Hi guys , I successfully doxxed over 3000 Antifa members today. I didn't mean to but I will post the details on a Sup Forums Pass thread to prevent them from infiltrating us.
I believe if we all get together, we can each assign a chapter to go after and we will inevitably be able to expose all of them .
Bentley Barnes
Good lad/lass
Evan Cruz
you successfully doxxed them? so you ahve name/address/phonenr ???
...or do you just have their pictures u faggot?
Julian Turner
Yeah I did the same thing with the CIA's Bin Laden double.
Jonathan Stewart
Yeah I doxxed them, go to the thread and see all the names/ numbers/ addresses, parents places of work, etc
Ok you must be Anon299 I heard about you, def join the thread!
Caleb King
OP Can you please post the phone numbers in a list? We can all prank call the shit out of them.
Leo Hughes
i meant a few of the numbers... So no harm done plus we can piss them off.
Matthew Bennett
Cunt I need a link to the thread, it keeps kicking me out of it
Henry Ramirez
>All these Jewish names >all these shantY Irish No surprises in that thread so far, gonna start running the names against my database (work for a debt collection agency, we'll see who of these fags have jobs and where, results posted in pass thread)
Jacob Walker
other chan does a lot of doxxing you might get more support there.
Alexander Jenkins
is there someway you can link them to some org that sets this shit up?
Cooper Hall
Pastebin? Link?
Michael Green
Like of we can link them to paid protesters and then link them to an act of crime.
Carter Hall
shit my Sup Forums gold ran out, can someone spot me some? I need to get back to level 2
Asher Young
>141778741 G O O D O N Y A keep up the good work my boy.
Jack Ortiz
I already know this guy, he goes to university with me.
Zachary Howard
if you are serious ill buy you a sub because freedom
Owen Morgan
Gets me every time.
Colton Gray
I'm game.
Jason King
thanks a tonne dude, my gold ID is 46589, I'll see you on the other side