
This is a thread about best girl.

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Where were you when Speedstar and Lovepon went coo coo for cocoa puffs?

Goddamn that's awful.

you meant to post this, don't worry though i fixed it for you

I'm waiting for this to end so I can marathon but I watched the first two episodes, how is Latte doing? Best girl from what I remember.

>covering the chin
What's even the point?

Still being a best

Shhh, best girl is sleeping.

Was he seriously about to grab the knife by the blade?

concealing his power level

Why isn't that one edited, he would look great there without the fucking chin.

They're all originally from Nanaki Village, where they grew up together in an orphanage. Masaki used magic to force Mitsumune to love her.

>Speedstar made Valkana his bitch last episode
>somehow he isn't hayai enough to take a fucking knife from Koharun.

I guess Koharun has a higher power level.

for half a second, Judgeness actually seemed cool


I want to give Hayato the love he needs and make him get over Mitsumune.

I want to make him happy.

I want to protect his smile.


He's having the time of his life as a chuuni.

Maybe he even defeated his inner demon using THAT.

Remember when Dahara was a cheerful guy?

Who is the strongest character in this show you think?



I don't like him but I really want to fuck him. I can't wait for this show to end so these conflicting feelings can end.

He's gonna snap

They saw the chinless edits.

>yfw best character confirmed for alive


Surprising QUALITY for a shot where almost nothing moves.

>oh shit, arrows
>humans are the real monsters, they've gone full Lord of the Flies
>nope just Assbound

I never know how to feel about this show.

hard to tell. We haven't seen Judgeness' ice powers yet

She dodged his hand before she even saw him in the sequence before this.
Koharun is fucking spec ops tier.

did driver molest them?

My husbando is always cool, user. The bow just made him even cooler.

Dozaemon will win the Lovepon, you fucker.

This series has been getting really shitty and awkward these last three episodes. Or is it just me?

You just gotta love PG's face reactions




It's a pacing issue, I imagine.
We learn so little each episode and so little happens, but at the same time there's enough happening that we don't get characters sitting around having amusing off-the-cuff banter anymore. Everything's serious, but that serious atmosphere isn't getting us anywhere.

I kept thinking they were going to knock out the bus driver after his breakdown. Instead they actually felt bad for him then disgusted because he was begging Masaki for his daughter. It was pretty refreshing but I still feel like they will try to kill the driver or remove him in the next episode.


This episode was really bad, yeah.

Did we ever finish this monstrosity?

they just crashed through the wall of dialog with a fucking bus because of how stuck they were in the mud of the plot

yeah this is the trainwreck of the year

I constantly feel like I'm being fucked with/made a fool while watching Mayoiga. Every episode is some bullshit manufactured drama cliffhanger.

M/a/yoiga sings Hippopotamus Song when?

Mitsumune should say that's bullshit but I believe it.

When is Light Zong going to realize Masaki is a dirty liar?


now Dahara has a chance

Speedweed needs a nice, submissive boyfriend, like Wanko.


Y'know what nevermind, I'm just gonna go kill myself after that fucking mistake

Sad how it's PROBABLY bad animation rather than a plot point.

But, the driver is really Reijii


>is this ghost serious.png

First time I saw it. I want to see it finished though.

Last week's episode and the first part of this one made me feel that, but Bus-chan saved the day and everything after that was great. Even the obligatory cliffhanger was fairly tame thanks to all the shit that went down earlier.

Shadow Chie strikes again.

>he removes his eyepatch

While I never expected the show to be 'good', I wish they'd try a little harder. Just a few changes here and there to various scenes and bits of dialogue and the show would be better.

I want Lion on my dick and Misato on my face.

JACK IS BACK. Not the Jackness I hoped for, but it's something.

If he ever does that, you know shit will be down.

I have to agree. I think it's because we're eight episodes in and about 1 person has died so far. We're at a "get on with it" kind of situation.


What are the chances Yottsun didn't really die?

She actually creeps me out for some reason.

1000 yottsuns in movie maker.

Who is brave enough to make Toriyasu To Endo from Dagashi Kashi? I would, but I lost all my caps from it.

With a cast this large they really needed to ramp ump the character interactions. Most of the scenes feel like a disjointed social situation made by aliens.


Do you have the eurobeat edits from the first episode?

What would your reaction be if this bitch got grilled and was like "but muh cousin"?

>yfw Mitsumune summoned Rider

Is it the no shoes?

>still wanting a bloodbath
I think waiting for "dead" characters to reappear has been way more exciting than any actual deaths could have been.



Don't believe Masaki's lies



He fell down a hill at night

>eyepatch guy

Fucking perfect song choices.

>mfw the bus driver opens the door looking like a fucking zombie

He ran with scissors.

He was in the forest group. They were running, and they all turned and saw Jack. He stumbled backwards like a faggot and fell off a cliff. Supposedly.

They did the same thing with Kabaneri

yeah wtf

I thought he was possessed or something.

Why is Masaki lying so much, is she the mastermind after all?

I don't see how anyone could die at this point. What happened to Yottsun is a mystery.

Well I believe masaki story but I think there is more to it. Parts of her memories might have been wiped out or distorted. That's why she doesn't really know what is going on either.

It's not really a desire for a bloodbath as so much a desire of something of significant and irreversible consequence to happen. Otherwise it's just a bunch of talking and revelations that go no where.

Nanko is fucking disgusting.

>whole gang fails to get the bus out
>Driver does it all by himself
Excalibus listens to no one but its rightful master.

I hope Dozaemon eats her.

Holy shit four replies while I deleted my post and goog'd it.

>tfw you will never pinch her tummy