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What does Sup Forums think about Capitalism? Also, vid related:
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The system we have is fucked up, the rich don't pay taxes, the middle class does and they all go to the welfare class.
Interesting, how would you go about fixing such a thing. The graph seems to show poverty has remained stagnant despite increased spending.
I have some issues with capitalism. Mainly I think it has played a big role in degenerating the traditional family as well as having an impact on birth rate. I'm no expert but I don't think there is a better system in America than capitalism, we are too big of a country for anything else
Works but leads to degeneracy
>Mainly I think it has played a big role in degenerating the traditional family as well as having an impact on birth rate
This infographic goes into more detail
I agree, it's like the saying "sex sells"
>capitalism has existed since the end of feudalism(15th century)
>traditional values, family & birth rates are fine, and indeed prosper, for hundreds of years
>Europeans build largest empires world has ever seen under capitalism
>birth rate and family degeneration start in the 20th century after two devastating world wars, a great economic depression, huge technological advances, and many other world-changing events
>it was capitalism's fault all along
How does this logic make sense to you?
Ben is against CRONY capitalism.
>the movement based on internationalism is actually nationalistic and private property doesn't exist but it's owned by the people who put effort into it and traditional relationships are oppressive and feminism is good but unlike those evil capitalists we make sure to preserve them and materialism and being proud of things is bad but we can give you cool stuff too and the USSR was a tradcon paradise but we are so progressive unlike those evil feudalist societies where those tradcon values came from and you should care for literally everyone but conserve your culture lol how does communism contradict itself evil capitalist?
I am amazed at how stupid you are
You dumb ass, kikeism was still subserviant to the monarchies and more idealistic foundations rather than the materialistic capitalist foundation we live in now. THe merchant class got triggered at having to cuck out to the monarchs and fermented revolutions to reform society to allow
>capitalism has existed since the end of feudalism(15th century)
Actually capitalism, has only existed since 150 years ago. In some areas it has only existed for 25 years. And notice, the city wageslaving capitalists have always had lower birth rates than the rural folk. Capitalism is a disease.
Nice edit.
I'm actually the first person in my family lineage to live under capitalism. I will say it's flawed to the core and isn't natural for me.
>capitalism has only existed since 150 years ago
>proving that when Europeans had the most expansive empires and greatest power, they were capitalist
not really helping yourself out here m8
>i-it wasn't capitalism, it was mercantilism/monarchism/feudalism so it doesn't count!
Capitalism is the system of the Jews. They used it to overthrow the Christian monarchies of Europe and assume control through their central banking system. Haven't you noticed that the richest, most powerful people in a capitalist society are always the Jews?
That was from Imperialism. Either way, it was pretty shitty for the common folk. Although there was high wealth, the wealth wasn't realized by the average person because of high wealth inequality.
I agree, capitalism is a scheme that Jews use to hijack power. However, I don't understand why so many Sup Forumstards defend it.
85% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish you socialist scum
You're new and it's showing
This has been disproved multiple times.
get better arguments kiddo
>wealth wasn't realized by the average person
The Industrial Revolution has brought the world's average quality of life higher than it ever has been before you retard
What does Sup Forums think of Feudalism?
Whats there to say? This website or your computer wouldn't exist in a socialist paradise
What a coincidence that the most important and influential members of the Party are 33% Jewish. What a coincidence indeed.
Also it doesn't matter if communism is Jewish or not, it is inherently damaging to the white race.
Define capitalism.
A pretty good system that's demonized far too much.
We are living in socialism dumbass. The Dollar is the socialism. Planned by central banks.
Our current system is crashing down as we were compromised off the cliff. Capitalism is a lie. The individual, the nation and building on our traditions are the most important things. Take responsibility for your self and your children.
>The Industrial Revolution has brought the world's average quality of life higher than it ever has been before you retard
You couldn't be further from the truth you purposefully disingenuous cock sucking capitalist shill. The capitalist system has removed more people from self-reliance and independence than any other system. Capitalists have bought land that countryfolk lived on for hundreds of years, forcing them off their land, and forcing them to work as wageslaves in their factories for pennies a day. Capitalism is basically legalized theft.
Nope, we're living in late stage capitalism
Capitalism only works on paper. It is not meant to be a long term solution. The only reason it is still around is because banks are performing black magic to keep it going as long as possible.
>working long, hard hours everyday is bad if it's in a factory, but good if it's in a farm!
Primitivist retard detected
>Capitalism is basically legalized theft
So is private property, but abolish private property and all hell breaks loose.
Private ownership of the means of production. Characterized by the rise of industrial capitalists, private factory owners.
I thought Ben Garrison was a lolberterian? Is he slowly morphing into the meme charicture of himself?
>highest quality of life of all existence
>peace on earth, low crime, slowly improving around the world
>some people make some things I don't like so we're collapsing!!! DEGENERACY!!!1!!
