moshi moshi
Moshi moshi
Other urls found in this thread:
>little sister NTR
Moshi moshi NTR desu
The h-manga was a lot more hardcore
Read if it you want to fap more to this
Hey this is the pizza guy i'm a bit lost could i get your address again?
I literally flagged this shit in my loli folder so that I will never have the misfortune of actually reading it all the way to the end again.
The first two stories are vanilla and great though
Why do they all look like they're underaged? That's pretty sick user.
Hence the "all the way to the end" part. I agree, Kou's pretty fucking good at drawing.
Why dont you just delete the last story then?
>hate it but not delete that part
Are you cuck? Are NTRhaters this fucking cuck?
I mean, maybe I'll be into NTR someday, might as well hand onto it.
I admire that optimism, user.
You just like it dont you? Its personally my most fapped story of that tankoubon
Dont be a tsundere, NTR is hot.
I loved seeing that little girl with the heavy brocon complex slowly drift apart from her brother everyday because she got dicked and creampied by the his best friend secretly for an half year, he trained every part of her body, In the end she even admitted it felt too damn good on the phone to her brother.
This all could have been prevented if the brother just would have fucked her, but alas he does not see her in that way.
In the end nobody really won, the NTR guy couldnt get the girl he loved. The sister got used greatly and the brother was made out to be a fool
What does it say about me that I recognize most of those?
That you're a well educated gentleman with patrician taste.
But didn't the brother NTR the friend first?
That's cute, you're cute user.
>not all
That you're a pleb.
>oniichan he's doing it again, he's squashing me and saying I'm going to be a mashed potato!
Can I be arrested for reading this stuff?
Im gonna draw naked little girls and send it to your email
Enjoy prison
Pls don't
Hope you like sharing a cell with Bubba, faggot.
You'll be joining to faggot
Can you post your whole folder? You seem like you have interesting taste.
Depends on what country you live in, but probably not.
Np, this is just the loli section though
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
>reading porn
>that part where he fucks the loli in the public bathroom
I cum every time.
I only have one folder. I keep putting off organizing it because I keep telling myself it would be useless at this point. Even if there is a certain work that pops into my head that I want to fap to, I can almost never fucking find it.
I don't remember that part
Was it in the manga?
Can we save Sup Forums from retarded new mods who afraid to get arrested over drawing and agaisnts retards like these??
All that taste Google drive?
First hentai I feel like checking out in a while, and the only ones I can find are with Spanish and French subs. Fuck I need to learn Japanese.
It's on subeki with eng subs you dumbfuck
Sorry, my second quote supposed to be this
Yeah dude, that'll fuck you up. I mean that's just my miscellaneous loli folder, I've got designated idolshit folders too, I mean I can pretty much find anything. You'd better start organizing now, before it's too late. Because it's not too late, user, I shinjite in you.
>sharing my cartoon porn on google drive
Alright NSA-kun, it's time to stop posting. Go bother Sup Forums.
pls respond
OK then what about Mega?
Sup Forums is already dead
all you can do now is just hump the dead body
I can't live with the fact that these type of lolis are going to die
Uhhhhh, okay. Have a (You). I have nothing to say other than we are fucked unless we continue to shitpost with our strongest intensity.
Thanks for responding, it really helps
No , find your own porn, you fucking nerd.
fuck off Sup Forumsnigger
Use Happypanda for tags or something then, it's useful even if it crashes 2 times out of 5 when fetching metadata.
Holy shit, read the last chapters of this while self inserting as the NTRer; had the best fucking fap of my life
>being this much of a beta cunt
I hope the feds raid your place
>beta cunt
You mean elitist, newcunt
Same here
To be honest, the brother deserved to get cucked; he was acting like a real asshole. He was behaving totally like a stupid egoistic ass with his whole "I wanna have my sister... no, it's wrong so I won't reciprocate her feelings and settle for a kiss... but I want her to love only me, so go suck it, my best friend..." shebang
Blonde guy did nothing wrong because the brother betrayed him first and it was all revenge. Not to mention he was in love the whole time so it is kind of sweet.
>before it's too late
W-what do you mean user?
I prefer not spouting buzzwords
And elitist is a buzz word, piggy
Whoosp didn't read the ''not spouting buzzwords''
>thinking he's worth shit just because he catalogs his loli ero doujinshi
You only ripped this shit off the panda, you elitist cunt
Just because others don't have the patience of doing autistic shit like you doesn't mean they are beneath you
Sadpanda already has a fucking favorite feature, rendering your autism moot
Though I agree the shit you doing is good for archiving purposes.
You could've been a good user and shared your wank tank with others, but you had to act all fucking childish
begone and go jack off to your prized "collection", while sitting in the dark depths of your basement
>tfw when i know all of these
feels good having patrician taste
Fuck off newfag
cry more
Spotted the normalfaggy!
moeblob? forgot the moe that just looks like a blob.
>no gomennasai
>no uran
>no rustle
shit list
I'm bithcing cause batch ripping is a pain in the ass
What do you mean user kun?
Oh then, enjoy the pain?
Fucking loss
I organise mine on my vita.
The amount of bookmarks I have saved probably reached singularity as my vita literally wouldn't allow me to save more so I started using favorites on sadpanda.
I love NTR and I love the trope of being on the phone with their significant others while getting cheatfucked
Did he die of starvation yet?
lurk moar
he was going blind though
I'm already at 3k entries in my favorites list. I can never hope to clear my backlog at this rate
soon enough.
Sorry to inform you but I didn't understand your sentence since i'm not very good with, y-you know.
They really fucked it up. That looks nothing like the h-manga.
>being this mad
Every H-anime ever.
I wonder if we'll ever get another hentai with good production values. Just watched the hentai for this last night and man was it shit.