God is real

God is real, because the universe is a simulation.

In quantum mechanics there is a strange phenomena where particles seem to have no properties until it is measured, then all the properties manifest immediately upon observation.

In software design, there is a concept called a flyweight pattern. Basically, if you want to create an ocean, you don't program 3 billion fish into it. You program a small area, and 1 fish. It's only when the user of the software needs to see the intricate details of a fish does it load those properties, before it is visible, just in time.

This is exactly what quantum mechanics is doing. The properties aren't loaded until a human observes them because designing it that way is infinitely more efficient. Think how many particles there are in the universe.

The speed of light. As you approach the speed of light, time slows down for you, but your perception of it does not. This is happening because the computations of the simulation are not occurring fast enough to update the reality around you. It is literally a bound on the I/O. It is just like in a video game with lag. Your perception of the game's time remains constant, but the game is unable to process the calculations fast enough to make it real.

The existence of other aliens. Drake's equation basically tries to estimate the number of civilisations in the galaxy. Even by using the most conservative numbers, there should be countless numbers of them. Where are they? It's because this is our simulation. You don't put more than one sample in a petri dish if you only want to study 1 sample.

By every definition of our word 'God', God exists, God exists because the universe is a simulation, and there are creators. The most profound part is that...even if you get out of 'this' simulation. The next one is a simulation too. Ad infinitum.

Other urls found in this thread:



Simulations within simulations within simulations within simulations.

why are you reposting this thread, goy?

Why are Jews in Brooklyn burning the Israeli flag?

>. The properties aren't loaded until a human observes them because designing it that way is infinitely more efficient.

You're wrong and do not understand the observer effect. Observation in the physics sense of the word has nothing to do with humans per se. It can be a computer recording the event, or the event affecting some other particle in existence, and so on. No humans or living things are necessary to observe an event.

Thus, the "our simulation" narrative falls apart, right there at the beginning.


Yes we know you like to argue, your points still don't make sense, it doesn't matter if a human or a machine observes it. Humans use machines to observe things all the time. What is a thermometer.

Please, just go back to your bag of Doritos and let the big boys talk.

We don't see any other players because of the simulation lag and instancing in the ayyypooinloos' no man's sky style """net code"""

>It can be a computer recording the event, or the event affecting some other particle in existence, and so on
It is true that within the simulation that a computer or say a video camera can resolve uncertainty, but if their were no human the look at the recording, then the recording would not have to be rendered, and would remain Indeterminate.

Incoming "no your a fucking faggot you retard" followed by a bunch more bullshit

You're on the right track, but you're still thinking in terms of computing jargon.

We aren't literally running on a computer. There is no objective physical reality, the only thing that exists in consciousness and perception. It's a dream, not a simulation.

Doesn't change much, the question is still what hosts the universe/multiverse.

Duh God is real you fucking retard. It's only something the majority of mankind has known for the majority of our existence. This is why creativity is dying because of lack of belief in the creator.

Doing psychedelics today with the purpose of finding out the answer to that question. Thank you.

You believe an interpretation of dozens of different books, put in a specific order by an organisation that dug up a dead pope and put him on trial, and who is now full of paedophiles. This is why people don't believe in your God. You take something spoken as a parable as literal words. It's just a joke.

Pure consciousness springing forth from the void

you're a fucking idiot lol

Quantum systems still evolve without something there to measure them, so the idea that somehow its computationally cheaper to simulate is wrong.

In software design these decisions are trade offs, you trade away accuracy of the simulation with lossy optimisations like that, and you can in theory do experiments to test if that is occuring or not.

So you drive into one road in GTA and observe a car enter the highway, then you take a fast car, travel a completely alternate route to the other end of the highway, and observe to see if that same car is simulated along the road, or if once out of view it disappears. What you find is that because it's an approximation it will disappear, it's not obvious to causal observers because we don't keep track of small details that closely. But it can be revealed with carefully constructed experiments.

None of which have been done to prove this occurs in what we consider to be reality.

Quite interesting OP, let's saw that's pretty much like the DRAW DISTANCE in game like GTAV.

Yeah if I run a magnet across my monitor I can see crazy shit too but I don't try to play it off as a spiritual experience. Folks like you are retarded.

You piece of shit. To observe something you must reflect photons off of it, aka you have to fuck with the object you wish to observe inorder to observe it making the observation a pointless endeavour.

