What is it about Yukina that makes her such great main heroine?
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She is very attractive.
Whenever she shut up.
She likes to insist that any fight the MC gets into is hers too.
She's clingy enough to be cute but not so much that she's overbearing.
She's also cute and compliments Kojou's characteristics well.
She's a middle-schooler.
That doesn't make her any less attractive
Clearly too young to be a target of attraction.
With a body that looks like a collage student.
I disagree. 2D has no such rules.
She'd be better if she dropped the tsundere shtick, the generic 'girl hits guy for reasons' type shit she pulls is really her only major flaw though.
>Volume 15
Dammit just make a S2 already
She's worst girl by a mile so she fits the main girl role fantastically
2/10 this isn't even a loli thread to bait in
Fucking Sayakafaggot, I'm onto you.
Sayaka is second worst girl though
She's a cover girl.
Maybe if you're a nofunallowed repressed puritan who thinks sex is a horrific evil and teenagers are innocent and fragile and will be forever ruined if exposed to even a sexual thought so they have to be infantilized.
She's beautiful, she's not useless, she's jealous of the MC and she has a cute catchphrase.
Is there any other LN that does this? They usually have a different character on each volume.
inb4 it was all part of the master plan and someone else wins the fang in the end
For you
Rakudai is the only other I can think of.
It's a non-isse since she looks (and acts) like a college student.
Why nips always have to make their characters so young is beyond me.
Young is pure and unsoiled
>Why nips always have to make their characters so young is beyond me.
>middle/high school are universally relatable for all the audience
>easy to handwave shit and let characters ignore school and go on adventures and shit while an adult would be fucked
>nobody wants a depressing show about the sad lives of OL and salarymen
>younger girls are more sexually attractive to men, this is a scientific fact
Semen Demon
not even in the top 5
>younger girls are more sexually attractive to men, this is a scientific """"""fact""""""
Ignoring the latter part, what's the point of making them 14 if they look like 20 year olds?
What are you even basing that assessment on? I know you might not have been outside in a while, but you can find 14 year olds who could pass for 20 and 20 year olds who could pass for 14. Not every girl develops at the same rate, and even if they did it's not like you can pick out a 20 year old because of breast size or something, there's a wide variation among adults.
The point is just by designating an age people will internalize it as part of the fantasy.
>Regarding Male-rated attractiveness, we also generated a model including the four morphometric variables and the three control variables (Table 3). The model finally chosen after both back and forward stepwise regression (see Table 3) included Facial FA, Facial Averageness and Facial Maturity. Of the control variables, only BMI remained. The variables included were negatively associated with this measurement of attractiveness, with the exception of Facial Maturity. This means that faces closer to the average and with low values for maturity and asymmetry were highly rated.
>What are you even basing that assessment on?
My sister and her friends.
Anyway that was just a rant, it's just that I'm fed up with highschool girls (or similar) in anime, especially when romance is one of the main focuses of the show. I realize changing the average age to 18-20 wouldn't change much and we'd still get more of the same, but still.
ieee senpai
What is it about Yukina that makes you think that she stands out at all?
Himeragi a shit.
Threadly reminder.
I would sexually fuck her repeatedly
This was the best I could manage in paint.
As you can see Yukina is not the only one who has appeared on the cover.
My niggers
No, not really.
There's one cover with MC's sister.
And I believe some have Stella with MC as well.
Latest is also Stella with her sister.
Editor-san making sure that any girl that starts to get more popular then her getting less screen-time
Great genes
Cute voice
Girls with polearms (scythes, spears, etc) tend to be high tier
I think it's bullshit she's 14 and not 16. Best girl though.
Where the fuck is season 2? I also feel that way about Index and Horizon.
If you think her voice is so cute then try sitting through this entire video senapi~.
What does it matter, both 14 and 16 are well into puberty and prime breeding age.
Huh, maybe I should watch Knk?
Bad audio editing, the cuts are too jerky.
That aside, my ear pussy is fully aroused.
Kojou and Yukina are a great battle couple.