So what did Sup Forums think of this show? Was it the sequel you were hoping for?
So what did Sup Forums think of this show? Was it the sequel you were hoping for?
2012, the year of shitty mecha sequels
The only good parts was the soundtrack and seeing Eureka again. But even that couldn't save this clusterfuck.
The original series ended just fine. In my mind that shitty movie that retold the story didn't happen and this "sequel" didn't happen either.
It was this show that basically made me lose all faith in Bones. I apologize for all the times I wanted a squeal to Eureka Seven. AO was fucking awful.
Holy shit time flies. I remember when it was first announced people got excited. Then when it started airing people got confused. By the end pretty much everyone fucking hated the show and wrote it off as not canon.
I liked the OST, and while it basically shit on E7, I just couldn't hate it. Even with all that dumb shit with truth that went nowhere
It never aired.
OP, you've clearly mistaken, it was dropped by studio when they understood they can't manage big complex world with multiple plot lines the same way original did.
Why couldn't they just make a regular sequel with Eureka and Renton's child?
Why did they have to add all of these time traveling-different universe bullshit? I still remember the original series very well, while the only parts I remember from this are when Eureka appears, and Renton appears.
Speaking of Renton, why does he look like such a faggot as an adult? Is that semen in his hair?
Those thread were fun to watch. Especially in the beginning where people thought Eureka ntr'd Renton and had a kid with some random guy.
And you know what, as much as that would have caused everyone to lose their shit, it still would have been a better story than the clusterfuck we got. Not even a mention of best couple Anemone and Dominic.
A timeless masterpiece, Naru best girl, anyone who disagrees is a pleb.
Hold on, people liked the original E7? It was fucking garbage. Most of the characters were totally unlikeable, the plot goes fucking nowhere for 40 episodes and then suddenly decides to rush a poorly written explanation and awful resolution
The only interesting thing about the franchise was surfing mechas but that got old quick
> guaranteed replies
>someone liked anemone
Next you'll tell me your second favorite character is Nina from Geass
That OST was god tier. Especially Get it By Your Hands. Ray and Charles didn't deserve their fate.
Fucking Renton ruining everything.
>Eureka ntr'd Renton and had a kid with some random guy
Even in 2012 Sup Forums was obsessed with NTR. Some things never change do they? It would have been hilarious if that actually happened though.
>12 year old being passive aggressive over a below average series
I wish children would stop finding Sup Forums
Holy shit just fuck off and die
It wasn't just mecha that got shit sequels that year. Didn't think they could ruin Last Exile either. Being a newfag in 2012 was suffering.
The constant cock teasing was a pain too. Oh shit, Gekko State, we might see some old cast members. Nope just fucking mom again and AO is supposed to be a girl.
Pregnant MILF Eureka made my dick diamonds.
There wasn't enough child abuse to be considered a proper Eureka Seven sequel
Doesn't exist.
Dat OST tho.
Get this shit out of my face
I know right? What the fuck
The entire time I was hoping this little shit was going to get killed. But no, after threatening Renton at gunpoint and saying that he'll take Renton's place as Eureka's lover they all just hug it out.
I still, to this day have no fucking clue what the plot was supposed to be in this series.
The general consensus is that this sequel was bad. You have some people who defend it saying that people just didn't "understand the plot". The plot was garbage and this was a wasted opportunity to make a satisfying sequel.
Neither did the writers/director apparently. At least it was better than DtB2.
>At least it was better than DtB2
Yet another great sequel from Bones. The studio has good animation, but damn do their sequels suck.
Why the fuck does she look so much like Bellri from G-Reco?
I get that they were designed by the same person but going as far as to paste Eureka's face on a different character is just too much.
You know, when I watch a sequel I expect to see more of the same. That's the reason I watch sequels in the first place.
Yet for some reason every time someone makes a sequel to anything these days they try to make it as different as possible.
It's mind-boggling.
Never watched G-Reco, but holy shit.
It's literally the same character design with different colored eyes.
They probably just want to give viewers something new to anticipate or pull some bait and switch stunts.
Just look how well that shit worked out,
The first few episodes weren't bad, but then steadily got worse with each episode to the point of no return when the retcon gun was introduced.
I wish they just did a series or OVA for the PS2 games since almost no one played them despite it being a really decent side story. People also would have gotten the cameos that they were constantly asking for when AO was airing.
It lacked the heart of the original. Didn't help that the new writer was Sho Aikawa who honestly wasn't a good fit for the show.
The first like 4 episodes of AO were legit good. I remember thinking it could actually surpass the original. Then everything just went to shit.
I want to be at the meetings for whoever the FUCK thought this guy was a good idea.
No seriously, what were they actually thinking?
Why do they always ruin happy endings with unnecessary sequels? They couldn't just make a spinoff instead of shoehorning in characters from the original series because "muh drama"?
After all the shit Renton and Eureka go through, their 3 month old daughter turns into a rock and their son is sent to a different timeline.
Most definetly not. This was such a disapointment. The original series had this exotic feeling of discovery, where we learned everything along with mc, and the weird and cool shit where actually as weird and cool as the characters felt. The sequel was teenagers shoved in giant robots with some plot device and time travel ( that should have nothing to do with the story) faggotry
No, but at least I'd still stick my dick in Eureka.
