Gay people have poor eyesight

The bad vision of fags is so commonplace, that traces of glasses got their way into the composited images of both gays and lesbians. How can you explain it, Sup Forums? Does sinning truly make you blind?

I better get lasik before people think I'm gay.

Why is the dyke face the more attractive one?

it may be a fashion statement; fags just wearing glasses to look cool or some shit

"Fashion-minded" people wear glasses as a fashion item.

Homosexual people are more likely to be aware of fashion, and become "fashion-minded".

Do people look better with glasses? I thought it was the other way around.

Jewish psy-ops, probably

Looks younger and less fat.

More than likely, its probably due to really bad sample bias and methodology, as with most social research.

Dyke masterrace

depends on each individual. And the glasses. Thick Framed Hippster glasses make everyone look ugly.

Straight wear subtle glasses, gay wear problem glasses

I'd posit that this analysis isn't necessarily correct
as glasses are not often seen as traditionally masculine, most guys would not include them in their dating profile pictures to avoid the numale/nerdy/effeminate looks

gay guys just don't have that problem and are more likely to wear noticeable glasses

I think the only conclusion you can draw here is that based on the sample gay males are more likely to include glasses in their dating profile pictures than heterosexual males

Pretty racist desu

So only fat women are not faggots?

Glasses can look good on any face, you just need to know how to match face shape like with haircuts.

i have to wear glasses because i spent 9 hours a day on my computer when i was growing up. i'm not gay but i do enjoy traps.

> gay males are more likely to include glasses in their dating profile pictures than heterosexual males

i always wear my glasses in my profile pictures, i get a bunch of comments on how cool they are because they have the transition lenses in them so it looks like i am wearing sunglasses usually.

Every single one of those faces would look better without glasses.

Thanks for the bad opinion Sven

*släppë mäjn dïkk ön jöür fäjs*
Hows that for an opinion amerikan?

>i'm not gay but i do enjoy traps.

user, I have some bad news for you.

It's more or less what I expected

I was thinking it might be age as well. The two on the right look

Depends on how discrete the glasses are.
Giant black frames make people look incredibly wrongly opinionated, whereas neigh-invisible frames signify a large degree of sense.
It's like custom exhaust systems for your motorcycle. If you have a tinny sound and enrich it with some bass without increasing the loudness, that's a good choice.
On the other hand if you go for maximum dB, you're probably trying to compensate for something.

faggot detected

they are gay in the way that people here like them, just pictures of feminine qualities but the main focus is the dick.

if it's a trap having sex with a female it is more straight than normal because they both have feminine qualities.

That might be because gay people die much younger, biasing the sample towards a young face.

Glasses do make people look more intelligent though and you can manipulate people's impressions of you by changing between contacts or glasses.

Sicne when was taht the fucking point?????????????????????????

t. 19th century.
Today the bigger the frame of your spectacles, the more retarded you are.

>Lesbian porn is straighter than straight porn.
This is true.
The type of guy who won't accept this and says, 'Waitaminute, we define lesbians as homosexuals... homosexuals aren't straight, ergo how can two beautiful women making love to eachother w/ no other man cucking everything up be straight?' is the reason homosexuals exist at all.

The type of guy who grabs God's creation and tries to mold it in his hands is why men are fucking eachother.

Don't try and argue w/ this person. They bring everything down to a debased level.

Why didn't they take their glasses off for the photo?

Yay more religious retards. What if I told you that the fairy tales you believe in are all lies.

Don't offend me :(
I'll tell my sky wizard jew on you

why does the faggot have glasses, the researchers fucked up

t. autism wire frame glasses

I wear glasses at home and work but my frames aren't obnoxiously thick like the ones pictured. Although for social occasions I wear contact lenses.


wait why are lesbians dying much younger, suicide?

i never understood the whole science vs religion thing reddit likes to talk about. if we were to adopt "science" as a new religion, we'd sterilize brown people and retards, ban homosexuality, euthanize sick people and do all kinds of shit that's scientifically proven to benefit mankind but morally questionable. a good religion like christianity teaches people to respect others.

Yay, more smug memes saying something dealt with 1700 years ago.

>sky wizard
God is not a god of the gaps. God is not Jewish, Jew means something like 'Praiser of YHWH'

Science is a subset of theology. It strengthens faith either thru uncovering wisdom, better knowing wisdom-- or subtraction of faith, or, honing of faith.

Science is a subset of theology. It has a place in theology. Theology has no place in science.

the qt in the middle probably wouldnt

I messed my eyes up by welding without a proper mask and getting mild flare flash tbqh
Didn't wear glasses until my 20's

Depraved lifestyles take years off of life.

many people just view science as some sort of alternative to religion while they themselves pick and choose which scientific facts and theories they want to believe in, which makes their supposedly superior atheistic beliefs as unconvincing as any religion.