Kill la Kill came out 4 years ago
What do you think of it now?
Kill la Kill came out 4 years ago
What do you think of it now?
It's still shit.
Time flies fast, I want to die
The same when you realize it was four years ago, shit.
It hasn't even been 3 years yet.
still shit
It's shit.
It's shit, but not as shit as Panty and Stocking, which isn't as shit as Gurren Laggan.
Same thing I thought of it back then, Sup Forumsermin scum.
Congratulations on triggering Sup Forums
>this thread
Shit, and I thought I had lost my way.
Ryuko figma or scale in non-transformed Senketsu when?
It was fun to watch and talk about with friends. Glad Trigger's still doing their thing with Luluco; that general art style is very visually appealing to me.
Satsuki's eyebrows and ass are still perfect.
Otherwise, it's shit
no it didn't
I miss my waifu
This dumbass cant even count properly, baka.
2,5 years dingus.
You're lying there is no way it's been 4 years already
It was great and it's still great.
>4 years ago
Don't fucking scare me like that
Still great to trick normalfags into watching
One of the most terrible trashes ever.
I am still mad over them mutilating Satsuki.
I still regret watching it.
It's still disappointing.
Learn to fucking count
It was fun but nothing special.
>What do you think of it now?
Kek la Kek is great. I thoroughly enjoyed it because I'm not the sort of retard who's unable to stop taking things seriously for half a second when a series is clearly not taking itself seriously either.
Mako is the worst character ever made.
Other than that it was OK.
Liked it.
Great start. Got boring once we found out the academy people were good guys. I liked it a lot better when it was about Ryuuko against authority.
>OP still not kill la killing himself
I don't think I'd have enjoyed it as much if it weren't for threads and OC we had here while it was airing
What was Sup Forums reaction to the girls being sisters?
It came out approximately 2 years and 7 months ago you retard
Awful choice.
We called it way before the reveal
If that pic's purpose is making me rage, it did a very good job.
Jesus fuck i'm so pissed off.
Basically the Kabaneri of it's season
So it's AOTS?
>4 years
holy fuck you really had me going for a while there
Season 2 is airing though.
That's a funny way to spell Nui
>4 years ago