We should all look into microscopes and telescopes at the same time and break the RAM of our simulation

that has to be the most preposterous strawman argument I have ever seen

It's not "just like a video game", the video game is like the reality is exists in.

Light bounces off the screen and hits your eye so you can read this. There is no energy added to the screen to accomplish this. Just stop, you don't know what you're talking about and you use words like faggot to fill holes in your explanation.

Fifteen reasons why we live in a virtual reality

Fifteen reasons why we live in a virtual reality

1. Had a beginning. All the distant galaxies are receding from us at known rates, so it is possible to calculate back when our universe started up13 about fourteen billion years ago, in a first event that began not only our universe but also its space and time. Yet a complete physical universe can’t begin, as by definition there is nothing outside it to create it and to create itself, it would have to exist before it began. This leaves physics speculating on D-branes, alternate universes, wormholes, teleporting worlds, quantum tunneling, big bang-big crunch oscillation theories and other steady state variants. In contrast, every virtual reality has a boot up that creates its pixels and its space-time operating system, based on nothing within itself

Has a maximum speed. In our world, a light shone from a spaceship moving at almost the speed of light still leaves the ship at the speed of light, which is impossible in an objective reality. Einstein proved that the speed of light is a maximum, but gave no reason for it. The equations increase an object’s inherent mass as it increases speed relative to other objects, which works but doesn’t really explain anything. In contrast, every screen has a fixed refresh rate that no pixel-to-pixel transfer “speed” can exceed

3. Is digital. Everything at the quantum level is quantized, including time and space, but field theory assumes continuity, so it has to avoid the infinities that implies by a mathematical trick called renormalization. We think our world has no gaps but actually Planck length and time are irreducible and calculus implies infinitesimals. In quantum realism, pixels and cycles are expected (see 2.2.2).
4. Has quantum tunneling. For an electron to suddenly appear outside a field barrier it can’t penetrate is like a coin in a perfectly sealed glass bottle suddenly appearing outside it. Again, this is impossible for an objective reality although quantum theory permits it. In contrast, a digital reality allows “cuts” between one probabilistic frame (quantum state) and another (Ch5).
5. Entangles entities. Entangled photons maintain opposite spins no matter how far apart they go because quantum collapse works instantly across the universe. An objective reality limited by the speed of light can’t do this, so Einstein called entanglement spooky action at a distance. In contrast, a program can instantly alter any pixel anywhere on a screen, even if the screen is our universe. In this view, entangled photons just merge their processing until the next processing reboot

[citation needed]

6. Space curves. In Einstein’s vision, the sun keeps the earth in orbit by “curving” the space around it, but what exactly does space curve into? Space needs another dimension to do this, but string theory’s extra dimensions are “curled up” in our space, so they don’t allow it. In quantum realism our 3D space is a just a “surface” that can curve into a fourth dimension (see 2.3.5).
7. Time dilates. In Einstein’s twin paradox, one twin travels the universe while the other stays on earth, and the first twin returns after a year to find his brother an old man of eighty! In an objectively real world time is fixed but in our world it slows down as we go faster. Likewise, every gamer knows that the frame rate of a game slows down if the server is busy (see 2.4.1).
8. Randomness occurs. In our world, radioactive atoms emit alpha particles randomly, i.e. in a way that no prior physical “story” can explain. Randomness implies a physically uncaused cause that isn’t possible in a complete physicality. The many-worlds fantasy, or today the multiverse, was invented solely to deny quantum randomness. In contrast, the processor of a virtual construct can choose which quantum state becomes a physical state in quantum collapse

9. Empty space is not empty. An objective space should be nothing but our space exerts a pressure. In the Casimir effect, flat plates in a vacuum placed close together experience a force pushing them in. Current physics attribute this to virtual particles created by the vacuum, but space as null processing is a simpler explanation (see 2.5.5).
10. Waves are particles. In Young’s two-slit experiment, one electron goes through two slits, interferes with itself to give an interference pattern, but still always arrives at one screen point. A particle can’t do this but a program can spread instances of itself like a wave but still restart at a point (quantum collapse) to arrive as a particle in one place (see 3.3.5). Processing can spread like a wave but reboot like a particle.
11. Every electron is identical. In our world, every photon, electron and quark is indistinguishable from every other one, just as if the same code generated all of them

>In quantum mechanics there is a strange phenomena where particles seem to have no properties until it is measured

You might wanna read up on that one again. You clearly haven't understood the topic.


M theory proves God is real. When all possibilities are tangible, the one thing that isn't is the subjective truth.

