Civic-Nationalism > Ethnic Nationalism

Civic-Nationalism > Ethnic Nationalism

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As long as immigrants come here legally and integrate I fail to see the problem.

Nationalism > "nationalism"

>falling for taqiyya
>falling for jewish tricks
oh, goyim...

Civic Nationalism




i agree praise pede and kek on :D

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I agree. It's just such a shame that Sup Forums is full of idiots who think civic nationalism inherrently presupposed replacement migration to ridiculous extents and think the only viable form of governance is some ethno-nationalist totalitarian dictatorship where everyone continuously debates the minutiae of who is and isn't white is the only solution. Because such a state can never be wrong by virtue of being ethno-nationalist, right?

Red Skull is a loser while Doom reigns supreme

>using marvel comics with no real point as arguments

>civic nationalism
No such thing, the term is an oxymoron.

small brain: no nationalism at all
regular brain: civic nationalism
big brain: ethno-nationalism
ascended brain: pretending to be civic nationalism as a front to create an ethno-state with a tiny minority of the best of other ethnicities


>civic nationalism predates ethnonationalism but is somehow an oxymoron
Strange, how totalitarian ideologies always try to spin a narrative that puts their "real" origins far further back than history shows. National-Socialism was always the default of the Germanic peoples, the earliest societies were communist and Alexander the Great was a Muslim.

Civic nationalism is only an american meme. Rest of us have national states with one race and culture.

Huh ,boy this people don't know shit about the ballkans.

Also civic nat is tragic misunderstanding, it was meant for the already homogeneous european national states it would never possibly work in multi ethnic society

DeGaulle was based, unfortunately he had the cucked post WWI populace to rule...

He also said that whites and arabs can't live together no matter how much you try.

Doom it's the essential civic nationalist.

I support Namor tough, a true ethnic nationalist.

##atlantis for atlanteans

And he's right, given that these Arabs exist in large enough numbers to form local communities. Theoretically you can put one Algerian into a hermetically closed off village of 1000 Frenchmen just fine and he'll eventually marry with the natives, adopt their culture and language etc. etc. until he (and more importantly, his descendants) becomes indistinguishable from the natives. As soon as that 1 guy increases to 10, things become more problematic.

But yeah, I consider De Gaulle to be the Last Frenchman.

>Civic nationalism is only an american meme
Which is why one of its founding texts was "Qu'est-que c'est qu'une nation" written in France in 1882, right? Some can even argue that it goes back as far as the Roman Republic, where foreign auxiliaries could earn Roman citizenship despite not being native to Italia.

>civic nationalism


if you believe people the same deep down, and only need to be raised a certain way to fit into a group perfectly then why have nations at all?


Civic "nationalism" is a self-contradictory term. What you're looking for is an empire, multi-national kingdom, or globalism.

Civic "nationalism" abhors nation states, the central tenet of nationalism. It places material values over people. It doesn't believe in birthright, it only sees contribution and gladly puts it on sale. It sees no value in national autonomy, viewing nation-level organization only as a threat. Everything nationalism is for, civic "nationalism" is against. It doesn't make sense to call it nationalism ideologically, nor etymologically. It's pure nonsense. There's nothing more antithetical to nationalism than civic "nationalism".

>Civic "nationalism" abhors nation states
[citation needed]

Like I stated earlier, civic nationalism arose in the very first nation-state. You may not like it, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's an inherrent contradiction. If you posit that, you have to at least offer some plausible evidence for that contradiction.

>It sees no value in national autonomy, viewing nation-level organization only as a threat.
Citation still needed

What you're looking for is probably Habermas' constitutional patriotism.

Thank God my favourite superhero saved Latveria

No one saves Latveria for long, they will vote for Doom every time.

Such is life in eastern europe.

>Civic nationalism

pick one

civic nationalism is a meme

Reminder that CDG fought along side commies and kikes and played a big part in the destruction of France.

Both had good music? What is the problem?

How they *could* have done this:
>Ironman discovers some talented youngster who happens to be black and a girl
>She becomes his sidekick and takes on the mantle "Ironheart"
>She and Tony do shit, she learns from Tony
>This creates the possibility to drop her if the fans don't like her
>Eventually have Tony retire and make Riri the new Iron(wo?)man

What they did instead:
>Tony Stark is dead now
>Riri Williams calls herself Ironheart, yet the comic is still called Ironman because it needs to trick people into thinking Tony Stark is still around
>Riri Williams is praised for doing mundane shit like taking restrained villains to the police
>Riri was a fucking psychopath since childhood, berating her elementary school teacher for, get this, TELLING HER THAT SHE CAN DO WHATEVER SHE WANT.
I'm not even making this up here. In some flashback, she chews out her elementary school teacher for NOT discriminating her for her race and gender, and INSISTS that her teacher tells her that she can't join NASA because she's a black girl so she has something to "motivate" her.

What the fuck?

Mods should just Ban ALL civnats already.


Civic Nationalism with immigration and assimilation into one body as you know it, is an entire american post-colonist idea, never meant for europe.

European civic nationalism existed throughout history for roman day and was interpreted as a state with many separate ethnic groups which are separated in different provinces.
States like Switzerland and pre-WW2 Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia are best examples of what european civic nationalism looks.

>Switzerland has 4 main ethnic groups who live in their own provinces and they all share the same patriotism to the same flag and united parliament.
>Pre-WW2 Czechoslovakia was divided between Czechs, Slovaks, Sudeten germans, Hungarians and Ruthenians. It had to be civic nationalism because all of those ethnically different provinces.
>Yugoslavia was divided into many ethnic provinces from balkans.

