Best loli thread?
I know Shinobu is pretty entry level but man I just can't resist her.
Best loli thread?
I know Shinobu is pretty entry level but man I just can't resist her.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the Coconut, all the time every time.
Don't judge me, but I love FEMALE PIG
Etotama wasn't very good.
Dess dess.
Pic didn't take
Fat pig is my waifu
I want to touch the mitsudomoe's nipples.
You're disgusting
I swear I put a picture
But user, he's so furry and soft.
He's Hitoha. Besides, pig is better
I'm loving this influx of loli threads.
Why are lolis the best?
Fuck off with these pedo threads. The sooner you all get v&, the better.
God it must be hilarious imagining the people having to deal with this shit every other day.
>We got a new one Dave.
>Oh yeah? Where from?
>Sup Forums.
>Ignore it.
>But this time I think they mean it.
>They always do Bob. They always do.
They have a filter with the word Sup Forums.
>anti-loli fags are this autistic
There's a reason you sick people have been told to stop, even moot finds you disgusting. These threads are a circlejerk where you all post pedophile porn and describe how you want to fuck girls under the age of 8.
Just fuck off already, you're tainting a board that has enough trouble as it is.
Lol why did you get arrested
You see some big wig read a post I made and perceived me as a possible threat because that's how out judicial system works
This the buzzword you reserve for those who call out your pedophilia when they see it? If only you understood the concept of irony.
Thanks for further proving your stupidity, pedophile.
Only detectives like the Mitsuboshi Colors can be best.
I like to imagine FBI agents gathered around a cozy leisure room with their hot chocolate and comfy turtlenecks after a long day's work of van duty. Then the big boss comes in and takes out the big projector and then they chill out and laugh reading all the 'tips' they get about Sup Forums.
They've probably been doing it for a decade now.
You're trying too hard my friend.
I imagine they take every one of these tips deadly seriously, going on pointless investigations for tips that rarely alert them to anything illegal all day is really the only way you can explain their ballooning budget.
Why would they need "tips" when moot sold out this site years ago?
>best loli
>not sakura
C'mon user.
Those are just the interns everybody else laughs at for taking the emails seriously.
Why would he go to Sup Forums for that?
I was responding exactly to what that message said. Btw although I like lolis a bit the thought of actually touching a real child is disgusting. Lolis look nothing like real children and I have never found an underage child attractive fuck that.
Source? Image search is nothing.
>this fat, greasy haired, mouth breathing pedophile thinks he knows what goes on in the fbi
That's what they all say, yet you display all the same symptoms. You're a sick human being, the sooner you accept it, the less likely you are to go to jail.
To be fair we really have little to no concept of the FBI but if anything with all the history Sup Forums probably is a sensitive subject for the FBI
what are these symptoms? Wouldn't accepting a problem make you act on it since you accepted it and all? your logic makes no sense
I think it's fair to assume the only thing the FBI cares about in relation to Sup Forums is how everyone here has the magical hacker power to explode vans from a long distance.
Why do you keep replying? This is exactly what these people want.
Why was Zvezda so shit? Kate was the perfect loli and they blew it and left it open with a sequel hook that will never get resolved.
I just hope I can use logic to make them understand. I guess I'm the idiot for doing this again and again while still expecting a different result.
They understand very well. All they want is to derail the thread to give an excuse to the mods to delete this thread.
The Raidens look really weird in there, angles are difficult.
lurk more it isn't even cropped
>Sup Forums has degenerated so far now that people don't even bother trying to hide their porn posting
A horrible time we live in, indeed.
It can't be helped I guess.
Not with the lax moderation that's been going on lately.
It's a shame because Sup Forums used to be my main board but now there's nothing but thinly veiled pornography threads everywhere and actual discussions about anime have all but died out.
It always makes me happy when someone posts lewd, it's like we're a united community that doesn't give a fuck about that sort of thing. If only Hiro really did make Sup Forums red during the nipplemod incident.
Can't say you're not wrong. Lewd threads should really go to /e/.
I wish Hiro would to do Sup Forums what he did to /tg/ with /qst/
Hiro did something other than adding useless board?
/e/ is for dumping though, not discussion. And yes these threads do count as discussion no matter how silly they get.
Bring back /l/?
Are you trying to say that /tg/ wasn't plagued by thousands of quest threads every week? There were so many of them that there was barely any room for actually discussing traditional games.
There are still some left but it's a hundred times better than how it was before.
Shinobu is a rare instance of both being easy to like on an entry level, and being a patrician choice for those with discerning tastes.
Why not? If that would get all the constantly horny pedophiles away from Sup Forums I'd be a happy man.
>And yes these threads do count as discussion
>i want to suck on sakura's clit while her thighs wrap around my head!
Great discussion, pedophile.
But that would be just an image dump board full of people from other boards. The best option would be leaving these kinds of loli threads on Sup Forums, telling this mod to never touch Sup Forums again, and lifting the loli/shota ban from the porn boards.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Lurk a few more lives before posting in here again.
Do you the same on the homo and yuri threads?
no she's just entry level
I was not refering to loli thread but to shit like ass and boobs threads.
sauce? reverse image search isnt working
>lax moderation
There is no lax moderation on Sup Forums, there is only lax self-moderation, the people who would keep the machine running have been chased off by the moderation by banning Sup Forums related threads like loli threads and discussion of actual anime and manga (see crime edge and VD for example) while insisting that things that Sup Forums hated be allowed on Sup Forums, such as korean comics and western dub threads. Couple that with the fact that they've cracked down on being rude to newfags and you have a total inability to keep Sup Forums content on Sup Forums instead of it turning into a pile of worthless meme threads and generals that are safer to create than putting any thought into a thread just to see it deleted for not being a general. Things will never change as long as the old guard remains in exile and these idiots who moderate Sup Forums simply because they hate it are allowed to have free reign.
Yeah thats Sup Forums. How new are you? This kind of thing happen to every threads here but when it happen with loli you get triggered? Come on dude whats with the double standard?
First day here?
That art style gave me diabetes, now I need a daily dose of insulolin.
Is she wearing a donut hat?
Bat is #2 loli.
>shit grammar
>shit taste
Seems about right.
Setting aside loli arguments, I hope you're not implying that top lolis and top girls in Monogatari are two different groups.
is this show worth getting into? what's with all the different arcs?
i tried watching the first episode and it seemed way too hipster
just watch it and if you dont like it after mayoi snail dont bother
If that's your reaction then, frankly, you don't deserve to enjoy it.
Who are you quoting fampai?
Kazoku desu.
I agree
But Zombie is the best Monogatari loli.
Also is it true the orange hat is her, not the body? Not that it makes me like her any less.
Piss piss.
Don't delete this
right here.
John is best IM
>Also is it true the orange hat is her, not the body?
Complete fanwankery. We've seen her in the show with her hat missing, nowhere to be seen.
Just like Ika Musume being he hat then?
Oppai loli a best loli.
Kinda wonder what anime this anti-lolifag watches
Mods are global user, he probably only really cares about /lgbt/ issues.