Currently at the only screening for the Belladonna of Sadness remaster in my city. Any of you Sup Forumsnons get a chance to catch this in theatres?
Belladonna of Sadness
tomorrow in houston m8 cant w8
Watched the original years ago.
Is this going to be your first time watching it?
Yep, very hyped.
>Wanna go see it but college budget prevents me from even getting there
Man, i'll just be on my to watch list forever I guess.
>unsubtle symbolism animated smut
Why do people give a shit about it exactly?
Daryl Surat's favourite movie.
Cool, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but expect a lot of phallic imagery.
You'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you see it.
>great art
>good soundtrack
>copious amounts of Sup Forums's favourite fetish
You're going to what a copy of this movie user, it too visually dense to just watch once.
Fucking missed this in NY for my stepbrothers graduation, which he slept through. What rotten luck.
It's old. I don't care for it either, but I like the idea of restoration of things no one really asked for like this.
Anime World Order podcast host and Otaku USA writer.
FYI, just remember that Belladonna was directed by one of the people who directed the infamous Odin Photon Space Sailer Starlight.
No it was my 2nd time. But it was very enjoyable to see it on a big screen. I think I enjoyed more upon the second viewing.
Fuck! I was just in Capitol Hill Seattle an hour ago. Now it's too late to go to the screening.
This is the ultimate sadness.
Bell-user-a of sadness
Oh hey, I just got out of it. Stunning movie, really fucking cool. Definitely worth the big screen.
Oh wait. They're showing it all week long. I'll go tomorrow, although I've already seen it.
There was audible shock during this scene at my theatre. So many people weren't ready for this movie.
I can bet.
What was the reaction to the chase scene
you know, the ones with the dog rape
Too loud to tell, other notable reactions were laughter every time dick Satan came on screen, and general "what the fuck is this" during that one nonsense psychedelic montage you see in the trailer.
Now I'm wishing I hadn't watched it from the safety of my mom's basement
Just watch it again with mom for a similar experience. Or y'know, get off your ass and go see it.