> Austrian economics is a joke, Neoclassical Keynesian economics makes much more sense, makes more meaningful predictions, and dominates mainstream economic thought for a reason
> The Gold standard isn't universally good nor inherently better than fiat currencies, especially well-managed ones
Redpills Sup Forums will argue with
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Are you able to describe a federal government that's too big?
Didn't think so. Shove your collectivist, big government bullshit straight up your faggot ass.
Would you argue that the government can actually take steps or actions which improve the economy in certain ways? That it can provide at least some goods or services in a way that the market can't or do it in such a way that it's actually cheaper for consumers?
If you'd say no then you're arguing against a lot of empirical data.
Too bad women like this almost exclusively suck and fuck black guys. I'll always see white guys swarm these girls, and they really love the attention, but that's it. However, they lose their composure around black men, and will flirt with them first. That's why so many agree to fuck without condoms and then get stuck with a few black babies from multiple men. White guys better get used to fat, ugly black girls, cause honestly white women like this only prepare themselves for bbc
If only we could be more like Mexico and turkey.
>makes more meaningful predictions
lmao, remind me again, which of the two groups predicted the 2008 crash and then supported it with data afterwards?
Black boys can't compete with my white meat.
Interested in this thought of the govt providing cheaper services. What are examples?
it can make steps to improve in relation to itself, that doesn't mean its the most efficient method for providing services/utility. right now, healthcare is the most highly regulated, most intervened industry we have. it is absolutely no shocker that costs are so high
Anything that requires massive landed infrastructure over the whole of the country. Utility networks are the chief example: Water, Power, Data, even roads if you consider them a utility network.