybe his dick acclimatized to the titties around.
But he did blush as soon as he saw the tits.
>main girl still lives
Sensei gonna win the big veiny samurai katana.
Top tier girls.
Imagine it is shaped like a prism or wedge. The inside of the dam that is underwater curves back and gets thicker, the face of the dam is sheer and flat.
Not to mention the added strength the arched construction of the wedge gives the entire structure.
he blushed the most for ripe teacher tits though and then he starts talking directly to them
man im not really feeling their armour. I really like how angular all their mechs and technology is but that armour doesnt fit for me. tech knights could have worked just not that way
Looks more like he's trying to read her lips.
Beach and hot spring episode when?
He could have stopped them going.
Full ED when?
What's the point? We've already seen best girl in a fundoshi.
he's not looking that far down user
I agree with you. I think they did it to contrast the samurai theme but when that scene came on it just felt sort of goofy to me.
Already out.
Man, I'm a week late too.Thanks bros.
Why is MC acting like baka shinji?
this shot was fantastic
I'm so pleased those two side guys died last episode.
>is this nigga for real.jpg
what a rotten slut.
So, how are they going to convince Yukina to get in the fucking robot?
>you're gonna fucking die if you don't get in
why is she looking so soft and chubby.
Because she wants to bear your child.
What kind of a heartless monster could make such a cute girl sad?
He is a samurai. The battlefield has no need for someone unwilling to fight.
shit mother
Why do their seats look like ethernet cable connectors. The fuck?
What? I was talking about the mother. Kennosuke is great with Koharu.
>her father finds out the truth
>tries to spread the word
>Yukina shits on him for it
Yukina a shit.
Yukina was being a faggot though.
I'd say that's on the parents for seemingly not giving a shit about their loli.
All in all a pretty dysfunctional family.
You must have come from a family that pampers you a lot if that counts as dysfunctional.
So what gift will yukinas dad bring back? or was the gift alien invasion