What happens when it's common knowledge that electromagnetism is the cause of climate change (including anciently as ancient technology used by early humans caused last ice age) .
All electronics emitting electromagnetic fields are having negative effects on the Earth's magnetic field. Thus causing deviations in weather patterns.
Some electromagnetic interference can't be helped. As the sun's electromagnetic field also plays a part. But is much more stable and predictable. With right application of terrestrial electromagnetic force we could even stabilize the effects of the sun.
All our products need to be self contained. The power grid redeveloped. Carbon is only at fault so far as it is used to produce electromagnetic fields in generation of electricity. And that carbon does make the air more conductive.
Brandon Clark
Professional Scientists today are tools of the ruling class. Those making innovations are set aside and passed over in importance to pseudo scientific Pursuit.
Luke Gomez
I want to believe you but unfortunately I'm a moron. WHAT DO?
Mason White
Choices :
learn not to be a moron and study electromagnetism in hopes of convincing others.
Learn electromagnetism and prepare for coming Ice Age and emerge as dominate power (a la Egypt)
Do nothing and allow fate to decide what happens.
Alexander Powell
>including anciently as ancient >anciently as ancient
Jacob Long
This is so retarded that it belongs in /x/
Xavier Stewart
Where should I start from? Is there an electromagnetism for dummies kind of thing?
Robert Phillips
WTF!. This mean my electric car is worse for climate change than my Stanley Steamer?
Jose Barnes
>I am very smart
Things sound dumb when you butcher. The sentence in which they belong.
Adrian Foster
This might sound reasonable but I suspect it isn't, but make the thread a couple of times again after work hours to be sure.