ITT Canon dykes
would give half my life to turn that dyke straight
That's not how sexuality works.
No dyke can resist the power of dick.
Fuck off salama is my waifu and she likes cocks
shes a fairy from canada
half a life is worth triple in their shit economy
she would accept the offer and devote her life to user
It doesn't get much gayer
Sure it does.
Her design would have been a 10 if she didn't have the body of a little boy
Yeah no.
The cutest.
just adolescence bro
Everyone but Akari.
Most forgettable character
that´s how sexuality actually works. gay turn straight if they get treated right by the opposite sex. i have seen gay dudes go straight by meeting the right girl.
I'll dick the shit out of her, if you know what I mean.
Explain further
bisexual =/= gay
Sorry mate, Akari is already tainted with the gay.
>not Marika x Chiaki
Them too, of course, but they aren't officially together yet.
Spoiler that shit, you harlot.
All lesbians should strive to be like Utena, who had a black penis in her.
They are bi.
Fuck off.
Given how many dickings happen, I don't think they're exactly 100% dyke, yo.
Minor characters, however.
So, you're saying that I could start liking dick because a dude acts like a bro towards me.
You are an idiot.
And a top-tier dyke she is too.
Most gays are more or less bisexuals mate. They may only be gay as a phase, but they was in that phase because they liked that one same sex individual for whatever reason.
If you refer to real hardcore dykes, fisting their girlfriends and dressing like men and are shredded, is more about innate feeling of hating on men and like the role of being the dominating one bla bla bla.
What sex you like, can flip at the mercy of random encounters. Is just in most cases, we don´t have dramatic family friction and harmful relationship with others, majority have less reason to turn gay.
Why not? Everyone loves dicks.
She was bi, got fucked by the black brother and liked it.
That was the series, this is the movie. Know the difference.
Kinda true. While I don't want one in one of my holes, I do so enjoy having one.
As I understand it, is more like if there was only shitty 3DPD unattractive fat women around you, and a cute little anime-tier trap with a feminine qt penis acted all bro and cute with you, you would indeed suck his little penis.
I'll take take "Missing one of the very few obvious themes of Utena" for 100, Trebek.
As a lesbian I am disturbed by Sup Forumss ignorance. Most shows you guys post are just otaku pandering yuri and not true yuri. Fuck off.
>wanted onii-chans dick
>only went after him to get closer to Kirino
>got rejected and started hooking up with Kuroneko
Find me a better lesbo, I dare you.
Kneel to the great one. One of the founding pillars of yuri, Dyka Gigantea.
T. basement virgin with no knowledge of anything
>As a lesbian I
Aaaaaaaaaaand, stopped reading right about there.
How has nobody posted her yet?
>So, you're saying that I could start liking dick because a dude acts like a bro towards me.
Nigga, every single military force in the world IS gay. Infact, it was so prevalent that the Spartans and Samurais capitalized on homosexuality as a way of making sure that their soldiers morale remains at an all time high.
Adrenaline coupled by a sense of danger makes hormones go haywire. That, and men's desire to show weakness to someone who won't laugh is a straight road to sucking dicks
Because this is a shitposting thread, and nobody will post actual lesbians. Except you.
As a true lesbian, anime and real life dykes are 100% different. Not even the lesbians from truyuri feel real.
All of them.
>I have nothing to contribute
>Ad hominem
Just go out and talk to people, you will learn a thing or two. Might be cumbersome from time to time, but you get out a lot of it. Or do you think your fan-service Korean moving picture show shows how real individuals work? Miyazaki was right.
Don't worry it'll most likely turn out she's not intrested in girls.
No shit dumbass. Real lesbians are boring as fuck to watch and put down in fiction. No media have shown how mundane homosexual relationships really are. Lesbians are not cute as my anime, lesbians are not as rapey and dramatic as in Orange is the new black. Lesbians are bores.
Well offcourse not. Anime/manga dykes are mostly for fanservice to a male audience or fantasy escapism for a dyke audience.
Homosexuality is an illness. Deal with it
Anons right. For a Chad enough guy a dyke will fuck him.
>Lesbians are bores
Obese dykes beating the shit out of each other actually sounds fun to watch.
So if it isnt a documentary about real life lesbians it isnt true yuri? Fuck off your high horse and realize you are demanding just as much to be pandered to.
>>Sup Forums
Back to your containment board.
>2D is different from 3D
Ume thread
Will someone pick up the torch and finish the darkhollow BD release?
Just watch any mecha show, you'll find them.
Either ones just an excuse to be a massive slut/spew manhating, SJW bullshit.
Something something tits or gtfo