Post anime screencaps that describe you

Post anime screencaps that describe you

except you don't have any friends on the Internet, user


Fuck off meanie, he's my friend




are you just looking for images for /r/anime_irl
cause if so, you should maybe consider suicide

best girl


Literally describes me word for word.



This fucking cheeky cunt

only a year yet but time will pass




I have a feeling this is turning into a ronery thread




> its a post NHK screencaps thread

Fuck you I was just about to post that




Why are these threads always so depressing? Lighten up anons, I'm sure there is someone who still loves you.

I know, right?!


TTGL reference

Izumi is my spirit animal.


I fapped to a mindbreak doujin of my waifu and I haven't felt this bad in a really, really long time.

except at work

Not anime screencap but whatever

This should be a banner.


That is where it always ends up.




I want my Ohta.


Marry me user, desu











I think I've said this exact line just today.



Fuck that. My mom should apologize to me for forcing me to exist. Unforgivable.



this was literally me 3 years ago
please dont waste your life my dear Sup Forumsnons



Fuck I regret coming into this thread now, thanks user.



Azumanga I want to dioh


I'm so fucked up

Tomoko is easy mode though




Holy shit


Are those piss bottles?


Fuck man. Never thought I'd see Sougou Tovarisch get referenced on this board.


>Show was apparently meant to make people want to procreate
>Best girl is unbreedable fujoshit trap brother

I still want to be tenderly dominated by a onee-chan

These are all just too fucking good.

I have 2 in juxtaposition of each other.

captcha: dicks 3300

>abhoohoo im so sad my cushy first world life is so miserable becuz no gf



I'm going back to school in the fall, I swear...

Hey I have a job.

Going in the summer. 2nd Degree, my first one has failed me.

Going back in August, same here


You're a cheeky blighter m8

Stopped wasting my money when I saw myself doing the same thing.


Me when I was in high school desu

Umaru is cheating, but this is me every single year.

>muh first world
>there are third worlders on my internet
Bitching is relative. Sorry you were born into a shitty country. I would ask you not to contribute further to its shittiness but you are here after all.


I am from a first world country. I just don't cry like I'm the saddest, most victimized person in the world because I sit alone in my room all day having all my needs met with no effort but I'm kinda socially awkward and don't have a girlfriend like you.