>the system is corrupted
let's burn it all down and implement a different system
>the system is corrupted
let's burn it all down and implement a different system
>the system is corrupted
let's burn it all down and implement a different system
>the system is corrupted
let's burn it all down and implement a different system
gee, maybe the problem is corruption and not which type of system we're using? do we really need to try it again to confirm that some animals are more equal than others?
a based German, never thought I'd see the day
Wow thats a powerful image.
Also, the "third world countries" that you speak of in Africa and such are the ones in which people are forced to farm to survive. Which you want, but then complain about, but can't justify, because you have no real argument and are just an edgy teenager whose ideology will never succeed.
Here is one simple argument that OP from /leftypol/ won't be able to counter.
Communists and other economic leftists believe in collective ownership of the means of production. One of their core concepts is that the working class should seize the means of production and start a fair redistribution of wealth thereafter.
This is nothing but wishful thinking. It implies that the working class is so naturally talented and adept at management that as soon as it gets access to the means of production, everything will work smoothly. If the proletariat is really good, why doesn't it start small right away? You can easily amass the initial capital by fundraising. No seizure is needed. The workers and left-wing enthusiasts just have to chip in, it works. Then you launch your collectively owned enterprise and share profit among each other however you like. Over time, it might grow bigger, more people might join and start doing the same - voila, your dream comes true. But it doesn't happen because the working class is dumb, and the leftist ideologues are incompetent.
I am not saying that collective ownership is not possible at all. With the right organization culture, it well might be. But in that case, it will work perfectly well in the market economy. Which means, the market is the only way. You either play it and try to implement your gimmicks on market terms, or you're a delusional fool betrayed by history itself.
>highest quality of life of all existence
>No friends, no family, no relationships. No meaningful interactions with other people. Little time to pursue interests. Just being a wageslave for the rest of your adult life
WTF I love capitalism now?!?
The people that own the means of production don't do the managing. They hire other workers like foremen and managers to do that.
In general as German say. Stupid people allow corrupted politics to make there work with industries and banking system and stupid people dont see anything wrong or see it after fact. Main problem this civilization is that, most of people dont care anything than money and none system economic change it.
>The people that own the means of production don't do the managing. They hire other workers like foremen and managers to do that.
Not an argument. Nothing stops the workers from doing the same. You have fundraising as a tool to accumulate the initial capital.
You sound like a real good goy
Under capitalism, capital is an insurmountable barrier for most to create a business. Even if you start one and it doesn't go under, it'll probably be bought up by the too big to fail companies that perceive a competitive threat.
Your point is invalid. People during the Victorian era had far longer and tougher work hours than people have today, and arguably were more "wageslaved" than today. However, birthrates and social interaction were high during this period, and indeed populations soared. How will you explain this? You can't, because the things that you just described are due to social, cultural and technological changes, not economic ones.
>i-if I don't have an argument against something, I'll just call it Jewish!
Even legitimate natsocs have better tactics than this.
So, what stops the working class from organizing more competitive cooperatives? As I said, if you're really cause-driven, it won't be a problem to create a lot of noise and encourage people to donate to you
>People during the Victorian era had far longer and tougher work hours than people have today
Yes compared to the early industrial era because of socialist policies like reducing work day hours.
>However, birthrates and social interaction were high during this period, and indeed populations soared
Skewed mostly by the rural folk.
>You can't, because the things that you just described are due to social, cultural and technological changes, not economic ones.
Capitalism directly affects all those aspects.
>So, what stops the working class from organizing more competitive cooperatives?
Capitalism isn't interested in competition. Just who could deliver the cheapest products using cheap materials and labor. Otherwise walmart and all these made in china products wouldn't be so widespread.
>As I said, if you're really cause-driven, it won't be a problem to create a lot of noise and encourage people to donate to you
Donate for what? Again, you're projecting this capitalist mindset onto everything. Some of us don't understand capitalism, it just isn't natural to us.
Your argument is literally not an argument either.
>Capitalism isn't interested in competition. Just who could deliver the cheapest products using cheap materials and labor.
Maybe then just find a niche you can compete in?
>Donate for what?
To independent workers changing the world with collective ownership. It's not even bad if it's on market terms. Many leftists might chip in.
>Yes compared to the early industrial era because of socialist policies like reducing work day hours.
Workers' rights doesn't mean that they're socialist.
>Skewed mostly by the rural folk.
But immediately before the industrial revolution, almost the entire population was rural. Birth rates actually increased during industrialization, so it would have been implausible for rural people alone to have skewed the results.
>Capitalism directly affects all those aspects.
Of course, but it also goes the other way around
>b-but you did it too!
Pointing out someone else's argument has flaws in it is not, in itself, an argument
No arguments left, eh? You lose again, commies.
i really like the idea of capitalism, i wish i lived in capitalist country. i think i would have a lot of opportunities there.
Stopped at family is central to a balanced life. I read the manifesto homie. They want the family dissolved. That's the opposite of building up the family