I like how he basically admitted himself that he was a mistake that shouldn't exist and proceed to erase himself from existence.
The first half is a rather enjoyable motw experience. After that point it turns into explosion, explosion, explosion and some plot nonsense.
No, it started out ok, but turned into a complete train wreck after the plot gun came into the picture.
Truth is bad, but sadly he wasn't even the worst part, the literal retcanon that comes in later is when I realized they just fucking didn't know what they where doing.
The concept was good but the execution was lacking. I liked how they were robbed of a proper life because of the circumstances but they build up wasnt that great
Oh by the way, worst sin of AO was that it proved Dewey was completely right
It's always like this. G no Reconguista proved that all the viva space stuff from early UC Gundam was crap.
I remember getting pretty butthurt when I thought Eureka had settled with someone else other than Renton. Although to be honest, I'm surprised nobody tried to fuck her the entire time she was raising Ao in that village or whatever.
I guess thats what happens when you change directors. Pretty much everyone I know absolutely hated AO. It's confusing enough on it's own, the fact that it was fucking around with character we know and loved just rubbed more salt into the wounds.
Terrible incoherent mess
Man that guy really dug into defending that show as a masterpiece early on and never budged once even in the face of overwhelming evidence to it being a clusterfuck. For what it's worth he might have been that shows only fan by the end. He seems to think people disliked it because it wasn't the sequel they were expecting but honestly I disliked it because by the 5th episode or so I had no idea what the fuck was even going on and even less of an idea by the time it started introducing dimension hopping. I know it's supposed to actually be a sequel to the movie universe or something that was very different from the TV series plotline but even then it was impossible to follow in it's own right.
That's because they're usually just shows by bad writers and directors that never even worked on the original that are just using the franchises legacy to get a leg up in marketing. For every Yamato 2199 where the staff actually goes out and makes the most of a reboot you get a dozen Last Exile: Senpai of The Silver Wings, Eureka Seven Aos, Yatterman Nights, Reideen's etc.
I was shocked when like a year ago, someone made an AO thread and somehow that guy was still around. It was crazy. It's like he existed only to defend AO
The best thing to come out of this was the fanfiction/comics that were made here.
...he was a reviewer before and after he reviewed AO he's also not the only reviewer who liked it. AO isn't particularly as hated as E7fags want to believe must sites just thought it was okay as is.
Also Fleur. Because she was best girl.
Add preggo Eureka and the soundtrack to that as well. E7's soundtrack was still miles better though.
Is it established Bones cannot make S2 for their original series?
Be careful what you wish for, not only does AO suck, dae remember S2 of Darker than Black.
While at some points fun, it wasn't a good series, it didn't tell its story properly (the ending is fucking terrible), it screwed up the happy ending from E7.
But worst of all Ao did not end up with Fleur. What a complete idiot
Pretty much.
If they have source material to work from, then they do fine. But if it's an original series, they manage to fuck it up.
The sequel could be summed up pretty easily with the statement that Dewey was right all along.
So the feel good happy ending of the original was a lie, and the "villain" did absolutely nothing wrong.
Everyone just wanted to see Eureka and Renton again, maybe as parents.
Or maybe more board surfing action (you know the actual reason why people got into this )
I don't understand how they could fuck this up
I think he's suffering from some mental illness that prevents him from admitting that it's possible to enjoy shit shows so every time he covers something, he needs to tone down the issues. He also believes that HxH 2011 is well directed.
>I know it's supposed to actually be a sequel to the movie universe
Is this true? That would make me feel a lot better knowing that this sequel had nothing to do with the original TV series.
Whats that? You cherished the memories of the previous cast?
AO didn't exist, therefore your question about AO cannot exist, therefore this reply doesn't exist.
>But worst of all Ao did not end up with Fleur
As if that wasn't enough he literally retconned all of her development out of existence, along with the rest of the story.
BONES sequels.
Never again.
The head writer was let go after episode 3 or 4 and the pacing/over arching plot was completely changed by the new writer.
Get It By Your Hands was the best thing about the original show.
>The head writer was let go after episode 3 or 4
Why do they do this?
The hype for that episode was insane and it was such a fucking let down.
>Although to be honest, I'm surprised nobody tried to fuck her the entire time she was raising Ao in that village
If I remember correctly, the entire village hated her. Afterwards, she was taken by the military and stayed with them for a decade. So i'd be more surprised if she didn't get a dicking while working with the military.
Jesus the timeline shenanigans give me a headache.
>The head writer was let go after episode 3 or 4
Well that explains a lot.
Other way around doofus. G-rec didn't come out before 2012.
It actually got worse? I dropped it after about 6 episodes that were filled with rushed presentation of random uncharismatic characters and lame 3D enemies.
The Director and Producer didn't like the direction the head writer was taking for the show (Monster of the Week kind of thing).
The first couple episodes were good
I watched a few more episodes and was just confused by the direction it was taking.
I liked the main characters but the plot was horrible and Truth and Naru were horrible characters.
It feels more like a waste than a complete abomination like Comet Lucifer.