Are you wearing socks, Sup Forums?
Are you wearing socks, Sup Forums?
I don't wear many clothes, but I always make sure to wear socks.
I watched 2 episodes of this and dropped it, is it worth continuing?
Also mfw ED
>S2 faithfully adapting the rest of the manga never
This, sitting around naked with just stockings on is nice.
I want trannies to leave Sup Forums
It had weird plot twists that seemed too dark for the mood of the manga, but in general manga was great. Especially the ending.
Don't knock it till you try it.
Dude that's homo.
Wearing stockings isn't gay.
Unless you own a full british army uniform from the war of independence to go with those stockings it is gay
There's nothing gay about wearing stockings over your freshly shaven legs, user. Plenty of straight men do this.
That doesn't include you, cake boy.
The only time I wear socks is when I wear shoes.
I prefer tights.
if you really cared about yourself youd read it
kinda tough even if there was any incentive to do it since the anime changed a bunch of shit in order for there to be some kind of conclusion
Why would you post such a shitty image?
Are those dude feet or grill feet? This is important.