You were showing the world why Israel shouldn't exist. Why Jews control everything and are ruining America.
Then you watch a YouTube video and hear that Jewish blood grants instant citizen ship in Israel, so you look back over your family history and find out you are 1/3 Jewish without knowing it.
Henry Perez
I would stay where I am because you described me as being a cuck: >You were showing the world why Israel shouldn't exist.
And Israel has enough
Carter Ortiz
When your rat people own all the world banks, then you're gonna have a lot of assholes at your disposal. They have plants in literally every government.
Jason Ortiz
I'm colourblind all I see is semites. On a more serious note, there's green underneath that red, the red put itself on top of green land.
Elijah Ortiz
i would emigrate to israel and basically be a nigger, getting all the welfare i can and doing as much damage to their society as possible by selling drugs and stuff. i heard hezbollah will let you smuggle drugs into israel via lebanon so long as you dont sell in lebanon. thats a pretty slick idea.
Nathan Richardson
like me when I visit new south wales
>tasmania yes
Blake Garcia
>basically be a nigger So basically you'll just do What you do in America, but in here.
Jose Kelly
Whatcha gonna do about do about it feg?
Jayden Torres
Palestinians are islamized jews.
Parker Rodriguez
the Jews need to be culled. The real Arabs who are smart are the ones who abandon Islam and aren't inbred. Islam destroyed the the Arab world