For what reason are you not lifting right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes please post more ok
Because i'm not a cute girl
but you can be one :3c~
Going to start next week
im lifting for her
im also lifting my dick for her to release pressure
>its another normalfags blogging episode
Worst episode on this channel
Same here, stick to it user. Remember me a year from now.
I could take her in a fight
otp incoming
did she fuck her mentor?
Because I just got home from gym
SS is a meme
Do push, pull, legs for the first year
remember when Mumei was the best girl of the show?
neither do i
I want to see them like fucking very hard thought the blonde guy is almost gay but not gay at all just femenine, maybe he post on trap threads too I don't know.
Is she talking about her pussy here?
sure user
that episode was really cool
Pick one
Local Koito got /fit/ and beats up nerds who talk shit
In the shuffling madness
Of the locomotive breath
Runs the all time loser
Headlong to his death
new luluco first, today we deadlifts
But I am lifting user
It made Kurusu pretty damn based
>***,*32位 (**3,286pt) [*,*15予約] 2016年06月22日 甲鉄城のカバネリ 1(イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,104位 (**1,471pt) [*,**8予約] 2016年06月22日 【限定】甲鉄城のカバネリ 1(メーカー特典:「B2リバーシブルポスター」付)(全巻購入特典:「描き下ろしB2タペストリー」、全巻購入メーカー特典:「全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,*45位 (---,---pt) [*,**0予約] 2016年08月24日 甲鉄城のカバネリ 2(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,*81位 (---,---pt) [*,**0予約] 2016年08月24日 【限定】甲鉄城のカバネリ 2(メーカー特典:「B2リバーシブルポスター」付)(全巻購入特典:「描き下ろしB2タペストリー」、全巻購入メーカー特典:「全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,*51位 (---,---pt) [*,**0予約] 2016年10月26日 甲鉄城のカバネリ 3(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,*94位 (---,---pt) [*,**0予約] 2016年10月26日 【限定】甲鉄城のカバネリ 3(メーカー特典:「B2リバーシブルポスター」付)(全巻購入特典:「描き下ろしB2タペストリー」、全巻購入メーカー特典:「全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
Do you mean right this second? Cause I'm at work. If you meant in general. I already do.
shitposting between sets user?
Requesting the "MULTITRACK DRIFTING" image with Ikoma's face.
TRAINing gets results.
I guess this Koito show won't flop
That 10th track in OST feels really out of place. Hard to imagine how they could use it in the show.
Would there be even half as many Himefags if this scene was removed?
It is going to be the song of the finale.
Heading to the gym in 20 to attempt a pathetic new deadlift PR of 5x275 lbs. Followed by a nice dinner at a fancy Brazilian steakhouse.
>facebook filename
Fuck off with your garbage, normalfag.
>sweaty unwashed armpits.
Looks proper underage desu
Are you human or Kabane?
3DPD shit looks only slightly appropriately when is heavily photoshopped, kek.
>fresh prince for ants
I´m Habanero.
I want to be bullied by Mumei.
>Have a mud run tomorrow
Anime will help me recover.
So many GREAT girls in this anime.
Koito got swole. It's at my upper limit though so any bigger is gross.
Which girl is the patrician man's choice and why is it Hime-sama?
This episode was really good.
Jethro Tull?
user, I didn't expect such good taste around here.
Is Ayame-sama you fucking retarded nigger bitch
>The Ikoma-Mumei ship sails stronger than ever after this episode
Hime means princess you fuckface
too cute
It helps me with my gains.
what is Sup Forums squatting right now?
Fuck off reddit
I want to serve as her royal retainer.
What the fuck is wrong with her face
>that slight lift when putting her down
Oh, i like this.
Don't do this to me, please. Don't make me actually care what happens to them.
>that sheer joy on Ikoma's face knowing Mumei is safe in his arms again
Because I just lifted yesterday and I'm going to lift again tomorrow
Not him, but I made Jethro Tull references in my posts dozens of times and no one ever noticed
This made me feel
>NIPPON BANZAI anime romanticizing samurais and kimonos
>out of fucking nowhere comes a pidgin-speaking blonde gaijin with retarded goggles, a cleft chin and the most fabulous hair ever seen in feudal Nippon
For some reason this is the funniest bit of the whole show.
I crack up every time he speaks. I wish he had more lines.
Gaijin-kun is absolutely based.
Since his VA does the previews i hope he survives until the end
Ikoma you lucky bastard.
How much of a faggot will anii-sama be?
Then I'm sorry for not noticing.
I hope you find some heavy horses to ease your pain.
i already hit the gym today
>voiced by Miyano
Faggot in extreme, cant wait till Ikoma kicks his ass and tells him Mumei is not a tool
Let's see
He saved Mumei just so he could take away her name, have her thrown into some medieval weapons project that turned her into a kabaneri for his sole use as a weapon, and scarred her so badly that she can barely function in a social context.
>voiced by Miyano
He'll be an edgy faggot. Now when will 3, 4 and 5 show up?
I'm sick.
Also, I have so much work to do that I don't have time to stay /fit/.
>oh she saved us she must be good!
>it was just prank bro, we still cool right?
Holy fuck these are the most fickle assholes I've ever seen.
what a cute brother-sisterly duo.
People are pretty fickle user. Just look at Sup Forums and how it thinks of this series.
This faggot already has some merch even before he shows up.
Reminder mumei is 12
Will he get his ass kicked at the end, or he'll stay the "big strong man" and only get it next season?
Cause i highly doubt things will end with only this many episodes.
He's gonna steal Mumei at the end of this season and brag to Ikoma about how she's his and his alone, then leave triumphantly as sequel bait.
Didn't 3 showed up during Mumei flashback?
And every single person in here would fuck the shit out of her asshole.
She is too young for you oldfag
They're going to be part of Biba's crew. Mumei is his claw so they're his other parts.
She's not real, user.
It's ok because she's a habanero.
I want to bully Ikoma.
This guy? He doesn't have along ponytail or swords.
This. Also ignorant peasants can be easily impressed (and manipulated)
>I'm gonna take off my clothes and be fairly slender
>Oh yeah, between shots it turns out I took a fuckton of steroids and spent a few months at the gym
>Also I suddenly have the ribcage of a man
I'm really starting to get tired of the schizophrenic animation in this.
I'm a 26 year old virgin who is guaranteed a seat in the Hall of Wizards and I exercise at least 4 days a week.
I'd be lying if I said anime wasn't a big part of the motivation.