Now when it's finally over, let's settle this once and for all
What's your honest choice Sup Forums?
Ayanami or Rei?
ITT Vote time
One is an empty husk clone and the other is an insufferable bitch with a fucked up brain beyond repair. Germanbitch is better anyways
Both of them are shit
Misato is the best
What's the difference, they're both emotionless and boring
Second one developed some emotions and smile
She's called Ayanami in those scenes, Rei is what Gendo and Ritsuko use.
The one that develops emotions and learns how to smile.
I thought it was the other way around
Hot damn, my dick likes the black plugsuit. I hope they bring her soul back from the sdat in the last movie. Assuming it'll ever be released.
What was the latest update about the movie? Is it ever happening?
>Not even a list of the various clones.
Are you okay anyon?
The last update was that the English number is "Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0".
What? What is significant about that, and why don't they just use the number four?
For real, she's on a last name basis with her one friend in the world.
Rei is objectively shit
>voting over which toilet shit is the least shit
top kekmao
>Rei is best girl. Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
fuck off fireposter, Asuka a fucking tranny
>Asuka is le tranny!!!!!!! XDDD
This is Rei objectively being a toilet
Just saiyan
>Now when it's finally over
It isn't shithead.
>Sup Forums reaction image
>top kekmao
As an Asukafag, I apologize in name of those niggers.
Sorry senpai, not big on the toilet seat
t. reifag
Thanks for bumping the thread though.
>fireposter gets rekt
What a day to be alive.
And i thought germans were only cucks for moslems right now
I just found this thread, actually. I have no idea what happened, but you and chuckles seem to be more than happy summerfagging it up.
Took you this long to reset your IP, fireposter? Pathetic.
Just some asukafags shitting up humanity again. Darwin weeps at their place in the gene pool.
>One is an empty husk clone
That's because she didn't get to develop a personality in her short life time, being a clone.
She slowly learns to become a person through the series before she accidentally anne heroine'd.
The fire crotch also was socially retarded in her own way, being afraid to open up to people. Her mean personality was a way of pushing people away.
Here's your (you)
Yeah, well it says quite a bit about Reifags when one of the most iconic ones removed himself from the gene pool voluntarily. Rei a shit.
Yes the two most iconic asukafags are cockgobbling faggots. Anno's wife can no longer stand him and moot is a literal cuckold. Much like his waifu. Asuka a shit.
>have dozens of clones of your self
>one of them becomes an hero
>removed from gene pool
>using mootles as an example
He lost his mana at 19, said so himself.
>anno's wife
You do know she's a Kaworufag, right?
>Robin Williams has clones
This Reifag has lost it.
>You do know she's a Kaworufag, right?
Yes. Which proves that even she has better taste than you
Not a difficult thing to achieve, mind you
>I-I'll just pretend hebdidn't call me out hehe
Simply erick.
asukafags rambling incoherently again
Okay. We'll just pretend you didn't say Anno's wife was an Asukafag. We'll save you the embarassment.
implying both grills aren't best grill
You really are a fucking moron.
Oh. I didn't even consider you were reffering to Anno himself, who is by no means an Asukafag. Thought you were doing your whole ebin tranny xDmeme again. I still find it funny that Reifags blow up one innocuous, off handed comment of his. Goes to show insecure your lot is.
Asukafags confirmed for no reading comprehension.
But anybody with a hint of intelligence (ie all non-asukashitters) already knew that.
It can really be construed either way. You're just an abhorrent meme shitter who replies to himself when I don't take your low effort bait.
It can't. You're just dumb. This isn't even the first time you misread something and threw a bitchfit.
fireposter accusing other people of samefagging
the irony is delicious
It can you cumguzzling mongoloid, especially given filenames kun penchamt for tranny memes. Kindly gas yourself, because you're just him samefagging to feign rapport. You never fucking change.
You were called out for being retarded again and now you're throwing a temper tantrum.
Looks like mods need to throw you in the banned playpin again.
>being this butthurt
asukafags are now blowing themselves the fuck out
At least I'm not a gurofag.
>blow the fuck out yamyam
Underaged as fuck. Isn't gaia more your speed?
Gaia still exists? Honest question.
Only one with taste.
>At least I'm not a gurofag
Yes you are. Asuka is grotesque, after all.
I have no clue, actually.
But even that's not as utterly destroyed as an asukafag's talking points are.
But what takes the cake is Rei's asshole after being pried open by that Armisael dick. You could drink soup from that prolapsed anus and withoutba doubt, many Reifags would from that sundered shitter.
Nice reaching.
Asuka was the one made into soup, by none other than Rei herself.
nice fanfic, cucky. Note how the asukafag must spread falsities and blatant imaginings to cover up the canon failings of their worthless, incompetent, failure of a waifu, whose most significant thematic contribution was her brutal evisceration at the hands of 9 men.
Naoko was the original soup maker. Made sure to strain her ingredient just right.
>this fucking mad
>filenames kun is still fumung and posting hypocritical bullshit
Contender for longest amount of time spent mad. Get Ripleys Believe it or Not on the line. Jus sayin.
The faggot is absolutely livid all the time. I sincerely hope he implodes one day for clenching his anus too tightly. Maybe he'll create a singularity.
Naoko couldn't even handle the guilt and killed herself. Rei came back. And you know why Rei came back? Because her character is about fucking perseverance, through even the shittiest of situations.
Asuka's is about failure and breaking down the second something doesn't go your way. Weak and pathetic. Just like you.
Enjoy the tranny worms, fireposter.
>trying to make me look like I samefag
>implying I read anything beyond Naoko
>Asuka's is about failure and breaking down the second something doesn't go your way. Weak and pathetic. Just like you.
By god, son, that man has a family!
We can hope. Such a banishment would be a blessing. No one even likes filenames kun, why does he even stick around?
We all know you're unable to read.
That was one of the most poorly disguised samefags I've ever had the displeasure of viewing.
>this mad
Fucking laymow kid. You're a riot. Go back to being mad over in madtown.
He's hoping that one day asuka will come to life from his semen-encrusted windows 95 computer and berate and abuse him to validate his beta self loathing
asukafags reduced to incoherent raving again
>specifically mentions filenames kun
Filenames kun confirmed for trying to samefag while projecting about not being able to read. This case is adjourned. I'm off to catch some Z's.
Keep crying faggot.
Just fuck off to tumblr already trannyfag
still acusing of samefagging.
You're really trying to set a new record for volume of semen swallowed, aren't you?
Rei of course
>stupid poll
>fucking captcha