The cooler Tomo
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He bought her the glasses so he doesn't feel her judgemental stare when he takes glances at her Tomos right?
Tomo was born in Summer
Tomo is late because she overslept
Jun gives Tomo a present because of her birthday
The present are sport sunglasses
Tomo reminds him every year that her birthday is before his
Why didn't Jun wear those glasses so that Tomo won't know he's staring at her sweaty tits all way?
>born in october instead of based summer
cucked once again
>Tomo wants to give Jun a gift
>she doesn't know what
>asks Misuzu & Carol for help
>time passes
>Jun wakes up on birthday
>opens odd big box
>Tomo wearing nothing but ribbons with a condom in her mouth is inside
>Jun thanks her for the ribbons
dat tomo face tho
I don't know what it is about those glasses but every time I see people wearing them I think they're a douche who should be killed
>mfw it probably would go down that way
Get out of my head, user!
Tomo is in full papa franku mode.
I came here to Tomo at you.
Well, you are not wrong 99% of the time.
>Jun wakes up on birthday
>opens odd big box
>Tomo chokes him unconscious
>Colonel Cotton Candy, I've retrieved the target.
>Excellent Tomo. Commence Operation: Snake Beater
>The Solid Snake infiltrates the Tomboy
>Jun's Liquid Snakes begin to make their move
>Mission Accomplished
are tomo threads ded?
They only get bigger when Tomos friends are involved because they amuse people more
nothing happens, no posts
Do jap schools even allow sunglasses? I never see them in my chinese cartoons.
when did the hiatus end? many new pages?
Ended on Tuesday, so three new pages as of tonight's update.
Usually they are against the dress code, so only main characters and/or their cool friends are allowed to wear them. Exceptions are also made for delinquents that are 2 cool 4 school.
Every fucking Tomo-chan thread is the same.
yes, but don't you want to fuck misuzu?
how about EGG
>Tomo's older than Jun
Even then, they don't get that much discussion, half of it is whining about no Jun. The truth is nobody here seems to like him, they just complain when he isn't present, but don't post when he does show up.
still dont get it
why does this have to be what would most likely happen
jun is a fucking pussy
>why does she have to brag about getting fucked by multiple black men every day year after year..
Most of those Junfags are actually filthy cucks. They only want more Jun if it involves Misuzu. The biggest Tomo threads were always filled with NTRfag shipping.
>ara ara, hey jun-ey boy wanna /ss/?
Her birthday? Good, we'll get a lot of Misuzu and Carol celebrating.
>every time try to make joke translations while waiting for actual translation
>never funny enough to post
>Tomo being stupid enough to forget her birthday
>it's the real deal
This needs to get back to the girls so it can be more entertaining than what I pull out of my butt.
Just fucking [SPRAY] her already and get it over with
Is Tomo a meme character now?
the whole comic is a living meme
500GB pic when
>tied up by Carol and Misuzu
Is Tomo PC bro?
>tomo was born in summer
finally my shitty june birthday has meaning
you son of a bitch
I'm not that crazy.
But I did fix up the artifacts in krita because they bothered me.
>he fell for the dropbox meme
Honestly what threads don't get invaded by NTR cuckolds? If it isn't NTR it's yuri or traps.
It just werks and respects my freedoms "enough".
We're all extremely sexually frustrated and have nothing else to take it out on.
post your rice lo/g/os faggot
fine. I just scraped it from the dead project.
urxvt .Xdefaults
i3 config + my keybinds
Oh shit boys
birthday party time
Holy shit. Tomo is too dumb to live.
Looks like she'll reach christmas cake age sooner than later.
At what point did this start to drag? I think it was right before the sleepover.
Why doesn't he wear the glasses himself then?
What will Carol and Misuzu do for her? Surprise party? Set up date with Jun?
Does Jun get to brag he's her age again on his birthday?
i forgot my birthday in high school once, sometimes you just don't care enough
i only remembered on the day itself
This chapter was cute.
christmas cake tomboy dark-elf childhood friend
>wow your stick is so small next to mine
in a sundress
No. An office uniform you fool.
Pic almost related.
>born in oct
He always struck me as more of a Jun baby
Damn it Carlos
I don't get it.
I don't get it either.
Holy shit.
A good chapter for once.
we /ss/ now?
>gifting only a condom
>also dirty it with her body fluids
I don't get it.
The condom still has it's wrapper, it's not dirty.
Why would you want unwrapping it?
>Tomo just got it
nothin personnel
happy birthday tomo