If america tried to be this kind of civic nationalism, it would have to create new states for representation of black americans, asian americans, mestizo americans etc.

>implying we will give up our reggeton, bachata and shiiet...
>implying this satanic degeneration is not well withing our demonic blood
>implying we will not enter legally in your borders to later destroy all your civilization

Nothing. It's only the flavor of your choice.

You do know that comic industry is an jewish industry created by jews from the day one? You can just check it out how it all started.
It's full of jewish values and its ideas to most extent. The modern crap what comic became today, isn't influenced by SJWs, it's just a continuation and extension of what comics always were and want to represent.

I don't have anything against comics and I see the entertainment from it, but if you base all your political stance from comic books, you just base all you're ideas from jewish diaspora values, their point of view and their ideas about your country.

>civic nationalism
What the hell did I just read?

>Ancient Rome


Ancient Rome was ethnic nationalist for the majority of its golden age. In becoming civic nationalist and started to give citizenship to everyone wanting, it started to crumble.

>Ancient Rome
>civic nationalism
>burger education
You do know romans didn't even consider people born outside of City of Rome to not be Roman? Fuck, even most of aristocracy didn't considered plebians to be roman.
In late Republic senate made reforms of that made people outside of rome to be roman citizen, only if they had direct family origins from City of Rome.

It was only when northern african inbred emperor Caracalla came to power he made reform that made all population to be citizens of Rome. The Crisis of the Third Century followed after that...

The fact that most people here are not willing to acknowledge is that civic nationalism is the only kind of nationalism you can have in huge jurisdictions.

To have an ethnic nationalism secession from larger bodies is indispensable. How do you expect to have an ethnic nationalism when +40% of your population is non-whites?

Civic nationalism is the only thing at most the US will possibly ever have as long as it doesn't disintegrate in smaller entities.

It's up to you. A huge country but ruled by shitskins and minorities or a bunch of smaller ones but only for whites?

There is no third option, you cannot be a white nationalist and at the same time support the continued existence of the jewish golem known as the USA. Ethnic cleansing at this point is a pipe dream.

>[citation needed]
It's an openly defining feature of civic "nationalism". A "nation" of civic virtues instead of people. Why the modifier, were it the "real" nationalism as you claim? It's not that it's a branch of nationalism, it isn't. The modifier, the disavowal of the ethnic basis of nations is an outright rejection of the core of nationalism. The defining feature of nationalism is the support of nation-states, the autonomy of peoples(nations). You can't be a nationalist when you deny the existence of nations.

The only reason it's even called nationalism, when civic "nationalism" is exclusively a feature of multinational empires(including ruthless suppression of movements for national autonomy, i.e. secessionists), is because historically they don't deny the existence of nations. That they do see value in the principle of one nation, one state. But that's where the similarities end. They have the same goal, but where a nationalist wants autonomy for his people, the creation of a state through his nation, the civic "nationalist" wants to create a nation out of the state, aiming to achieve homogeneity through the dissolution of all the distinct peoples within the state. Through disenfranchisement, through cultural suppression and through miscegenation. The means are irreconcilable. The two, natural enemies.

Not only is it antithetical to nationalism, your melting pot horseshit is about as far as you can get from historical civic "nationalism". It identifies a lack and seeks to address it, them being multi-ethnic through the circumstance of having rapidly expanded, a consequence of the agglomeration of distinct peoples. You see what they strove for, and wish to recreate the very same problem that they fought.

The only similarity is the end-goal being a nation-state. The entire purpose of it is to be a pathway towards a nation-state, not from it. A nation-state is the end goal. "Ethnic" nationalism is the end game of civic "nationalism". That's why it's only seen in multinational states, that's what distinguishes a "nationalist" empire from one who isn't. It's the only way a multi-national state can be "nationalist" without dissolving or granting regional autonomy.

Nationalism is an assertion of freedom for nations. Civic "nationalism" is a letter of intent calling for the destruction of nations. Calling for civic "nationalism" in what's already a nation-state is just about the dumbest fucking thing imaginable.

You're a dumb fucking lardlander. You aren't a nationalist. You're not even a civic "nationalist". You're just a fucking idiot.

Are Punisher comics at least tolerable?

Ok, help me understand this.
in what part of the civic nationalist manifesto says that you have to breed with people outside of your race?

I don't see the problem with having "red pilled" minorities and being on civic nationalism, I'm not forced to marry a black girl or let my daughter fuck a mexican.

If miscegenation isn't made illegal the Jew will use it as a weapon against you


>be Roman empire
>Rule the known world when Italian peninsula is homogeneous
>Germanic barbarians invade
>become multi ethnic

You mean the state where slavery was legal and widespread? Where non-Romans were seen as subhuman? Where state-sanctioned apartheid banned intermarriage between Romans and Germans, and forbade Romans from wearing German dress? The same Romans who killed 50% of Gaul's population?

Latveria have monarchism

jesus christ comic writers are the most edgy cringedark SJW faggots that exist


> Civic nationalism predates ethnonationalism
Are you aware that nearly the entirety of human history is one of extreme tribalism going beyond even that of ethnic nationalism?



American comic books are degenerate kike propaganda

Franco-Belgian comic books from the 20th century are the only good comics for the white man

civic nationalism is a meme. it literally means nothing