What is your opinion on cigarettes Sup Forums. Is it truly part of the Jew financial power ? Are they really the top contributor to world wide deaths ? Or is there something fishy going on ?
Is it not possible that a highly addictive substance is in demand, and that people will do anything to obtain it?
Is the anti smoking hysteria only an American thing? No one else seems to care
No you should look up australian cigarette packs
They kill the fuck out of you. Dirty, stinky, degenerate, kill cardio, and the Fuhrer disapproved. Smokers can tip right over to reddit
Really? I thought bogans loved their ciggies
only natural tobacco is okay and may even improve health, but this nicotine shit needs to stop
This. Real tobacco is redpilled. Rat poison cigarettes are degenerate.
Nicotine naturally forms in tobacco you scientifically illiterate leaf
Yeah, but the zog sprays cigarette tobacco with nicotine and other bullshit.
i agree with most of you guys. But accepting anti-smoking as a true red-pill, then the majority is red-pilled on it, as smokers are becoming a minority with more and more laws being enforced against it. A good quote, which motivated me to research more is from Mark Twain: " Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
Sadly GLR wasn't even fully white. He has Iranian ancestry. His wife is Icelandian though (100% Germanic) and so his children look like mongrels top lel. Have you seen them? This is what his eldest daughter looks like. Sure white for American terms but not "purebred" Icelandic / Germanic white.
jew rat poison sticks
Getting small doses of nicotine helps you think
Is vaping the one true way to activate your almonds?
It's a nasty habit but I like smoking. I like the smell, the taste, the ritual, the buzz.
I can't smoke anything but the good stuff anymore, having smoked Camels for a long time but switching to American Spirits and pipe and fancy rolling tobaccos recently. It's like decent coffee. Once you drink it Folgers becomes too nasty to drink. Camel/Marlboro same way for me now.
Im trying to make myself disciplined enough to just have a couple a day.
Hitler was also not fully white. He has meditid (Berber) DNA. Somehow Nazi leaders are always not of the stock they represent, but okay.
use natural whole leaf tobacco in a pipe or japanese / belgium tobacco if you don't live in the USA (the Jew outlawed non-Jew tobacco imports to the USA)
>He has Iranian ancestry.
Just like my favorite internet meme man
Its a non addictive substance. "Wah oh wah my headache wahhhh
I think so. I smoke cigars, but I can't exactly smoke a whole on before work so I vape a little till I get to a place I can spend some time and enjoy a cigar.
The sub-culture around it is cancer though.
>Inhaling burning plant matter
i enjoy smoking. i dont intend to live forever.
Only way other than exercise to get higher test, that isn't illegal.
>The sub-culture around it is cancer though.
This. Degenerate subultures some times stumble upon good things. Vaping is the way to go for your nicotine fix. No affect to your teeth, minimum affect on your lungs, tons of flavors to choose from, convenient as fuck, doesn't leave an odor, and many vapes can be stylish and discrete.
Dude nucotine is literally the active ingredient in tobacco it isnt an additive you retarded fucking retard
Also the additives are so that the tobacco burns at a lower temperature so you can actually inhale it! Thus is why you cant inhale cigars even though they are just big ol tobacco sticks
hey idiot
what part of "the jews spray a chemical cocktail all over the tobacco they put in commercially-sold cigarettes that fucking kills you" don't you understand?
Smoking is low class and only retards do it. Both Republicans and Democrats agree that smoking is horrible. And unfortunately both parties benefit from the tax money on cigarettes.
>being this obsessed with "true whiteness"
Pictures are nothing, here in Denmark they cut a brain in half to show a tumor caused by smoking and pushed tar and shit out of a lung and shit like that as anti smoke adds
>not realizing that any "not white/white enough" post is a literal JIDF kike
fucking kys you retarded underaged faggot
retards like to smoke to pretend they are counterculture, and not complete failures of human beings. It's for the kind of redditors who read guides on how to be manly, and eat bacon as a meme. There's quite a few of them on this site, actually.
>and may even improve health