Dude, a photon bouncing off something is an "observation" that will can waveform collapse. If you think particles interacting with each other is predicated on humans existing, you might be retarded.

Actually, you might wanna read up on that one again. You clearly haven't understood the topic

Whoa, whoa bud. Something can come from nothing. Lawrence Krauss even says so.


If the smartest physicist in the world says something can come from nothing than I believe him. The universe didn't need to come from somewhere else. It just popped into being.

Same with evolution - we've never found a single answer to how biology first created not only itself but the DNA code to bring it into first being. Which says that the DNA just like the universe came into being from nothing.

>the universe is a simulation.
Conan the Barbarian solved this shit like 60 years ago. Why are you still worried about it?
"He shrugged his shoulders. "I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.""


You haven't proved a point and you still think adding 'retard' or 'faggot' to your arguments gets you anywhere. You have no power here.

12. Quantum superposition. In quantum theory, currents can simultaneously flow both ways around a superconducting ring (Cho, 2000), and an electron can spin both up and spin down – until observed. Such combinations are not physically possible, so in current physics quantum states don’t exist, but in quantum realism an electron program can instantiate its code to explore both options (see 3.6.1).

13 Non-physical detection. Imagine a bomb so sensitive that even one photon will set it off. It should be impossible to detect, but scientists

14. Retrospective action occurs. If the future can affect the past, causality fails and with it physics. Yet in delayed choice experiments, an observation made after a photon takes a path defines the path took before the observation. This has led some to speculate that all time, like all space, already exists, allowing time travel and all the paradoxes it implies. In quantum realism program instances take all paths and the observation picks the physical event (see 3.6.3), so there is no time travel.

15. Anti-matter. Quantum equations predicted anti-matter, but no reason has ever been given why matter that inherently exists needs an inverse, of the same mass but opposite charge, at all. In Feynman diagrams, an anti-electron colliding with an electron goes backwards in time, but how it can enter an event in reverse time not explained. In contrast, processing by definition implies anti-processing, and if time is the processing sequence, anti-processing implies anti-time

>inb4 theory proves a fact

This is exactly the same philosophy of Diogenes. The Greeks were right too. Basically the philosophy is 'fuck it', virtue through action not knowledge. I tend to agree with it.

God is literally a meme

Or you know, the electric current to measure that particle...actually affected it too.

Prove that uncertainty is resolved before measurement is made. All experiments so far have shown the opposite.


>"oh look I'm forming a philosophy based on what (((science))) fed me"
>"oh wait I heard this on my social media feed. it's not even my own"

why are you parroting what kikes tell you? especially on 4chinz? the illusory nature of this reality were already known throughout the ages almost in every fucking single teaching/tradition. the movie matrix was a symbolism for this, not literally. that was what plato meant by his cave allegory

don't be so lazy and try to look beyond what you're fed

No prob., it's by brian whitworth. It's called quantum realism. I don't agree with him on everything, but most of it compelling.


How do I hack the system?

If this is all a simulation, then laws can be bent or broken.

How do influence this simulation to my will?

Without going back to read the thread
A) This guy (OP) is amazing and right
B) don't just go to muh matrix in your minds, use origional thinking and you'll see what he means.
What OP says is scientifically likely (it's where humanity have arrived by utilising science to the degree we can simulate universal construction, we are Gods AI. AI is dangerous, God's testing it)
Whilst muh evolution is an anti scientific zealot cult that warps truth to fit religion.

"the more I see the less I know."- Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Spicy memes are a glitch in the matrix

This seems like a lot of claims with no evidence supporting them.

Virtual realities still have a rule set. Ours we call the laws of physics. You can modify future possible outcomes though based on intent. This is what is commonly called meme magic. This is why something like an ethnostate is possible if everybody simple focuses intent on it happening.

Good thread.
Sad that there are people in 2017 who still don't understand these ideas.

your will is God's will. Everything is predetermined.

So what you're saying is that God needs to upgrade his PC


Can't be done. Our behaviour will be limited by the extent of our intelligence routines.
Think of us as AI in games.

Here a real physicist explains it at 1:50 mark, although I recommed watching the whole video since it's extremely important regarding this subject:


Also basically what this guy said It's an incredibly arrogant and anthropocentric view of the world to think that stuff just stops existing if a HUMAN isn't looking at it. There is zero evidence that that's the case, and seeing as the we can map out events that happened in the world before any humans existed it's totally bonkers to suggest so

> In quantum mechanics there is a strange phenomena where particles seem to have no properties until it is measured, then all the properties manifest immediately upon observation.

