Moe is the only thing keeping anime alive, and that's how it has always been
Moe is the only thing keeping anime alive, and that's how it has always been
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Moe is saving anime but Umarushit sure is killing Sup Forums.
>posting e-celebshit
Kill yourself.
Umaru saved Sup Forums from the darkness.
Umaru is not moe
She is nothing
Just nothing
honestly, umaru's three friends are all more moe than her
Faggots like this goomba guy and digibro are what's killing anime.
>moe is killing anime
How you know you're talking to a newfag that doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
>picking up a show just because it has your favorite "moe types"
Do otaku/people actually do this?
I can understand picking up a show because of a girl's design, but personality types?
If it has a tsundere twin tail girl I'll usually pick it up
>piracy is a problem to the anime industry
it's clear this guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Nips themselves rarely pirate their anime and when they do there's a chance they go to jail for it.
The guy probably thinks MAL ratings and Crunchyroll are relevant to the industry.
Moe DEFINES anime. People who dislike moe are actually normies obsessed with western cartoons but choose to watch the ones coming from Japan because they know how to animate things.
moe = anime
"anime" without moe = western cartoons from Japan
Archtypes and tropes excist in all media, naturlly people have their likes and dislikes. But really only retards drop a show over a single charater.
Yes. I can't stand a lot of character types so I stick with the ones I like. Otherwise, OI can't enjoy the show.
What that faggot goomba and lots of people in the comments are saying seems to boil down to
>bawww I'm not the target audience! Where's the manly and dark shit that is and always has been an extremely small percentage of the medium that I thought was the majority because adult swim!
weren't you the guy who dropped barakamon because of naru????!?!?
Can New Game beat Umaru in shitposting
>I can understand picking up a show because of a girl's design, but personality types?
Isn't personality part of character design? And for me, at least, one that's more important than the way they're depicted.
For me, the only character I can't stand is what I'd call the "Zap Brannigan".
a video on his channel said he started in 2008 with Gurren Laggann (and that it was prefect because it had no moe).
Where do you think you are?
Anime has always had cute girls with big shiny eyes. If you don't like it, shut the fuck up and watch something else. Those dark brooding "mature" anime you loved to watch on Adult Swim have always been the extreme minority.
Loved this post right here.
everyone knows peter parker has a micro dick.
>I can understand picking up a show because of a girl's design, but personality types?
I don't do this, but what's so strange about it?
Moe and old mecha anime are the only good reasons to watch anime
does LotGH fall under Moe or Mecha?
Go to bed Miyazaki, before the nurse gets angry again.
I won't say moeshit is killing industry but I'll this every night, every day, every afternoon, and it's so true: you should be fucking ashamed of enjoying unoriginal moeshit
Moe, obviously
Why? Is there a reason why everything should be art? Can't some things just be entertainment?
Okay then lets stop bullying the ponyfags because it runs in the exact same logic
What do you consider "unoriginal moeshit"?
Almost all the SoL I've watched always had some sort of original gimmick. Gochiusa had a nice setting, and KinMosa worked surprisingly well as a comedy.
Sansha Sanyou might be moeshit, and it's pretty lackluster.
Moe IS anime
I don't care about ponyfags as long as they stay on their board. As far as I'm concerned they're the same as furries. And I've not had to deal with either of them in years.
Don't take it to a literal extreme, you don't need to be a genius to know what can be deduced is unoriginal
Unless you are playing devil's advocate, which you have all the right in the qorld to
Well we deal with waifufags daily
I don't get your point about waifufags.
Are you high or blind?
Also, Parker is cute. I'd hit it.
Is embarrassing to enjoy a show solely because of romantic feelings towards one of the fictional characters
Is this your first week on Sup Forums? Why do you care so much about what's embarrassing?
>Sansha Sanyou is lackluter.
But this autist on youtube told me it was "great" and "refreshing". The rich girl acts like a rich girl despite being a poorfag, this is somehow not a gimmick.
Clearly I do not, trust me when I say that I don't loose any sleep over this shit, but it's friday night and because of boredom my autism is over the charts about something to argue about
You are no better either
that pic is obviously not correct.
there was a point in the comics where his junk was shown somewhat and Sup Forums did a measure, he has a micro dick.
