"Sweden was the first country to adopt an official policy of multiculturalism in Europe. In May 1975, a unanimous Swedish parliament passed an act on a new multiculturalist immigrant and minority policy put forward by the social democratic government, that explicitly rejected the ideal ethnic homogeneity and the policy of assimilation. The three main principles of the new policy were equality, partnership and freedom of choice. The explicit policy aim of the freedom of choice principle was to create the opportunity for minority groups in Sweden to retain their own languages and cultures. From the mid-1970s, the goal of enabling the preservation of minorities and creating a positive attitude towards the new officially endorsed multicultural society among the majority population became incorporated into the Swedish constitution as well as cultural, educational and media policies. Despite the anti-multiculturalist protestations of the Sweden Democrats, multiculturalism remains official policy in Sweden."
Yep, the Swedish Jewish multicorporation family Wallenberg sent one of theirs (Raoul Wallenberg) out at the end of WW2 and after to "save" a fuck ton of jews from other places in Europe. They also proceeded to jew the swedish markets while Bonnier (Another Swedish Jewish Family) controlled a big chunk of Swedish news-sources. Everything over the last 100 years has been a plot to americanize and take control over Sweden because we had been a dangerous rolemodel to strive for in the eyes of Jews.
Blake Cruz
That's so bad, how can you revert that?
Daniel Martin
>nordfront.se sadly
Angel Anderson
Either by first electing anti-immigration parties like SD followed by getting more radical anti-jew and anti-immigrant parties up in percentages for the coming elections after. Or like said, expanding Nordic Resistance
Hunter Price
Strong ID to quoted post count ratio LOL
Thomas Cooper
>first electing anti-immigration parties like SD followed by getting more radical anti-jew and anti-immigrant parties up in percentages for the coming elections after.
This is the best strat. We can't wait for too long.