Is Shinji the only canonically gay shounen MC?

Is Shinji the only canonically gay shounen MC?

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I don't think he's necessarily gay (or straight). Teenage hormones are wacky, and Kaworu showed him affection (how genuine it was is up for debate) when he got basically none from anyone else.

If liking traps were gay then the MC of Prunus Girl would count I guess

Giorno Giovanna


There is Judai Yuki from Yugioh GX, but he is a very gay-leaning bisexual. Does that count?

stop posting this thread, faggot

Oh look the samefagging tumblrtard is back again.

If you are this desperate in wanting to act like a spambot on Sup Forums, I hope you will enjoy your 30 day bans as well, that all spambots like yourself receive.

wasn't the guy from Death note gay?

>shounen MC
If you knew what that meant, you'd realize this is a very dumb question.

>being gay
>masturbating on the other gender

Chose wisely my friend

He's not gay, that fucking angel faggot just confused him for half an episode.

I never watched Shitvangelion but he looks like a fag so yeah.

He also got a boner when Misato was tickling Asuka.

Asuka looks like a man so it doesn't count

He literally did the deed after seeing and exposing her breasts.

liking trap is gay tho

>faps to a grill


I've seen this exact thread multiple times you faggot.

>back in the day: use contrived "evidence" to prove someone was gay so you could kick his ass
>modern day: use contrived "evidence" to prove someone is gay so you could give him a hug and act progressive
Why is this allowed?

Small manly breasts. Get a life nerds

When was he ever involved in romance, apart from some hints with Asuka?

Yes he loved Johan. He was obsessed with him.