If you want to argue over something I'm here for you Sup Forumsnon. Here's my waifu by the way.
For example, what do you consider moe? Would every slice of life anime to be moe? Or is it something else?
Why the fuck is this e-celebs garbage thread still up? Is this really the state of Sup Forums in 2016?
You're not really a fan of anime if you don't like cute young girls with big eyes.
>I like real stuff for adults like Akira and Naruto and Lain
>why everything should be art?
It's still art, it's just not considered "muh high art" because it's not old/made by sad poor people.
Go read the comments in that video.
You'll be glad to come back to Sup Forums afterwards.
Why does there have to be groundbreaking storytelling for it to be worth watching?
It's a SoL, the genre is intentionally relaxing because you know nothing serious is going to happen other than some minor character drama. Not every form of art has to push the boundaries and have a unique style.
All anime must have some kind of drama or a goal towards or else it's pointless. Nobody watches anime to "relax", we watch it to be entertained.
Ignoring the topic at hand, can anybody actually take a faggot who uses a goomba with a samurai sword as his avatar and represents it as him talking seriously? Like holy shit that guy is a faggot
>All anime must have some kind of drama or a goal towards or else it's pointless
what about polar bear café?
>Nobody watches anime to "relax"
Then why do those show sell?
>moe is a genre
You people never learn
Man, you don't even know the HALF of it.
70's truly was a heaven.
Jesus Christ this man is the epitome of autism.
>Gaijin Goombah
into the trash it goes
Is this the kind of cancer Sup Forums have to deal with every single day?
that example in the 80's, how is cat's eye moe? what is moe, clearly i have no idea.
Fuck off Gaijin Goombah, your voice causes fucking ear cancer.
That's because you have 2016 glasses on.
The word to describe "moe feelings" hasn't been invented then, but the japs knew what it was
Way to bump the thread faggot.
>posting weeb e-celeb
>posting a weeb e-celeb who isn't DemolitionD, Grumpy Oji-san or Pause and Select
First of all, fuck off and suck a dick. Secondly, no it isn't. As much as some people like to pretend, moe has been part of the medium in some form since its conception, so it isn't killing anime any more than the fats inside your body are killing you.
>gaijin goomba
I think you need to leave.
>Pause (literally who)
>Select (literally who)
Kill yourself along with OP you retarded redditor.
I think the problem is the same as in media industry in general: people have so much free entertainment these days that it has caused an inflation and people ain't willing to pay for shit unless they really have to (or it's super convenient).
> DemoD
> Redditor
I think you need to kill yourself, bud.
Grumpy Oji-san has been talked about on Sup Forums for years. I've never heard of the other two though.
>anyone other than Grumpy-jisan
You need to fuck off with your trash. You think you're than OP?
>lol my e-celebs is better than yours
dead meme
>e celeb trash
If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up. You disgust me.
Burn this whole thread with fire
>ft. Gaijin Goombah
>not a black weeb rapper
>video isnt even a song
I can't believe I gave them a (view)
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Crunchyroll bullshit got crap like Terraformars a second season.
Too bad the animation is bleh
>Gaijin Goombah
Into the trash it goes
moe is a feeling
Like how all the generic action shows on Toonami/AS get old the CGDCT gets old.
Isn't only Kuma Miko and Haifuri as that brand of show doing well and are losing to Jojo and Habanero?
>Being this triggered
If you truly haven't realized that moe is what sells modern anime then you should really lurk moar
Why did you bump this thread?
Why is this still going?
This thread is a travesty and 'gaijin goomba' is the cringiest little weeb piece of shit I've ever had the discomfort to listen to.
Not giving them a view.
Why is this thread still up? Where the fuck are the mods?
dead or useless as always
If you listened to him you've already given him a view dipshit.
Mods no longer care.
Once this crap hits 100 it'll be gone though.
Okay. Which one of you idiots didn't sage their post?
Oh, the irony, user...
You fags keep bumping it. Type in sage at least for fuck's sake.
where is the troid spammer at least
Busy deleting loli threads.
It was long while ago and not this video faggot.
Fucking kill yourself