I'm a theoretical/computational chemist. This is wildly incorrect. When defined through Schrödingers wave-mechanics or by application of Heisenbergs density-matrices, a problem arises where certain particles don't have singular eigenstates when defined in relation to complementary observables. In these cases we describe the observable through means of a weighted linear combination of eigenfunctions. This allows us to determine the probability of an observable (When viewed in the context of it's complementary property along the same axis) being in a given state when a measurement is taken. Measurements of a physical particle will of course reveal a singular physical eigenstate. Therefore adhering to the Copenhagen interpretation the measurement must force wave-function collapse into a definite state... That being said an understanding of basic linear algebra and differential equations can purge a great deal of the mist surrounding QM, even for the layman. If your interested in such concepts it's well-worth your spare time. Additionally other interpretations, particularly the conjecture of pilot-waves allows for a much greater, yet still incomplete deterministic view of the subject matter.

His point is very pertinent, retard or not at the end, he has a point.

Explain to me what's the role of the Fly in this universe ? If it was supposedly created by an unseen force...


more orthodox jews protest the state of israel because they belive the jews can only return to israel when god returns due to their past transgressions

Le bump

There Was An Extinction-Level Event In 2012: And We All Now Live In A Simulation

Yeah, basically our consciousness resolves uncertainty by taking a measurement, just like in double slit and delayed choice. When we chose to look to the right, we resolve uncertainty and are rendered what we need to see, but every thing we are not looking at returns to an indeterminated state until we look at it again. It's a more efficient way to run a simulation than rendering the whole universe at full detail at all times.

We are a dream of God, inside a dream, inside a dream, etc. It doesn't diminish the beauty of the Creation the slightest

All sorts of mystery and wonder open up when you realize that we are not just a bunch of atoms. This is why the primacy of consciousness is down played and denied.

imo the double slit experiment proves that "reality" is a simulation

For those of us who didn't graduate high school, what is the "double slit experiment"?

That is how the brain functions not the universe

>The speed of light. As you approach the speed of light, time slows down for you, but your perception of it does not. This is happening because the computations of the simulation are not occurring fast enough to update the reality around you. It is literally a bound on the I/O. It is just like in a video game with lag. Your perception of the game's time remains constant, but the game is unable to process the calculations fast enough to make it real.

It's hilarious to hear retards talk about the effects of special relativity while completely losing sight of why it's called "relativity" to begin with.
You're asserting that there's some privileged frame of reference from which the simulation measures speed, and when your speed diverges enough from that speed the simulation starts to lag. Yet I could say the exact same thing about everything else - whoever is measuring my speed is actually the one who is travelling at close to the speed of light, and you'd have no grounds to say that I'm wrong.

Only vaguely understood what you said, but how does it relate to the delayed choice quantum erasure?

Post experimental evidence which shows uncertainty resolved before measurement

> It can be a computer recording the event, or the event affecting some other particle in existence

the first thing is human interference, the second can only be measured by a computer

Seperating light via a slit: physicsclassroom.com/class/light/Lesson-3/Young-s-Experiment

Double Young's Slit Experiment Basic: studyphysics.ca/newnotes/20/unit04_light/chp1719_light/lesson58.htm

Kike-pedo-ia : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment

Of course none of this actually explains about the whole quantum thing, which is basically stating by measuring/observing a particle you have changed it, or rather it's properties aren't fixed until you measure it.

Didn't I see this here yesterday? Did I finally die in my sleep and enter the purgatory that is I visit Sup Forums every day but the threads are the same?

DNA didn't come from nothing though, it formed from inorganic molecules over time

We are indeed in a simulation, but not within a computer. But a mind.

/ig/ Idealism General

>Dr. Godehard Bruentrup: What Is Idealism?

>In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.

>Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
>Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

>Eliminating the Physical
>A New Epistemic Argument for Idealism
>How To Avoid Solipsism While Remaining An Idealist

>George Berkeley-Principles of Human Knowledge
>George Berkeley-Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
>John Foster-A World For Us: The Case for Phenomenalistic Idealism

>The Introspective Argument:
Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=4l1lQMCOguw
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=i4DyfIsj8FU
>Dr. David Chalmers explains why materialism is false
>Why substance dualism is roundly rejected in contemporary philosophy of mind

How so?

>In quantum mechanics there is a strange phenomena where particles seem to have no properties until it is measured
t. Deepak Chopra

Bullshit, user. That's bullshit.

>universe is a simulation
this is an unfalsifiable claim that is nice to ponder but not too healthy to keep obsessed with

tide goes in, tide goes out... you can't explain that.

God exists.

>DNA didn't come from nothing though, it formed from inorganic molecules over time

So inorganic molecules created a code before they were assembled into anything that remotely became life? Unless I'm unaware there isn't a single organism on earth that isn't written in DNA.

What came first, the DNA, or the means to create it? You can't just bind 100 pages without the knowledge to do so, much less just have words suddenly appear, and in the correct order to have a novel.

This. Computers in a mind will always seem more likely than minds in computers to me. The mind creates the computer.

Isn't the difference largely semantic?

You sound smart but you used "it's" and "your" improperly so now I can't trust anything else you say.

Meh, You should read Kant and Spinoza dude. Kant's Transcendental Idealism explained all this already. "Particles have no properties until measured" because you never directly observe things in themselves. You only ever see how things are for you; we can prove this just from noting how some people are color blind; that colors aren't intrinsic properties of matter, colors are generated by the mind processing reality.
The mind mediates reality. Space and time are CONCEPTS that the mind imposes on reality to make it sensible. Space and time are not realities in themselves. The universe is not a big box you move around in. And we cannot know things in themselves directly because we can't get outside our minds to see how things would "appear" if our mind wasn't processing the the stuff.

All that is knowable to us is the empirical, because we can't use our minds to observe anything nonempirical, and the empirical is always already conditioned by our minds. What this means is that any investigation into the soul or free will is impossible to disprove since these are not empirical topics. Everything we can observe APPEARS deterministic simply because everything our mind processes has already been processed TO APPEAR deterministic. We can only observe things AFTER the mind has imposed order on things.
So YES, in a sense, the "WORLD" is a simulation, A SIMULATION GENERATED BY YOUR MIND after it has processed the information available to it in the UNIVERSE.
But NO, the universe as a whole is not a simulation, it is just reality as it is in itself, before any mind has processed it to observe it. Incidentally, the Kantian theories are what enabled to development of broadcast televisions and even the nuclear bomb. Think of it like this: Your mind is tv set that processes the broadcast signals to form a world of experience in the images and sounds of the tv show.

You have Bogdabots inside your body at this very moment.

The means to create it came first. Not sure what your point is.

what the fuck are you talking about nigger ? tl;dr

Not at all.

Describe to me an object without describing your sense experience. Go ahead, give it a try. You'll soon realize you can't.

An object minus what it looks like, feels like, tastes like, etc is an object that is indistinguishable from nothing.


God is real because morality is real, and without God morality would be incoherent. But morality is not incoherent, therefore God is real.

The counterargument to this is something like evolutionary psychology, that we "evolved morality" for species survival or some bullshit. But that is obviously ridiculous, and EPs have to weave these absurdly complex narratives just to avoid accepting that God is real. Cockroaches, obviously have survived forever and they don't have any fucking morality.

Depends if you believe the mind is immaterial or material. If you believe it's completely material, then it's just semantics. If you believe the mind is immaterial, then its much more than semantics.

>But that is obviously ridiculous
Go on...

>The means to create it came first. Not sure what your point is.

It's really self-explanatory. Something can only come from something. DNA was written by an intelligence, not the sum of a series of protein combinations. My belief for this is that all life, or anything that is biological on earth is coded in DNA. There is no former language.

Compare DNA for instance against something like C. And ask yourself how long did it take a sentient civilization with modern technology to come up with such a fantastic thing. Then contrast that against a pool of essentially mud and enantiomers. Furthermore why hasn't this happened again since. You would think that if something inorganic could make something so incredibly complex why couldn't it make multiple languages?


The idea that we are in a computer only leads to an infinite regress. If we are in a computer, and by that we mean one like the ones we know of, then those who simulate us would exist in a world like ours which would then have to be explained by another computer and another computer ad infinitum. It just makes no sense.

Consciousness is one and we can make sense of the idea of there being an ultimate architect in like Inception and we are all within the dream of this architect.

>tfw our entire universe is simply a battery in ricks space car

If this is a simulation then the most efficient and therefore probable extent of it based on available evidence (what you have experienced) is what you experience. Ergo, you are probably the exclusive subject of the simulation. Possibly it arcitect. Therefore possibly effectively god

kill yourself rick and morty faggot